What Are You Reaching For?

Have you seen how a small child acts when he wants something from his parents?  He might hold his arms out and plead for the ‘gift’.  His actions might look sincere and earnest, or they might just be cute.  But either way, it’s obvious that he is earnest in his request.  He might even be unaware of how much he does, or doesn’t, need what he seeks.  But nonetheless…he wants it!  Even the undisciplined child, sometimes in an inappropriate manner, might beg for something.  Again, he doesn’t think about whether or not he ‘needs’ it, he just wants it.  But this pleading isn’t limited to children.  We as adults are often guilty of ‘begging’ for things.

It might come in the ‘professional venue’ as we approach our boss and ask for a raise.  You know you work hard and perhaps feel that you ‘deserve’ the salary increase.  Or it might be as simple as waving your hand in the restaurant and desperately signaling your waitress for a refill.  In either case, though we most likely would not consider this ‘begging’, we are taking three short steps: 1) we’re seeking 2) we’re seeking something specific 3) we’re seeking something specific from someone who has the ability to give it to us…just like a child.

Now let’s ask the pressing question, what are you seeking?  What is it that you either feel you can’t live without or that you desperately need?  If you cherish this world and things of this world, be careful!  God’s Son (our Savior) told us to be careful about what we plead for.  What we treasure in this world, and think to be important isn’t long term, “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, whether moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal.  But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”  Matthew 6:19-21

It’s natural, God-given, that we recognize when our bodies are hungry and thirsty; that we seek something to quench that thirst and fill that void.  When you work hard, your labor is to be rewarded (Luke 10:7, “…the laborer is worthy of his wages.” Christ is referring to the preaching of the word.)  So it makes sense that we should seek for something specific, and we seek from the One who can fulfill our needs.  The beggars outside the city gates was pleading for alms (money), but notice the response he was given, “I do not posses silver and gold, but what I do have I give to you…” Acts 3:6.  Peter & John knew this man needed something physical, but instead they gave him something spiritual.  Too often we are stuck in the same situation; looking for physical handouts when our real need is from God.  Would that we truly understand, accept and sing this old hymn.

Give me the Bible, Star of Gladness gleaming
To cheer the wander, lone and tempest tossed
No storm can hide that radiance peaceful beaming
Since Jesus came to seek and save the lost.

Give me the Bible, Holy message shining
Thy Light shall guide me in the narrow way.
Percepts and promise, law and love combing
Till night shall vanish in eternal day!

I pray that we will eagerly reach out and take hold of the Bible.  That we will desire God’s Word.  That we’ll seek it, ask for it and come to know that it is exactly what we’re needing.