Dear Almost Persuaded
Dear Almost Persuaded, You have a lot of reasons to stay where you are. It’s comfortable, ‘safe’, and you’re not hurting anyone else. You don’t steal, kill or do drugs. […]
Dear Almost Persuaded, You have a lot of reasons to stay where you are. It’s comfortable, ‘safe’, and you’re not hurting anyone else. You don’t steal, kill or do drugs. […]
How often do we focus on the unbearable heat of the sun (that we dread encountering… especially in the summer time) as opposed to its soft, soothing warmth? As I was driving
There is a question that has been asked for generations, from young and old, ‘How do you know? You say this is the way it goes, but how do you
In the summer of 2002 more than 30 high school freshman and sophomores along with several adult sponsors from Texas came to Colorado to conduct a Vacation Bible School. Though
Have you ever watched a child with a fresh ball of Play-Doh? They’ll squish it in their fingers, roll it into logs and pat it into pancakes. For hours they’ll create shapes
Do we realize how powerful our words can be? We hear the saying a lot, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me…” But in
It was written in 1929 by Ernest Hemingway in the novel, A Farewell to Arms. A simple sentence that haunts mankind, “All thinking men are atheists.” The secular world would
A soldier’s job is defined by struggle. When conflicts arise, these men and women put to practice all their training. A soldier, by definition, fights. Even in peace time, he is
In the last book of the Old Testament, Malachi the prophet addresses sin in the priesthood. In their sacrifices, they were offering up ‘defiled food.’ By law, a pure animal
A recent email from one of our ministers at Waterview church of Christ caught my eye and I felt it appropriate to share it with you. Consider your ‘faith in