In 1963, Little Peggy March recorded a song written by Franck Pourcel that many, if not all, of us have heard at one time or another. Though this song was first recorded and release in Europe during the 1950’s; during the spring of 1963, it hit #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. This made Ms March the youngest female artist to have a U.S. chart-topping single. Its popularity resurfaced in 1992 when Hollywood featured it in the movie, “Sister Act”. The song that enjoyed such early and recent success is entitled…”I Will Follow Him”.
As a child of God, a believer in Jehovah, we are called to ‘follow Him’. Jesus said in Matthew 4:19, “Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men.” If you say you’re going to follow someone, to what extent do you (will you) follow them? Too often we follow until the road gets too rough. We don’t mind ‘going along’ as long as the way we’re going is easy. But make the way unsteady or difficult and watch how many give up, sit down and stop walking.
So what does any of this have to do with singing? When it comes to our songs of praise and edification, are we doing what God wants or what we enjoy? Are we following His ways or our ways. We can sing and not know what or why we’re singing, but is that ‘singing with the Spirit’? I have declared both publicly and privately that I will follow Him, but that must also include my selection of songs, my understanding of songs and my devotion to singing songs. Many men in our society today have determined singing is not masculine or macho. Maybe we need to reconsider the difference between manly vs. Godly. Personally, I would rather be a man that follows Him instead of a him that follows man…
I will follow Him!