God’s Chosen Fathers…June 16th

kids early yearsOn a clear Sunday afternoon in the mid-1990’s our family went to eat lunch after morning services.  As we were getting our children out of their car seats and into the restaurant, Logan, then three, asked, “Since we celebrate mommy’s on Mother’s Day and daddy’s on Father’s Day, when do we celebrate ‘Son Day’?”  My response; “Every day…is son’s day.”

But if the truth be know, every day we should be recognizing the Son of God and celebrate Him.  This past month we took some time to honor our mothers, and this Sunday we’ll take a minute and consider our dads.  Father’s Day and Mother’s Day were designed by our country to honor our parents (Ephesians 6:1, 2).  But men we must remember our responsibility as dads.  Join us as we consider the idea that God has chosen us to be fathers.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, June 16, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Restore My Soul” – no book

As we sing this song to God we’re asking Him to restore us, revive us and renew us.  The text for this hymn is Psalm 80, “O God, restore us and cause Your face to shine upon us…”   Surely we have all felt weary, empty and ‘cold’ in our zeal for God.  But this morning as we sing, we’ll be calling on Him to renew our love for Him, rebuild our faith in Him and restore our soul.

“Night with Ebon Pinion” – no book

This is an old spiritual song that dates back to the mid-1800’s, with some very strong Biblical applications.  The poetry from this song has caused many to abandon it, but in so doing we lose a beautiful message about the last hours of Christ’s life on earth.  Terms like “ebon pinion” and “brooded o’re the vale’ have perplexed many Christians into leaving this hymn behind, but consider what we’re singing.  Ebon means ‘black in color’ while pinions are the wings/feathers of a bird.  To ‘brood’ is to hover or sit upon, and the ‘vale’ is the valley.  Now pull them all together with this translation; The dark night had settled and was hovering over the valley like the wings of bird…  We have an obligation to take the time to understand what we’re singing.  Maybe that’s why some of our older hymns have been tossed out; we would rather not think about the words.

“God is So Good”
– 83

A simple song with a complex message.  God is good, He answers prayer and He cares for me.  Would that be the reason we sing the final verse, “I love Him so…” or is our faithfulness unconditional?  He died for us when we were undeserving.  Do you love Him because He’s good and answers your prayers?  Simple, but complex…

“Walk with Me” – 394

Less than 50 years old, we sing this hymn asking for God’s guidance and presence in our daily lives.  The refrain is a personal plea that I will follow in His footsteps from Galilee to Gethsemane.  Fathers, remember our responsibility to lead our families; we’ll do it best when we walk with Jesus.Faith of our Fathers

“Faith of Our Fathers” – 754

Fredrick Faber captured the message here of a godly heritage.  When our father’s are faithful and pass that faith down to their children, we are blessed.  But fathers, have you ever been confined to the dungeon, or faced the fire and sword?  Who of us have been chained in prisons dark?  Hebrews 11:32-38 gives us the remembrance of these faithful (fore)fathers as we look at verses 1 & 2, “Now faith, is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.  For by it the men of old gained approval.”  “Faith of our fathers!  Holy faith!  We will be true to Thee (God) till death!”

“Step by Step” – 15

Before our lesson we’ll medley Faith of Our Fathers with Step by Step.  Song leaders, since the key signatures are the same and the message is sequential,  the flow of these two songs make a beautiful combination.  The tradition followed by the contemporary makes for a powerful reminder that our faith in God will seek Him in the daily.  Each step toward God shows our families, and this lost world, that we are devoted to walking in His ways.

“I Am Coming, Lord” – 923

“I hear Thy welcome voice that calls me, Lord, to Thee…”  As our invitation song we open the door, so to speak, for those who are lost or struggling in hear the voice of Godtheir faith to come back to God.  An invitation song isn’t the only time we seek the lost, but it’s a great opportunity.  In our hymnals, Faith & Praise, only the first verse is provided.  But this Sunday morning we’ll revisit Louis Hartsough’s original writing; ” ‘Tis (It is) Jesus (who) calls me on to perfect faith and love, to perfect hope and peace and trust, for earth and heav’n above…”  To those who are hurting, sad and lost in sin, there is peace in the blood that flowed from Calvary.

“To Christ Be True”
– 736

What better way to end the service this morning than to reconfirm our faith in our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We’ll join our voices and sing to encourage each other to be true to Christ.  Why, ‘…for He will go with you, and help you’  through all your conflicts.  But more importantly, because we have been chosen to lead our children to Him.


Parents Need Only Two Prayers…April 14th

A representative from a lesser known media outlet made the following statement earlier this family pictureweek; “…we’ve always had kind of a private notion of children: Your kid is yours and totally your responsibility. We haven’t had a very collective notion of, ‘these are our children.’ So part of it is we have to break through our kind of private idea that kids belong to their parents, or kids belong to their families, and recognize that kids belong to whole communities…”

For years we have embraced the notion, “It takes a whole village to raise a child.”  We must never forget God’s instruction is for parents to bring their children up in the Lord, Ephesians 6:1-4.  Mothers and fathers (Families, not communities) are responsible for raising children.  Proverbs 6:20, “My son, observe the commandment of your father and do not forsake the teaching of your mother.” There are some who would like the passage to read…My son, observe the commandment of your community leader and do not forsake the teaching of your neighbor.

This coming Sunday morning our lesson will be focused on how parents prepare for children, and how parents come to understand the obligation of bringing their children to God.  As always, I hope you’ll remember the inspired words of Paul from the 14th chapter of I Corinthians; “…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”

Sunday morning, April 14, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Will Call Upon the Lord” – 63

Our opening song,  the ‘call to worship’, comes from the book of Psalms, chapter 18:3…almost word for word.  Penned in 1981, this contemporary psalm provides the singer a strong opportunity to express our deepest desire to ‘call upon the Lord.’

“Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer” – 777

Written over 150 years ago, this song is filled with poetry that stirs the heart…if you’ll take the time to examine the message.  Notice the reference to Old Testament scripture in verse 2, “Not forever by still waters would we idly, quiet stay; but would smite the living fountains from the rocks along our way.” (Read Exodus 17: 5, 6)

“When My Love for Christ Grows Weak” – 350

Before we partake of the Lord’s Supper, we’ll sing this old spiritual song that reminds us to stay close to Christ.  As we sing the first two verses we are reminded of Christ in the garden.  The 3rd and 4th verses take us to Calvary as we sing, “There behold His agony, suffered on the bitter tree; see His anguish, see His faith…”  But the final verse encourages us to learn from Christ, and to become self-sacrificing.


“More Precious than Silver” – 273

One of my favorite hymns (we are singing this song to our God) starts with the words, “Lord, You are more precious than silver…”.  A song, as you look more closely at it, professing our desire for God and for God alone.  We sing that He is more precious than silver…more costly than gold…more beautiful than diamonds.  So I ask you, do I really believe that, or are you just singing it?  Remember I Corinthian 14:15


“When He Cometh” – 714

Known in some circles as a ‘child’s hymn’, this spiritual song reminds us that God will come back and take (collect) his children home.  The chorus is an interesting analogy; “Like the stars of the morning, His bright crown adorning, they shall shine in their beauty, bright gems for His crown.”  Who will shine in their beauty?  Take a look at verse 3…“Little children, little children who love their Redeemer are the jewels, precious jewels, His loved and His own.”

“I Will Pray” – 840

“Father, in the morning…At the noontide…in the evening shadows…I will pray…Morning, noon and evening unto Thee I’ll pray.”  How often do we pray?  When times are tough and the going get’s rough?  Perhaps when we’re happy and content.  But read I Thessalonians 5:17, Paul tells us in to, “Pray without ceasing…” That would be morning, noon and evening!

“Hark! ‘Tis the Shepherd’s Voice” – 880

Another ‘children’s hymn’, this song calls for us to take on the responsibility of bringing our children (the lost) back to the fold of Christ.  The words of Jesus from Matthew 18 sum it up pretty well; “What do you think?  If a man has a hundred sheep, and one of them goes astray, does he not leave the ninety-nine and go the mountains to seek the one that is straying?” Let’s sing and then let’s ‘bring them in!’

“God’s Family” – 744crying

As we close the service this morning, we’ll sing about the family of God.  Do we really see each other as brothers and sisters?  Can we say we laugh together?  How often have you cried with a brother or sister in Christ?  Do we share with each other our heartaches and sighs?  When was the last time you shared your dreams with the family of God?  On Sunday morning we should do more than just say “Hi…how are you doing?” as we hurry away to lunch.  Remember, we are part of the family…that’s been born again!

Growing Up…in the Lord!

Daddys-shoesPerhaps you’ve been asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Little children are often asked this question and the response can be interesting…if not a little comical.

Some little boys might reply with, “When I grow up I want to be a fireman.”  In the 70’s it was not uncommon to hear younger boys say they wanted to be an astronaut or a policeman or maybe even president.  Actually, growing up in my ‘neck of the woods’, we all wanted to be cowboys when we grew up.  If you were to ask the ladies, their response might not be much different.  They too have dream of tomorrow with aspirations of what their life will be like.  One little girl once told her parents, “When I grow up I want to be a mommy.”  We consider our future and wonder what we’ll do tomorrow.  As we plan for the unknown, most truly wonder what they will do as they reach that level of accountability.  Where will I work, where will I live, what will I become when… ‘I grow up.’

As a junior in college (many years ago), I had my mind set on teaching.  I loved every aspect of working with younger minds and imparting some obscure nugget of reason.  The responsibility of molding and directing the hearts and minds of children was a challenge I eagerly embraced.  However, almost 30 years later, time and circumstances have had a way of altering my path.  Though I’m no longer an ‘educator’ by trade, my profession remains the same.  I love working with people as they mature and grow stronger.  Only today, it’s more of a spiritual growth that I seek to inspire in those who come into my ‘classroom’ of life.

But what about you?  As you read this you may be a long time business man (or woman) who has been in the work force for years.  Or you might be a young college student still trying to settle your mind on a degree.  Some reading this might be retired and still wondering, “What will I be when I grow up?”  What ever your station in life, however far you have gone or still have to go, think about making your life more than just a career, a ‘job’, that you do.  The apostle Paul wrote an admonition to the young preacher Timothy, “…be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” II Tim. 4:5  Could you really be an evangelist?  Is ministry really your calling? Let me encourage you to do more than just consider it…make that your priority.  Know that I am not promoting that you quit your job or drop out of school, but I do think we all need to change our thinking when it comes to what is most important in life.  You work to make a living, so you can pay the bills, so you can live your life.  But life won’t be worth the living if you don’t live it for God.  Where does He fit into your career and your future plans? Does God figure into life at all?

Regardless your degree (college students) or your career I hope we will all realize that in the Lord’s church, we are all called to ‘minister’ to a lost and dying world (Matthew 28).  Everything else is temporary.  Classes, projects, responsibilities to your employer are important, but God’s desire for you to work in the fold should supersede all that.  Work hard and fulfill your obligations for the task at hand, but ask yourself…what will I really be when I grow up?

A Cappella, directed by Keith Lancaster, sings a song about this every issue.  Would that we make God our number one objective and teach that to our children.  Does the world know who you are or are they still waiting to see what you’ll be ‘when you grow up.’ Trusting like a Child

“Growing up in the Lord” [LINK]

I’m growin’ up in the Lord.
Oh I’m gettin’ stronger; turnin’ back no longer:

I’m growin’ up in the Lord…I’m growin’ up in the Lord.

I make mistakes but that’s part of growin’ up.
Part of growin’ up in the Lord.
His understanding is what I need the most,
I am staying close to His word.

Sheltered from harm when I am safe in his arms
And I am learning to do His will.
Hearing his call although I stumble and fall. I can get up and keep growing still.

Repeat Chorus

Now as I’m growin’ I’m learning what to say, Learning how to walk in the light.
I’m made aware of the devil every day Learning how to handle the fight.

Tempted by wrong, He keeps me ready and strong So I can handle the Tempter’s snare.
Jesus is mine and since he’s there all the time I am protected within His care

Repeat Chorus


Remembering Italy

This morning as I was catching up on some old friends (via Facebook), I Facebooknotice there was a ‘friend request’ from an unfamiliar name. 

The name of the lady was one I didn’t recognize and therefore didn’t know.  Most of the time I’m happy to accept request from people I’ve met or acquaintances from my past, but when I don’t know someone who ‘whats to be my friend’, I don’t click ‘YES’.  And as I stated, I didn’t recognize this lady.  However, this one was different.  Along with the request, she sent me a note explaining that she had been in Italy during the summer of 1983

(29 years ago) and stayed with my family for 2 weeks.  I figured she had to be a Harding campaigner because my husband and I hosted the group several summers providing them housing in our small apartment. (I guess sleeping on the air mattresses and sharing ONE bathroom was memorable to her.)  Our co-workers/fellow missionaries usually kept the girls since they had 2 bathrooms.  But on this occasion we kept the girls.  To make a long story short…I decided to accept her friend request.  She said she’d like to catch up with us, so I sent her a reply email along with the friend acceptance.  

As it turns out, she came two summers, then at the end of the second campaign she and another girl worked with us in Italy for 4 weeks, staying in our home half of the time.  She and her husband now live in Memphis, Tennessee and have a 15 yr. old son.  They enjoy the opportunities to attend Harding University Lectureship each fall. She told me that the months she spent working in Italy really strengthened her faith and that experience has meant a lot to her over the years.

My point with all of this is simple, even when we aren’t intentionally trying to influence or help someone, we are!  What is important is to realize that our influence might be for the good or it might be for the bad.  People come in and out our lives every day.  We have the opportunity to either show them God’s love and grow closer to Him…or not.  I see a great lesson in this.  Living our everyday lives we need to be careful that we are living for God so that we are a good influence for Him, even when we aren’t aware of others.  Truthfully, I do not remember those months almost 30 years ago.  But obviously she did. This Facebook request serves as a strong reminder of how important it is to live our lives thinking about our actions, our words and our example.


lamp unto my feet

Thanks again to Donna for sharing another insightful lesson on how impacting (and important) our Christian example should be.  This incident reminds me of a song from years ago.  The words go as follows, “It is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.  And it is in dying that we are born, to eternal life. Make me an instrument of your peace.  I want to know what it’s like to follow you…” If you’re remembering this song you’ll surely recall the next line…“When men look at me, I want them to see, the Light of the World inside.”  I wonder how many of us would have someone from 30 years ago remember our example (our light) and send us a ‘friend request?’  Can you remember someone who impacted your life!

What Does ‘A Capella’ Mean?

“Suppose they asked you if you could sing A Capella, would you know what to do?”

Barney Fife tries to explain to Rafe Hollister what it means to ‘sing A Capella’ and though he doesn’t get the definition right, he says what many may be thinking. [LINK]  To defend his thoughts about A Capella singing, Barney comes up with a song that he sings about ‘A Capella’.  Watch the short video, enjoy a laugh and then we’ll talk about ‘A Capella’…

By definition, a cap·pel·la means:

1. without instrumental accompaniment…or
2. in the style of church or chapel music.
Notice the FIRST definition; when we sing A Capella, we’re singing with our voices…only.  Read Ephesians 5: 19 “…speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord…”  Speak to one another…sing and make music in your heart… God’s word explains (better yet) commands, that we are to sing.  And if you look closely, this singing is done with our voices and not with an instrument.  Therefore we are to sing A Capella.  Our culture doesn’t know much about this type of singing.  Listening to music on the radio is almost exclusively with instrumental accompaniment.  That would mean we aren’t much of an A Capella culture.  But is it easy to sing ‘without instrumental accompaniment’?  It takes work and that work takes practice.  We need to be more focused on singing without instrumental assistance.  Turn the radio off and start singing A Capella.
But you might be wondering, where do I start?  Begin with a search for A Capella singing groups.  Consider these as a few: His Harmony, Legacy, The McCoy Family Singers, Hallal, Acappella, Zoe, GLAD and many more.  [LINK]  But let me encourage you to consider this…why would we try to sing A Capella songs and still make ‘instrumental’ noises with our voices?  Doesn’t make sense to me…but that’s just me.  in my opinion, let’s support all of the true A Capella Groups (songs) who sing without any ‘instrupella’ or vocal band (using your voice to sound like a snare drum).  Singing without any instruments or trying to act like an instrument is true A Capella.


The SECOND definition for A Capella states; “…in the style of church or chapel music.”  A Capella singing, choral singing performed without instruments is done in the manner in which the early church, or chapel did their singing.  The expression means “in chapel style” in Italian.  Hundreds of years ago, religious music was composed for use in the chapels, which, unlike large churches today, had no bands, organs or instruments.  Singing and music in the early church, via historical documentation was exclusively designed to be sung using the human voice only!  A Capella singing is described in God’s word and was practiced in the early church.  Even early on within the denominational world, instruments were universally rejected.

So…”Suppose they asked you if you could sing A Capella, would you know what to do?”

Securing the Hearts of Our Youth…Part 3

As we conclude this series on ‘Securing the Hearts of Our Youth’, let’s example the third component of mentoring and preparing faithful families.  Let’s turn again to examine the three previously mentioned, elements of securing their hearts.  I truly believe that each of these will help us in drawing our youth closer to God.

Part 1, focused on the importance of a faithful example.  Remember your consistency and faithfulness as you talk with your children, walk through your life and choice your path.  Your example, in some cases, will impact people more than you words.  Our second component (Part 2) addressed the idea of providing opportunities for involvement in the work of the church.  We can include our young people when we give them a chance to work.  Remember, if they’re ‘thirsty’ they’ll ‘drink.’

We have talked about the value of a good example and the importance of training and teaching our young people.  And though these two methods of preparation are vital and needed to direct our youth, we must never forgot the ‘WHY’ behind it all.  For the past 10 years I have taught the college class at our congregation.  There has been Sunday mornings when only three (3) students came to class.  And then again, there have been Wednesday nights when more than thirty (30) young men and women filled the room.  During each class I ask them; “Why?  Why are you here?  No one is making you come; you are here because you chose to be.  Why?”  When we can come to understand the reason we attend a Bible study with God’s people is more than just habit, then they will grow closer to seeing the importance of doing more than just going through the motions.  As a congregation and as individual families we strive to set the proper example.  We focus on training and teaching our young people to serve (men to lead) in the Lord’s church, but our children must come to know why we do what we do.

During the early 1700’s, Isaac Watts at the age of 45, wrote a poem entitled “How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts?”  The poem, a song many have sung for years, asks the question we set as the pinnacle in exploring our objective; Mentoring Faithful Adults into a Life of Service.  How can we safe guard the hearts of our young people for Godly service?  Isaac Watt’s doesn’t miss a beat.  His answer comes from the second part of Psalm 119:9 “…by keeping it (a young man’s ways) according to Your word.”  The song states; “Thy Word the choicest rules imparts to keep the conscience clean.”  How else can we, should we, mentor faithful adults if not through the Word of God.  The Psalmist continues as he writes in the 119th Psalm, “With all my heart I have sought YouYour word I have treasured in my heartwith my lips I have told of all the ordinances of your mouthI will meditate on Your precepts and regard Your ways.  I shall delight in Your statues; I shall not forget Your word.”  Notice the example of seeking God and treasuring His word in our hearts; of mediating on His instruction and delighting (making a priority) of his statutes (the Law of Christ).  As we mentor our young people and train them, we’ll teach them how to tell others about the ordinances (the word) of God.

We have a massive obligation to mentor our young people.  We need to begin early and continue mentoring often.  Our responsibility should never be take lightly.  If you still have children at home, focus your attention on bringing them to God…literally.  Don’t let culture dictate where they will go and what they will do.  Be certain, if you don’t show them that God is first in your life, the world will show they what it holds to be important.  And remember mentoring our young adults must start with you, the parent.   If you have grown children who are no longer faithful and no longer under your guidance; be sure you have your priorities right and pray for an opportunity to correct any errors from your past. You may still be able to sway them if they a change in your life.  If you have no children but want to impact and influence ‘the next generation’, search your heart and be sure you’re focused on Godliness.  Seek ways to teach, train and encourage the young adults in your congregation.  It’s never too late to secure their hearts and guard their lives from sin.  Use God’s word as the light that will guide them through the dangers of the night.  Rest assured, God’s Word is everlasting truth and every page of His word is pure!  Using the Bible as our foundation in life will guide our young people and, as Isaac Watts wrote, will well support our age.

Securing the Hearts of Our Youth…Part 2

As we consider the importance of ‘securing the hearts of our young people’ for a life of faithful service, let’s continue to investigate the components of this pressing topic.  Digging deeper into the question at hand, we turn again to examine the previously mentioned, three basic elements of securing their hearts.  Together, I believe that each of these will help us in mentoring our youth.

To review ‘Part 1’, let’s reiterate the importance of a faithful example in mentoring our youth.  Consistency and faithfulness on an individual basis is important.  But next let’s consider the wisdom in the old saying, ‘You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make him drink.’  So if the time of establishing expectations is passed and the individual choice is in place, we have to ask the burning question; “If I can’t make a horse drink the water, what will make a horse drink?”  Here in lies the second method of training up and teaching our young people faithfulness.  A horse lead to water will drink…when he’s thirsty.  An understandable conclusion, but what indeed makes a horse WANT to drink?  A thirsty horse is one that has been working.  We must provide opportunities and for our young people to get involved in the work of the church.  There are vast areas where we expect work to be done around the church building and within the church family.  So who will do the work?  Often it’s easier to hire out the work to be done (missionaries, janitors, etc.) rather than putting the onus of responsibility on the family.

We live in a modest home in north Dallas with a good size yard on a corner lot.  One look around the house and you’ll find we have lots of grass to mow in both the front and back yards.  But who will do it?  For several years I hired out the work to a local lawn service.  They made it look easy and quick (actually they were much quicker than me) and the cost was minimal.  But then my oldest boy turned 12.  My wife and I quickly realized that the monthly cost for mowing could be put toward a new lawn mower and some yard accessories and then he could work with me mowing the yard.  But it wasn’t easy at first.  My son had to be trained.  There were times I was frustrated and could have simply told him to step aside and let me do it.  (Actually, that was said on more than one occasion.)  However, if he was to learn to serve the family and ultimately be able to do work in the yard by himself, he had to be taught, trained and provided the opportunity to ‘get involved.’  Let the young, baptized men of your congregation go to work serving.  Train them to read scripture and serve on the Lord’s Table.  Teach them, as Christ did, how to pray.  Show them how they can lead (yes…even the song service).  Let the young ladies get involved too.  Teach them how to teach in the toddler’s classes.  Introduce them to building bulletin boards or even baking unleavened bread.  Give them opportunities to be involved and start getting thirty.  But you know…training will take time and energy.  So ask yourself the question; “Do I really want the help secure the heart of our youth?”  If we want our young people to grow into a life of faithful service, we must we willing to do what it takes to mentor them into serving.

How shall the young secure their hearts and guard their lives from sin?  Next time we’ll look at the third and most vital of all elements when it comes to preparing our youth.  You’ll remember…Thy word the choicest rules in part…”  See you next time!

Securing the Hearts of Our Youth…Part 1

“How shall the young secure their hearts, and guard their lives from sin?”  Though penned almost three hundred years ago, this question continues to echo through the ages.  Finding its roots in Psalm 119:9, “How can a young man keep his ways pure?”  this passage and song express the concern of God-fearing parents and congregations of Lord’s church across the world.  We who are genuinely concerned about the spiritual well-being of our children seek to know what can be done to take on the wiles of the devil.  Many congregations actively study and prepare their teens for baptism; an admirable and Biblical objective but one that falls short if we fail to teach our youth the character of discipleship.  As we prepare our young people for a life of faithful service, we must example the elements necessary to answer the question, “How shall the young secure their hearts?”

As we investigate the answer to this question, let’s look at three basic methods that will help us draw closer to understanding how we can mentor our youth toward a life of faithful service in Christ.  If we take the approach that we must begin preparing our young adults (the college student or the recent high school graduate) for a life in Christ, we are (quite frankly) about 20 years late.  The ‘mentoring’ of our youth must begin during the formative years of childhood; a principle that is fundamental in history as well as Biblical text.  But where does it begin?  Who bears the burden of responsibility for their foundation of faith?  Can I wait until my son reaches grade school to begin to impart ‘words of wisdom’?  As our young people begin life on their own, whether as a college student or a young professional, they take with them the building blocks from an early childhood.  Fathers and mothers alike must model an example of Biblical consistency and Spiritual faithfulness.  In a word, make God your priority and be certain your children know it.

That includes making worship on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and Wednesday nights (or your mid-week Bible study) more important than the baseball tournament on Sunday morning.  When your congregation hosts a Gospel Meeting on the same Monday night your son is playing in a soccer tournament; you’ll need to ask yourself, “To which of these events will I take my child?”  If your child’s coach calls for practice on Wednesday night, parents, you will model an example of Biblical consistency and Spiritual faithfulness when you inform your child’s coach that, “We won’t be there.  Our family has already made plans to meet for Bible study tonight.”  But you must understand this one basic principle: you can never make that statement if you as the parent fail to put God and Godly living first.  What will your children see when they learn that your boss has given you tickets to the NBA playoffs, on Sunday night.  Depending on where you go will be teaching your children about priorities.  But this is all about making right choices when my family is young.  What do I do if they are older, perhaps on their own and making their own decisions?  How can I mentor young adults into a life of faithful service?

Let’s continue next time as we consider the importance of securing the hearts and lives of our young people.  Remember the first step is to model an example of Biblical consistency and Spiritual faithfulness.

What’s in a Word?

Do you take the time to think about words?  In my speech I typically use words to which I know the meaning.  But how very often do we find ourselves singing songs, and saying words we don’t know?  This can happen when you consider the poetry of our hymns.  The rhyme and meter of a song might call for a word that is uncommon in our every day vernacular.  So we are faced with one of three options.  Not that these are our only choices, but most likely this is what it will come down to.

Option #1:  We can throw the song out.  That is a common response because some will say, “I don’t know what I’m saying anyway.”  Personally, I believe this is an easy way out and one that will ultimately cheat you of spiritual growth and knowledge.  (Hosea 4:6, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…)

Option #2:  We keep on singing the song even though we don’t understanding what we’re singing.  This is where most of us are today.  A song so familiar I know it by heart.  Actually, for many, we don’t even need the book.  Memorization and having a ‘ready recollection’ is a good thing, but this can be a danger if you’re not aware of the trap.  In regards to our faith, Paul admonishes us to ‘examine (y)ourselves‘, I Corinthians 13:5.  The same holds true to our singing of songs.

Option #3:  (In my opinion this is the ONLY option for Christians…)  We must learn what the words mean that we are singing.  In must be reiterated over and over again…if you don’t know what a word or phrase means, look it up.  Christ says it perfectly in Matthew 6:33, “Seek first (or continually seek) His kingdom and His righteousness…”.  It might take some time but don’t be afraid to ask someone for understanding.  You will be doing yourself a favor.  In a word, be diligent and search for understanding.

Now let’s put it to work!  Find a song that has a word (or words) you don’t recognize and then search out the meaning.  To get you started let’s look at song from the mid-1700’s penned by the renowned hymn writer, Charles Wesley. 

“Soldier’s of Christ, Arise and put your armor on;
Strong in the strength which God supplies…Thru His beloved Son.”

“Strong in the Lord of hosts and in His mighty power;
Who in the strength of Jesus trust…is more than conqueror.”

“Stand then, in His great might, with all His strength endued;
But take, to arm you for the fight, the panoply of God.”

Two words might have caught your eye here, endued and panoply.  By definition endue means to provide or be endowed with something.  A panoply is “A complete or impressive collection of things” or “a splendid display.”  Now sing this verse again;

“Stand then, in His great might, with all His strength endued (provided); but take, to arm you for the fight, the panoply (complete, impressive collection of His armor {see verse 1}) of God.”  Let’s keep ‘singing’!

“Leave no unguarded place, no weakness of the soul;
Take every virtue, every grace, and fortify the whole.”

Again, two words might have caught your eye here, virtue and fortify.  For clarification, virtue is ‘moral excellence’ and with it you can ‘strengthen or make strong’ the soul.  To interpret this verse… “Don’t leave any weak point in your spiritual life.  Take every morally excellent thing along with God’s grace and use it to strengthen your soul.”

“That having all things done, and all your conflicts past,
You may overcome through Christ alone, and stand entire at last.”

Translated;  “When this life is over and all our struggles are complete, if you have held on to the armor of God and lived a life worthy of His calling…you will be prepared to stand before God at judgment.”  Notice Romans 4:10, “For we will all stand before the judgment seat of God.” and again in II Corinthians 5:10, “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ…”  Sing from your heart (spirit) and you’ll be singing with understanding (your mind).  I Corinthians 14:15

What is the Meter? Part 2

Last time we discussed the idea of, “…recognizing the music, but not the words?”  It’s important to note that the opposite can be true too.  Sometimes I’ll recognize the words, but can’t place the tune.  Let’s continue to investigate and determine the idea of METER.  (Note: Some have been know to refer to “meter” as the time signature. For example, saying that a song has 4/4 meter means that it is sung in 4/4 time. This use of the word “meter” is not applicable in this dialogue.)

If you are unsure of the tune for a particular hymn, you can use any tune which has the same meter.  However, it is best to match the ‘musical rhythms’ with the ‘literary rhythms’ in order to match the tune with the correct mood.  Fortunately some of our hymnals have lists of tunes sorted by meter; such as “Songs of Faith and Praise”, page 1042.  This is great help to introduce a new thought (song) with a familiar tune.  In addition, I would recommend checking out the extensive list found on the Cyberhymnal web site (www.cyberhymnal.org) and search under the tab Tunes by Meter.

In some cases, you might see a “D” added to the end of a meter.  This means that the meter repeats itself…to be clear, it’s “doubled”.  An example of this can be found in the song I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say by Horatius Bonar.  We see it has eight lines.  The first four lines are in Common Meter, as are the second four lines (86 86 and 86 86).  That is what makes the meter for this hymn CMD (Common Meter, Doubled: 86 86 D).  In addition, an interesting note comes for those who might have seen “86 86D w/Refrain” in regards to the meter of the song.  This means that the verses are in Common Meter, Doubled, plus a refrain.  An example of this song could be found in John Yakes song, Faith is the Victory.  In order to determine the meter of the refrain, you’ll simply need to count syllables.

Some hymns do not have a regular meter, either because there is no consistent number of syllables per line, or because the number of syllables per line is not consistent in the verses.  Examples include The Battle Belongs to the Lord by Jamie Owens-Collins or E.M Barlett’s song, Victory in Jesus.  Such songs will have the notation “Irregular.”

For almost four century, it was common for a congregation to sing/know only about 10-12 specific tunes. It was believed during this time that this was a adequate number of tunes for any congregation to handle with efficiency. Historians believe and stand by the idea that all songs with Common Meter were sung to with the same one or two tunes.  The same was true for Short Meter and Long Meter.

Please keep in mind, as you ‘experiment’ with different tunes and match up different words (creating ‘new songs’), you will want to find ones in which 1) the meter fits, 2) the proper mood is established (words match tempo and rhythms), and 3) start with songs and tunes which you know, you can learn and you are able to teach.  Singing with understanding is important…even as we consider the meter!