Redeeming God’s Time…Jan. 18th

Redemption is an interesting word. By definition it means the “deliverance or rescue” of something. But what is worthy of redeeming? We sing ‘redeemed how I love to proclaim it,’ ‘let the redeemed of the Lord say so,’ and ‘…for on the holy cross hast Thou the world from sin redeemed.’ We know, in Christ, we have been redeemed, but what else can we redeem?  Welcoming redeem God's timeChris McCurley to Waterview’s pulpit this coming Sunday morning we look forward to hearing his thoughts on redeeming time.

It makes me think about the old hymn ‘Softly and Tenderly’ as we sing the third verse (though we won’t be singing it this week), “Time is now fleeting the moments are passing…” With time ‘fleeting,’ lasting for a very short time, how can we redeem it. Perhaps, more importantly, we should ask ourselves, who owns our time? Join us as we consider redeeming GOD’S time.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, January 18, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Holy Ground Medley” – 100 &101

A strong, spiritual medley that turns us toward the holiness of God. Be careful this Sunday morning as you come together to worship God as a collective body of believers. Two young men came to worship God (they were actually leading the worship) and give Him a sacrifice that wasn’t pleasing (acceptable) to God, and immediately suffered the consequences. To know why, one need only read the words of the boy’s uncle found in Leviticus 10:3, “It is what the Lord spoke, saying, ‘By those who come near Me I will be treated as holy…” As we come to worship this morning remember, we’ll be standing in His holy presence, on Holy Ground.

“Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?” – 324

One of the most pointed lyrics from the pen of Isaac Watts, this spiritual song reminds us that we have a Savior who bled and died and devoted Himself, His ‘sacred head for such a worm as I.’ But is that the way we sing it? Do we call ourselves ‘worms?’ The Psalmist (David) once wrote in Psalm chapter 22, verse 6, “But I am a worm and not a man.” Job, in his despair, made the same acclamation (Job 25:6). Understanding the meaning of this humble statement, we see the reference to our feeble and despised condition. Without God, we are but worms. We’ve changed the wording to ease our minds and satisfy our self esteem. But I can’t miss the message…my Savior bled and died for me.

“Take Time to Be Holy” – 731

In a fast paced world we rarely slow down long enough to ‘smell the roses.’ Not to mention, taking time to be holy. But what does that mean? How can I ‘take time’ to be holy? Consider the words of the poet W.D. Longstaff; …1) speak often with your Lord, 2) abide in Him always and 3) feed on His word (read the Bible.) 4) Make friends of God’s people, 5) help those who are weak and 6) never forgetting to seek His blessings. In addition we should 7) be calm in our souls, 8) letting each thought and each motive be in His control. (That’s a hard one when you think about it!) But, when we do these things we’ll be led by His Spirit and better fitted for His service. Perhaps that’s how we ‘take time to be Holy.’take time

“Sing On, Ye Joyful Pilgrims” – 747

Fanny J. Crosby added a great thought in the chorus of this song, “…my heart is filled with rapture (joy), my soul is lost in praise.’ How often do we get ‘lost in thought’ during the course of the day? But what a concept that our souls would be ‘lost in praise.’ Translated, nothing else matters except praising our God.

“Higher Ground” – no book

A spiritual song we know well, but one we sing with a renewed twist. Men echo throughout the verses and chorus as we encourage each other to press on toward heaven.

“Savior Lead Me” – 409

A call to repentance as we sing this hymn for our Savior to lead us. But notice where we’re asking Him to lead us. Certainly heavenward and away from the stormy billows, but as I sing the chorus I’m asking for Him to lead me, “gently down the stream of time…” He is our refuge and we will be ‘safe when by His side,’ but as He leads us, will we follow Him? Are we willing, and honestly ready to obey Him and follow where my Savior leads me?

“Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand” – 613

“Time is filled with swift transition, naught of earth unmoved can stand…” But what does that mean, “naught of earth unmoved can stand.”?  Naught means nothing, so we build upon this principle as we consider the poetry. Nothing on earth will continue without being changed/moved. In short, everything is changing here on earth. However, as we hold to God, His unchanging hand (referencing Jesus in Hebrews 13:8), we know we can build upon Him. Building our hopes on things eternal and looking to redeem God’s time as we hold to His hand.

Be Careful Who Your Friends Are…Mar. 23rd

Paul’s letter to the church in Corinth was, at times, very pointed. This church struggled with factions (chapter 1, verse 11), immorality (chapter 5), immaturity (chapter 3) and abuse of the Lord’s Supper (chapter 11). To be honest, certainly these are things we struggle with today. But one statement he makes in the 15th chapter can attribute to all these alignments. “Bad company corrupts good morals.” (I Corinthians 15:33)

As a young boy, my daddy kept a live trap line that would snare opossum, raccoons, Skunk in Grasssquirrels and other small ‘critters.’ Each morning before going to school he would check his traps, and on occasion he would find a skunk. When that skunk would ‘leave its mark,’ daddy would go to school without being able to remove the after effects of his morning’s work. (In the 1940’s you took a bath every Saturday night, not Tuesday morning before school.) Needless to say, when he arrived at the school house, everyone knew ‘who’ he had been with. In true fatherly form my daddy left me with this nugget of truth…”Know this, if you’re going to run with the skunks, you’re going to stink.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, March 23, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Come, Thou Almighty King” – 19

A strong hymn of praise as we sing to our God. Asking Him to help us to sing and praise. Asking Him to come hear our prayer, and come and bless His people. These first two verses we’re asking for intersession and His marvels working in our lives. But the third verse is a focus of praise on His ‘sovereign majesty.’ Would that we daily…love and adore Him…

“O Come Let Us Adore Him” – 264

Picking up where the previous song leaves off we sing…“O come let us adore Him…we’ll praise His name forever…For He alone is worthy!” Lift your voice and join us in songs of praise!Jesus in the Garden1

“Night with Ebon Pinion” – no book

Night had fallen as Christ and His disciples went to the Garden of Gethsemane. In this song, notice the poetry as we sing of the dark wings of night (night with ebon pinon) settling over the valley (brooded o’er the vale). Each verse exhibits a scene in the garden where Jesus prayed. Especially we read verse 3, “Abba, Father, Father, if indeed it may, let this cup of anguish pass from Me I pray. Yet if it must be suffered, by Me, Thine only Son, Abba Father, Father, let Thy will be done.” Now read the scripture… “Abba! Father! All things are possible for You; remove this cup from Me; yet not what I will, but what You will.” Mark 14:36

“Ancient Words” – no book

“Holy words, ever true, changing me and changing you. We have come with open hearts, O let the ancient words impart.” How open are our hearts to God’s word? Do we just sing these words or do we truly understand and come ready to have God’s word imparted upon us?

“Bind Us Together” – 704

Sung since the mid-1970’s, this hymn has been asking God to keep us (His children) be more united. There is only one God, only one King (Jesus) and only one body (the church). Let’s focus on staying together and understand God is not divided…I Corinthians 1:10, Now I exhort you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all agree and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be made complete in the same mind and in the same judgment.”

“We Will Glorify” – 578

As a ramp up to our lesson this morning we sing…“we will glorify the King of Kings, we will glorify the Lamb.” Written by Twila Paris in the 1980’s, this spiritual song has been the inspiration to many as we sing about God’s glory and majesty. He is the great I AM!

“Take Time to be Holy” – 731

Perhaps not your typical ‘invitation song’, we do sing this song of encouragement to each other. Encouraging each another to pray often (speak oft with thy Lord), read the Bible (feed on His word), fellowship with other Christians (make friends of God’s children) and help those who are less fortunate (help those who are weak). We’ll sing all three verses this morning as we strive to prepare ourselves for our heavenly home (to be ‘fitted for service above.’)

“Blest Be the Tie that Binds” – 711

This spiritual song was written in 1782 by John Fawcett, a preacher who was leaving his church home. This closing song echoes of the love we have for each other. Would that we truly feel pain when we part ways, but it seems more likely we’ll just say, “see you next week.” As God’s family, His children, we share a bond that is deeper than anything on this earth. But if you’re not careful, your friendship with the world will cause your ties with Christian brothers to weaken and eventually break. It’s kind of like running with the skunks, people will know you by ‘how you smell.’ So you see it is true, you really should…Be Careful Who Your Friends Are!

How Can We Redeem a Moment of Time?…Jan. 5th

With the beginning of a new year you might find yourself asking the question, “Where did the time go?”  Each day we spend on this earth is a gift.  Each minute we live out is a reflection of our heart at that moment in time.  But what if we say something or do something but we ‘didn’t mean it.’  We know that our behavior/words at that moment don’t reflect who we really are or what we want to be.  How do I get that ‘minute’ back?

moving time backNew Year’s resolutions are a common practice during the next few weeks.  We ‘resolve’ to do better, make some changes and demonstrate a new practice for this new year.  And each day we’ll make decisions (just like last year) to eat better and work-out more.  But when the day is over and our resolve has ‘dissolved,’ how do you get it back?  Can you get it back?  Is there any hope we might be able to ‘redeem a moment of time?’  Join us Sunday morning as we welcome in a new year and consider how we spend our time… 

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also. I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, January 5, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“We Praise Thee, O God” – 2

This song is filled to the brim with thankfulness and praise coming from our hearts as we sing to our Father. The first four verses echo with our gratefulness and thankfulness to Him and in verse five, the writer, William MacKay helps us to turn our attitude in a way of humbly asking God for His favor. In verse five we sing, asking our Father to “revive us again” and to let each of our souls be,“rekindled with fire from above.” How powerful the words that we sing. It only begins to help us to recognize how small and powerless we are compared to the, “God of all grace”.  Let us allow Him to ‘rekindle our spirits’ this morning as we begin our time of praise and adoration.

“In Christ Alone” -no book

This song is not in most hymn books, but what a powerful message it has we sing.  With each verse of this song we hear, “In Christ Alone”, and it helps us to realize that we can only do our best things through Christ alone. He is our “cornerstone” and our “solid ground” and as we prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper let us reflect on how we should rely on him more. 

“Fairest Lord Jesus” – 288

After the Lords supper we will sing of our beautiful Savior.  We will sing a verse that is not in the book but is still as powerful reminder of our Savior’s love.  “Beautiful Savior, Lord of all nations! Son of God and Son of Man. Glory and honor, praise, adoration, Now and forever more be thine!” What a beautiful verse as we praise Him in saying, “Fairest Lord Jesus!”

“Remind Me, Dear Lord” – 606 We recognize in singing this song that the earthly things that we have are “just borrowed, they’re aren’t mine at all.” curtainIn the chorus of this song we ask our Father to open our minds, help us search our memories and to remember where we have come from. What a touching scene this would be, if humbly we come to him and ask for His patience with us.  We, as His children plead with him and I can imagine myself in a small and quiet voice saying, “Roll back the curtain of memory now and then.  Show me where You brought me from and where I could have been….”

“Take Time to Be Holy” – 731

As your new year is underway, consider how often you will take time to stop and strive to be holy?  Honestly, I’m afraid we make time for Him and therefore fail to get the nourishment that we need to grow as Christians. This song is merely encouraging us to as the “world rushes on” to seek Him in His guidance and council.  And as we do let us consider each of our thoughts, deeds and motives and be sure they are, “beneath His control”.

“A New Creature” – 619

This song is a song that is meant to be sung to one another as encouragement. In the third verse T. O. Chisholm pinned some very inspiring words, “Sin hath no more its cruel dominion, walking ‘in newness of life’ I am free, glorious life of Christ, my Redeemer, which He so richly shareth with me.” As we walk in our “newness of life” with Christ let us be reminded of what He sacrificed so we could share heaven with Him.

“Why Do You Wait?” – no book Serving as our invitation song this morning, we sing/ask the simple question of; “Why do you wait, dear brother?” Very simple and yet very to the point. Many times in life we may reach the time when we’re asked this question. “Why are you delaying?  What do you hope to gain by stalling?” The questions that we are asking are so simplistic, and yet many times the answer escapes us.  I don’t have a good reason for putting off what needs to be done.  When it comes to accepting Christ as your Savior just remember…“There is no one to save you but Jesus, there is no other way but His way.”

“Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand” – 613hold to His hand

A song of encouragement that is meant to be sung as reassurance.  Even though our lives are “filled with swift transition…” (lots of changes) and even, “if by earthly friends forsaken” we find comfort in the consistency of God’s strong hands.  Serving as a constant theme throughout the song, we encourage each other to hold to Gods Unchanging Hand.  It’s hard to redeem time once it’s passed, but holding tight to the Father’s hand will be a decision you’ll never regret.

Sermons from an Empty Pew…July 28th

empty pew

You might be familiar with the adage, “Actions speak louder than words.”  A smile
might tell you someone is happy while a frown expresses disappointment or frustration.  But honestly, what sermon could we possible hear from an empty seat?  Is anything to be learned when someone is missing from church services.  Is it that big of a deal when someone is ‘MIA’ from the assembly?

Each Sunday morning God’s people come together to worship, edify, study and commemorate Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary.  But what are the consequences when a Christian doesn’t come? What is the lesson we can learn from ‘an empty pew?’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, July 28, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“O Worship the King” -144

A great song of praise and that many are familiar with.  But with familiarity comes an opportunity for laziness.sun in the clouds  We know some songs so well we sing them without given them much thought, a dangerous maneuver.  For example; we sing the third verse with energy, “O worship the King, all glorious above, And gratefully  sing His wonderful love;  (no problem so far, we understand what we’re saying) Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, pavilion-ed in splendor and girded with praise.”  When you sing this song recognize that as God is covered with brilliancy (magnificence), He is also surrounded (enthroned) with praise!”

“I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord” – 609

Are there things you are ashamed of?  Things you’d rather not have ‘in the open?’  Is your faith in Jesus one of those things?  Without hesitation we would say “NO”, but how many of your peers on the job or in your circle of influence know how important Jesus is to you?  Some might say they are not ashamed of Christ, but the question comes in the next line…will you defend His cause?

“Til My Faith Becomes Sight” – 836

“Tho they slay me, tho I fall; in darkness You are light, Jesus.  I will keep my eyes on You till my faith becomes sight.”   Dennis Jernigan writes this song and some may wonder, who would slay me; I know there’s times I fall, but how can I keep my eyes on Jesus when it’s dark?  Remember the battle and keep in mind, our falling and the darkness of this world is not physical, but spiritual.  Keep your eyes on Christ as your faith is strengthened in Him.

“Take Time to Be Holy” – 731

The message of this song is simple, but extremely thorough.  Notice what happens when we take the time to be holy.  We will speak often with our Lord.  We will feed on His word (read the Bible).  We’ll make friends of God’s children, the family of God, and we’ll help those who are weak.  Then above everything else (in all that we do), we will seek His blessings.  And to think, that’s just the first verse!Thanksgiving

“We Gather Together” – no book

Some might remember this old hymn (spiritual song) as one we sang in November, around Thanksgiving time.  It does lean toward being thankful for all God has given us, but my intention is for us to consider this first line; “We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing…”  As a congregation of God’s people we need to be ready, willing and eager to gather together.

“How Firm a Foundation” – 457

Ask any engineer and you’ll hear that your structure is only a solid as the foundation it’s built upon.  In Christ we have a firm foundation, one that won’t crack, shift or crumble throughout the years.  A foundation with a guarantee, a seal as Paul says when writing to Timothy, “…the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, ‘The Lord knows those who are His,’ and “Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness.’ “  So, how is your foundation?  Or maybe you should ask, how’s your seal? 

“Great Are You, Lord” – no book

Before our lesson this morning we’ll praise God with this hymn of praise.  ‘Holy Lord, most holy Lord! You alone are worth of our praise!’  He is great and He is worthy.  Lift up your voice and give God the praise.  This morning, tomorrow morning, every morning we should be ready to proclaim, “GREAT ARE YOU LORD!”

“I Am Resolved” – 948

Every January 1st you find people making their ‘new year’s resolutions.’  A time when you say you fix your mind toward accomplishing your goals.  A time when you promise yourself personal achievement.  A new year, a new start, a new goal.  But this invitation song is more than just a first of the year promise.  As we sing, we sing to confirm a promise.  We are resolved no longer to linger, to go to the Savior, to follow the Savior, and ultimately, to enter the kingdom.  In your resolution do you hasten to Him or just take your time?

“Will Jesus Find Us Watching” – no book

When Jesus comes back to receive His own where will you be?  What will you be doing?  This spiritual song is one I remember from my child-hood.  Standing in the auditorium at 1st Street church of Christ in Dumas, Texas I remember standing beside my brother and singing the chorus of this song, “O can we say we are ready, brother?  Ready for the souls bright home?  Say, will He find you and me still watching, waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come?”  So…how about it; are you ready, are you watching?