The Awesome Power of Negative Fellowship…Sept. 14th

An ‘oxymoron’ is a statement that places side by side two elements that seem to be in contradiction of each other. Words and ideals that just don’t seem to match. Phrases like a dark light, a mournful optimist, deafening silence, or jumbo shrimp are referred to as an oxymoron. Avoid Bad CompanyBut consider something awesome (inspiring and outstanding) as being negative…could we be talking about an oxymoron during Sunday morning’s lesson?

In I Corinthians chapter 15, as Paul is writing to the church in Corinth, he makes this statement; “Do not be deceived: ‘Bad company corrupts good morals.’ “ Quoting a Greek poet, Paul, by inspiration is telling Christians to be careful about our fellowship. Some individuals we associate with can have a negative influence on our life. So maybe you should ask yourself if the fellowship you are ‘enjoying’ is positive or negative. Are you concerned about “the awesome power of negative fellowship?”


“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, September 14, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand in Awe” – 96

How do you view God? Is He awesome? Do you revere Him, bow before Him and serve Him? Or is He just someone on your check list? We sing this hymn simply stating, “You (God) are beautiful beyond description, too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension, like tree planted by the waterNOTHING ever seen or heard…” So how do you see God? Is He indescribable, beyond your comprehension? If so…do you stand in awe of Him?

“I Shall Not Be Moved” – 976

Follow the medley as we continue singing “I Stand in Awe”: “Holy God to Whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You!” “Glory Hallelujah! I shall not be moved, anchored in Jehovah, I shall not be moved…” As we stand in awe of our God’s majesty and power, may we, like a tree planted by the waters, never be moved from our conviction.

“How Firm a Foundation” – 457

And as we finish the thought process from the first two songs in our medley we conclude “I Shall Not Be Moved”: “…just like a tree that’s planted by the water, I shall not be moved.” “How firm a foundation, ye saints of the Lord, is laid for your faith in His excellent word…” The music will flow, but more importantly let us follow the train of thought; I stand in awe of God’s power, and in that strong belief I shall not be moved. Because I have a firm foundation on which I stand.

“Jesus, Savior, Pilot Me” – 603

This morning, between our first two prayers, we’ll sing of our Savior’s guidance in this old maritime hymn. “Chart and compass came from Thee…” We have God’s word as our guide to direct us through this life. It will help us navigate the waters of friendship so we find the awesome power of a positive fellowship.

“My Jesus, I Love Thee” – 701

Before we partake of the Lord’s Supper we’ll focus on our Savior’s love. Verse two provides this thought, “I love Thee (Jesus), because (You) has first loved me, and purchased my pardon on Calvary’s tree; I love Thee for wearing the thorns on Thy brow; If ever I love Thee, my Jesus, (it is) now.”

“Create in Me a Clean Heart” – no book

A contemporary hymn that comes straight from the text, so maybe it’s a psalm? The words of King David in Psalm 51:10-12, “Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and sustain me with a willing spirit.” Is this your prayer? Do you desire a clean heart and a renewed, right, spirit? Do you fear being ‘cast away’ from God’s presence? Consider this; if our fellowship is surrounded by negative influences, we will be separated from His Spirit.

“Cleanse Me” – 420

This hymn isn’t too popular today, but during World War II this tune accompanied the words to “Now is the Hour” by Gracie Field. Today we sing this hymn using the words from Psalm 139. “Search me, O God, and know my heart today; Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts I pray. See if there be some wicked way in me; cleanse me from every sin, and set me free.” Am I being negatively influenced by those with whom I fellowship? Pray for God to guide your heart, your thoughts and your friendship!

“Here We Are But Straying Pilgrims” – 537

Before our lesson we’ll sing of our journey toward heaven. When was the last time you let the songs of the saints ‘cheer your journey?’ On a path that is dim, and with hills where the dark storms gather, we need a fellowship that is positive and God-focused. Let’s stay close to each other as we keep our ‘longing eyes’ on the smile of the blessed Giver.

“Jesus Is Tenderly Calling” – 947Standing on the Promises

If you have struggled in your fellowship choices and you have wandered from the sunshine of God’s love, it’s time to ‘come home.’ Not only is Jesus ‘tenderly calling,’ but He’s waiting too. But you’d best not delay…Jesus is calling today!

“Standing on the Promises” – 452

A popular spiritual song confirming ‘where we stand,’ who we fellowship with and to what we hold fast. But choosing the positive fellowship over the negative isn’t always easy. Remember, there is an awesome power in negative fellowship. You might say those influences can be strong, howling storms of doubt and fear. Fortunately, by the living word of God, as I stand on His promises, I shall prevail.

Are You Standing…or Sitting?

Standing on the promises of Christ my King,
Thru eternal ages let His praises ring;
Glory in the highest I will shout and sing,
Standing on the promises of God…

Written in the late 1800’s this old hymn reminds us of where we should be standing in life.  The encouragement from this song (in verse one) is to stand with God throughout time, for our whole lifetime in praise to God.  So let’s continue looking at the other three verses;

Standing on the promises that cannot fail,
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God…

How will you handle the ‘storms of doubt’ that come into your life?  We’re reminded by R. Kelso Carter, author and composer, that we can handle (prevail over) the storms of doubt and fear by reading, trusting and following the word of God.  Actually the word prevail, by definition, means to ‘gain ascendancy through strength’…by the word of God.  Now that should make us stop and think about the amount of time we actually spend in God’s word!

Standing on the promises of Christ the Lord,
Bound to Him eternally by love’s strong cord,
Overcoming daily with the Spirit’s sword,
Standing on the promises of God…

Do you consider yourself ‘bound’ together with Christ?  The statement, ‘to be bound’ infers slavery…do you see yourself as a slave?  Consider the text, “…but now that you have been set free from sin and become slaves to God, the benefit you reap leads to holiness, and the result is eternal life.” Romans 6:22  Too often we don’t want to see ourselves as ‘bound’ to anything.  But the facts are clear.  You are either a slave to sin, which leads to eternal death, or a slave to God which leads to eternal life.  (Romans 6:15-23) I think it’s interesting that we, as bond servants to God, have been equipped with tools of war…the Spirit’s sword.

Standing on the promises that cannot fall,
Listening every moment to the Spirit’s call,
Resting in my Savior as my all in all,
Standing on the promises of God…

Do you listen to God’s instruction?  How do you take your ‘marching orders’ in this life?  As a child of God who is ‘standing on His promises’, we can rest in knowing that His has promised and is calling us to follow and serve…to stand with Him.  But you have to ask yourself a simple question when it comes to this old hymn;  Are you standing on the promise that God gives us?  Are you overcoming daily?  Will you be bound to Him forever?  Are you listening to Him ‘every moment’?  Unfortunately many have said, “Yes, I’m standing on the promises”, but they miss the reminder from this hymn that there is more to living for God than just standing.  Perhaps too many of us are sitting on the premises rather than standing on the promises.

Let’s do more than just stand up, let’s get to work!