Have you ever watched a child with a fresh ball of Play-Doh? They’ll squish it in their fingers, roll it into logs and pat it into pancakes. For hours they’ll create shapes and mold images from their imagination. Perhaps it’s no wonder that we are creative from such an early age since we’ve been molded by our Creator. Shaped and made in His image (Genesis 1:26).
And for the believer, it’s not hard to see that we are nothing more than clay. Isaiah helps us see that clearly as we read from the 64th chapter; “But now, O Lord, You are our Father, we are the clay, and You are our potter; and all of us are the work of Your hand.” Still, we must realize the difference between a child and our God. Our heavenly Father isn’t just playing with Play-Doh! Though He has molded His creation in His own image, we will ultimately choose our own shape. God is the Potter, but we are the ones who have “hands full of clay.”
“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15
Sunday morning, May 3, 2015
You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.
“Higher Ground” – no book
We recognize this old favorite, but there’s another way of singing the same words and the same notes. If you’ve never heard Ken Young’s version of this old time favorite, I hope you’ll enjoy it. Waterview, let’s begin our worship service with this hymn, singing with full volume! Together, we sing (and pray), “Lord lift me up and let me stand, by faith, on heaven’s tableland.”
“Have Thine Own Way Lord” – 552
An old spiritual song that speaks the message of this morning’s lesson…“Have Thine own way, Lord! Have Thine own way! Thou art (YOU are) the Potter, I am the clay…” But how receptive will we be to the molding process? We might continue to sing, but will we continue to do? “Mold me and make me after Thy will, while I am waiting, yielded and still.” We must be willing and we must be still if we are to be molded like the Lord desires.
“How Deep the Father’s Love” – no book
A contemporary song that poetically walks us through the hours of Christ crucifixion. From the time ‘the Father turns His face away’ (Matt. 27:46), to the final words of Jesus, ‘I know that it is finished.’ (John 19:30) Would that we find the power of the message as we sing the truth…‘His wounds have paid my ransom.’
“Nearer My God to Thee” – 684
Just singing the first verse after the Lord’s Supper we remember ‘His will’ is found in Him. “Nearer my God, to Thee, nearer to Thee! E’en tho it be a cross (trials) that raiseth me…(Translated: Even though I will go through difficult times…) Still all my song shall be, Nearer my God to Thee. Nearer my God to Thee, nearer to Thee.” (…I still want to be near God) And the nearer we are to God, the easier it’ll be to mold the clay.
“Let Him Have His Way with Thee” – no book
You and I have a choice as to how we’ll live this life. We can follow God or we can follow the world. So how can we sing this old spiritual song about ‘letting Him have His way?’ If it’s ‘my way or the highway’ what role does God have to play? To start, notice the message of the song is a question, “Would you live for Jesus…would you walk with Him…would you let Him bear your burden…” There are actually 9 questions asked in this short, three verse song. If you answer ‘yes,’ then…”Let Him have His way with Thee.” But why? Because, “His power can make you what you ought (if you’ve been purchased by the blood of Christ, you ought is translated ‘you are obligated’) to be. His blood can cleanse your heart and make you free. His love can fill your soul, and you will see (that) it was best to let Him has His way with thee.”
“Take My Life” – 664
As our invitation song, you’ll find the sacrifice we make hits all levels. Verse one begins with 1) my life and 2) my days (even moments). Verse two includes 3) my hands and 4) my feet. Verse three adds 5) my voice and 6) my lips. If it wasn’t already personal enough, verse four adds 7) my money (silver and my gold) and 8) my intelligence. And to top off this list of what is included from our life…9) my love and 10) myself. Giving those things to God is placing ourselves in the Potter’s hand!
“Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus” – 679
Fully trusting in God is sweet! Not like sugar, or the acceptable ‘sweet!’ The proper definition for this is cherished…What a cherished life we live when we trust in Jesus. But to have that ‘sweetness,’ we need to follow verse three; “Yes, it is sweet (cherished) to trust in Jesus, just from sin and self to cease…” That is how we truly give over to the Potter, molding our lives with hands full of clay.