Homonyms and Hymnology

Wooden fence postHave you ever stopped to consider how words, though spelled alike, have a different meaning? It’s easy to see how words like post can mean something you write or something you dig a hole for. Or how stalk, can be a part of a plant or it could mean to follow someone. How about the word yard, or jam, or left, or right, or match, or crane…you see the list goes on and on. These words are commonly referred to as homonyms; words that are both spelled and pronounced the same, but have different means.

Obviously, we find homonyms in some of the songs we sing as well. You might remember singing the word ‘beguile’ in a song or two. This is a word we must know what it means if we’re going to sing it. Notice the second verse of the song, Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen:

“When somebody has been so unkind to you, some word spoken that pierces you through and through. Think how He was beguiled, spat upon and reviled, let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.” The word beguiled means to trick, deceive or cheat. Could it be said that when Jesus was on trial he was cheated? Certainly; taken by night, accused by false witnesses, lied about. We can see how ‘he was beguiled’ but what about another song with the same word, could we possibly be using the same meaning?

“Sing on, ye joyful pilgrims, while here on earth we stay; let songs of home and Jesus beguile each fleeting day…” The word beguile means to trick or deceive or cheat. Would that mean songs about home and Jesus are nothing more than a deception? You know that using that definition would be a misrepresentation of Jesus’ love. Instead, this is where the ‘other’ definition comes in. Beguile can also mean, ‘to pass time pleasantly.’ We sing about our home in heaven and remember our Savior; and those thoughts alone can help us pass the time pleasantly in our life.

But let’s consider another song with a more obscure homonym, The Lily of the Valley(verse 2) “Oh, He all my griefs Lilly of the valleyhave taken and all my sorrows borne; in temptation He’s my strong and might tower. I have all for Him forsaken and all my idols torn from my heart and now He keeps me by His power. Though all the world forsake me, and Satan tempt me sore, thru Jesus I shall safely reach the goal…” Though you might have noticed more than one homonym, let’s see what Satan is doing to us directly. We sang, “…though Satan tempt me sore…” What kind of sore could that mean? Is it referencing what most would consider ‘causing sorrow or misery?’ Though Satan does cause me sorrow and pain in temptations, perhaps there is another meaning to this ‘sore.’

Written in 1881, Charles W. Fry was in his mid-forties and only months away from death. As he would have been familiar with a more rustic and rural life style, Fry may have also seen a different meaning to the word sore. Truly he would have known this to be a word depicting pain, but perhaps he also knew this word had another connotation. He may very well have known that sore(d) meant to, ‘mutilate the legs or feet of (a horse) in order to induce a particular gait in the animal.’ With this added definition let’s consider the message of the song; “…though all the world forsake me and Satan tempt me (so as to make me walk the way he wants me to), thru Jesus I shall safely reach the goal…” Satan does ‘tempt me sore’ that’s true. But we should never let him change from our walk with Christ!sored horse

And it’s true, we do hurt when we face trials and temptations, but know that Satan wants to do more damage to you other than just ‘making you hurt.’ He is trying to change your gait (a person’s particular manner of walking). His evil desire is to ‘mutilate’ your legs (your heart) so badly that you will eventually change your way of walking. But that’s when we remember the next line of this hymn, “….thru (with) Jesus I shall safely reach the goal.” There are more to our psalms, hymns and spiritual songs than we sometimes realize. Spend time reading, learning and understanding the words you sing as you praise God and edify one another.



“…know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ-this Jesus whom you crucified.” Acts 2:36 Arguably one of the strongest invitations ever given, but notice the reaction by the men and women who heard Peter’s message on the Day of Pentecost. “Now when they heard this, they were pierced to the heart…” Pierced to the heart would mean they were touched to the core. They felt grief and strong emotion. Read again the message in Acts 2:14-42 concerning Christ’s death, burial and resurrection (the good news). The gospel message so impacted the listener that they were pierced, cut, pricked, stung in their hearts to make a change. However you translate it, in the early hours of the morning on this day of Pentecost, the people in Jerusalem were convicted in their hearts.

But consider another sermon from the book of Acts that was convicting to the listeners. Peter and the apostles were before the Council and giving their ‘defense’ when they stated, “The God of our fathers raised up Jesus, whom you had put to death by hanging Him on a cross. He is the one whom God exalted to His right hand as a Prince and a Savior, to grant repentance to Israel, and forgiveness of sins…” Acts 5:30, 31 In similar wording, Peter offers yet another stirring ‘invitation’ and again the listeners are ‘convicted’ in their hearts. In scripture we read that, “…when they heard this, they were cut to the quick…” No emotional pull from the listener here. There is no grief for a wrong done, but instead, there is an anger swelling up in these ‘convicted hearts.’

In Acts 2:37, when the people in Jerusalem heard Peter’s message and were ‘pierced to the heart’, they came back with the question, “Brethren, what shall we do?” In Acts 5:33 when the Council heard these similar words, “…they repentintended to kill them (the apostles).”  How can two sets of people hear the same message of salvation, feel a strong conviction and yet respond with entirely opposite views? Clearly one was convicted to accept a change while the other was convicted to reject change. For those who know a wrong exists in their lives, God provides an avenue. Peter’s response,“Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins…” (vs. 38). However, as he stood before the Council, when their hearts were ‘cut’, they sought to eliminate the source of their conviction.

Perhaps Paul’s first letter to the church in Corinth helps us understand how some might be convicted to change while others are convicted to rebel against God’s message. I Corinthians 1:23 read, “…but we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness, but to those who are called (to those who are asking ‘what must I do to be saved’), both Jews and Greeks, Christ (is) the power of God and the wisdom of God.”  So perhaps the question for you and me is simply, when we are convicted of a wrong, when our heart is pierced or pricked, how will we respond?

A Terrifying Thing!

Some sights and sounds can be frightening when you first see or hear them.  048Perhaps it’s the unknown that gives us a chill, but the cry of a stray cat in the dark of the night, or the wind blowing through the branches of tree on a dark street can be a little spooky this time of year.  The dark, majestic home with turn-of-the-century architecture can be a beautiful sight, but why do we feel anxiety when that same house is shrouded in darkness?  It must be the unseen and lack of knowing that makes things ‘scary.’  But not all terrifying things come from what we can’t see or hear.

Situations like these, the spooky house and cries in the night, pale in comparison to how fearful we should be when we step head long into sin and reject the Word of God.  In the 10th chapter of the book of Hebrews, the Hebrew writer speaks about judgement and says, “It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God.”  Many will live their life unconcerned about eternity.  Though some my think about it, many give no mind to life after death.

Once there were two very affluent men who were challenged with living a righteous life, exercising self-control and accepting the judgement to come.  One man ‘even believed…’, but both were reluctant to accept Christ.  The first man was afraid and told the messenger to, “Go away…” His counterpart, in turn, replied, Almost you persuade…”  These two Roman leaders (Felix and Agrippa) heard what needed to be done to turn from their lives of sin, but wouldn’t move themselves to action.

How many thousands of people today, hear the word of God, believe the message, and yet fail to do what needs to be done to be right with God?  Situations abound where someone knows what to do, but refuses to take the necessary steps.  ‘It’s not convenient for me…’, ‘I’m comfortable where I am…’ or ‘Just go away…maybe some other time…’  Every excuse is a step farther away from the living God.  Each element within the rejection can mean terrifying results for the one who, ‘falls into the hand of the living God.’  Philip Bliss understood that terror and wrote what might have been Governor Felix’s, or King Agrippa’s response to Paul in Acts chapter 24 and 26.  For years Christian’s have sung this old spiritual song as an invitation to come to God.


“Almost persuaded” now to believe; “Almost persuaded” Christ to receive;
Seems now some soul to say, “Go, Spirit, go Thy way,
Some more convenient day On Thee I’ll call.”
“Almost persuaded,” come, come today; “Almost persuaded,” turn not away;
Jesus invites you here, Angels are lingering near
Prayers rise from hearts so dear; O wanderer, come!
“Almost persuaded,” harvest is past! “Almost persuaded,” doom comes at last!
“Almost” cannot avail; “Almost” is but to fail!

034Sad, sad, that bitter wail – “Almost,” but lost!
Spooky old houses and howls in the night may send a chill down your spine.  Scary thoughts waft through the night air as we walk dark lonely streets.  But nothing is as fearful as ‘almost’ confessing Christ; ‘almost’ being baptized into His name and ‘almost’ giving your life over to Him.  Some will say, ‘almost’, while others say ‘go away.’  But what a terrifying thing to reject Him and fall into the hands of the living God!


Thoughts From the Cross

Christ on the crossHave you ever wondered what went through Jesus’ mind as He hung on the cross?  The gospel accounts tell us about the scorn of the soldiers, the hatred of the Jews, the fear of the apostles and the sorrow of Mary; but little is said of the mental state of Jesus Himself.

Fortunately, almost a full millennium before the death of Christ, David penned the soul stirring words of Psalm 22.  This powerful psalm eloquently relates Jesus’ perspective as He bled and died for humanity’s sin.  David writes, almost as if he were standing at the foot of the cross peering into the mind of the Savior.  His words give us a glimpse into Heaven’s point of view, and helps us to grasp the intense anguish of our Savior as He hung upon Calvary’s tree.

The Cry of the Savior (Psalm 22:1-5)

“My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?”  What a cry was made by our Lord and Savior.  One can only imagine the loneliness that Christ felt on Execution Hill.  The Lord made Him a sin offering, placing the whole of man’s sin upon His shoulders.  The weight of that sin must have been unbearable as Jesus knows that He had been ‘made to be sin’ for us (2 Corinthians 5:21) and that the eyes of God Almighty were too pure to even look upon Him (Habakkuk 1:13).  Yet despite His solitude, Jesus still gave reverence to His Father, “Yet, You are holy, O You are enthroned upon the praises of Israel.”  Psalm 22:3

The Rejection of the Savior (Psalm 22:6-13)

Can you imagine One who left behind the splendor of Heaven for our benefit, being treated with less respect than a worm?  Jesus, “…came to His own, and those who were His own did not receive Him.”  John 1:22.  The Jews desecrated his dignity and sentenced Him to a death normally reserved for the lowest of the low.  David records, “But I am a worm and not a man; reproach of men and despised by the people…” (Psalm 22:6).  Jesus truly was ‘a man of sorrows’ (Isaiah 53:3)  He was hated, scorned, mocked, spat upon, beaten, rejected and ultimately crucified on behalf of the very men and women who despised Him…and some still do today.

The Crucifixion of the Savior (Psalm 22:14-18)

It is difficult to surmise a form of punishment more cruel and humiliating than crucifixion.  Though undeserving, our Savior suffered this torturous death at the hands of Roman soldiers.  As His body hung there, weakened from the beating just hours earlier, those who hated Jesus looked upon Him with a sadistic satisfaction.  They are described as dogs that enclosed Him and pierced Him; “For dogs have surrounded Me; a band of evildoers has encompassed me; they pierced my hands and my feet.” (vs. 16)  They laughed and mocked at Him, inflicting pain to the best of their limited abilities.  The spotless Lamb of God endured this for you and me.

The Deliverance of the Savior (Psalm 22:19-21)

In His hour of darkness, the Messiah found consolation and hope in His Father, our Lord. “But You, O Lord, be not far off, O Lord my help, hasten to my assistance.”  Psalm 22:19.  The Hebrew writer reveals that Christ offered up both prayers and supplications to the Lord (Hebrews 5:7).  Truly, to whom may we turn in times of extreme need?  Christ did not forsake His Father, neither did He despise Him during His hour of trail.  Rather, Christ called out to Him and placed His confidence in Him.  We, too, find our deliverance through Christ in God the Father.

Thanks to Terry Harmon (the former minister of the Flagler church of Christ in Flagler, Colorado) for once again sharing some thoughts about our Savior and His death on the cross.  Would that we come to better understand the cry of the Savior, His rejection and crucifixion on the cross so we can learn of the deliverance we have in Him.

I Knew You’d Come…May 26th

Moore tornadoMonday afternoon, May 20th, a tornado of unprecedented strength, swept through an urban neighborhood of Moore, Oklahoma.  With a mere 16-min. warning, businesses, schools and families desperately fled for shelter.

This month alone, we have seen devastation from storms in the Texas towns of Granbury and Cleburne, as well as in the community in Shawnee, Oklahoma.

How do we hold up in the face of such destruction and death?  What sense can we make in this manifested display of God’s power?  This morning Robert Oglesby will direct our hearts and minds as we come to better understand the comfort offered in Christ during these difficult times.  Just as the rescue workers came into Moore, Oklahoma to add those in despair, Jesus also comes to our rescue as we face the storms of life.  The following song selection is designed to focus our minds on Christ’s comfort in times of trials.

I Corinthians 14:15, “…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”

All Things Praise Thee – 43

Coming off the reading of Psalm 84:4, “How blessed are those who dwell in Your house! They are ever praising You.” we sing the verse verse of this old hymn; “All things praise Thee, Lord most high…”  What a beautiful message as we sing this hymn of praise.  Concluding each verse we echo the plea, “…all things praise Thee – Lord, may we!”  Notice, this isn’t a question but an acclamation.  Would that we all give God our praise!

Great Are You, Lord – no book

As we sing this contemporary song of praise we’ll begin with just the men sing, “Holy Lord, most holy Lord.  You alone are worthy of our praise…”  The chorus breaks forth with every voice giving glory to God.  JESUS CAMEUnderstanding this hymn to our Father we sing, “Great are You, Lord!”

In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came – 504

Though not found in the ‘Savior’s Sacrifice’ section, this spiritual song reminds us of the death Christ suffered on the cross.  Understanding the grace of God we sing, “In loving-kindness Jesus came…” to reclaim my sinful soul.  Notice verse 3, “His brow was pierced with many a thorn, His hands by cruel nails were torn…”  Thus we find the focus for the Lord’s Supper.  But read verse 3 with a clearer understanding; “Now on a higher plane I dwell, and with my soul I know ’tis (it is) well; Yet how or why, I cannot tell, He should have lifted me…”  Don’t misunderstand the message here.  We are not singing “He should have lifted me”; we’re singing “I don’t know why He lifted me…but He did!”

I Gave My Life for Thee – 354

We sing as if we’re saying the words of Christ.  Poetically Jesus reminds us; 1) I gave My life for you, 2) I left it all for you, 3) I’ve borne it all for you, and 4) I bring rich gifts (salvation, love and pardon) to you.  Then we’re left with the question…What have you given, left, borne and brought to Jesus?

Whispering Hope – 497

“Soft as the voice of an angel…”  The author of this old spiritual song encourages us to hold fast to the hope which we find in Christ, even as the ‘night is upon us.’  Consider the third verse and the poetry found in this line, “Hope, as an anchor so steadfast rends (completely shreds) the dark veil for the soul whither (Where) the Master has entered, robbing the grave of its goal.  Come then, O come, glad fruition (realization), come to my sad weary heart. Come, O Thou blest hope of glory never, O never depart…”  Where is YOUR hope in stormy weather?

‘Til the Storm Passes By – 546

Have you ever felt struggles to the point of despair?  Does it seem Satan is tearing you down?  “Many times Satan whispers, ‘There is no need to try.  For there’s no end to sorrow, there’s no hope by and by…”  Really?  Don’t forget those are the words of the great deceiver.  Jesus is the hope of all the world, Matthew 12:21.

Standing on the Promises – 452

Where are you standing, “when the howling storms of doubt and fear assail…?”  Before our lesson we’ll repeat this confirmation, ‘we are standing on the promises of God’, sixteen times.  It’s common for people to call on God during the storms, but as we sing, ‘through eternal ages let His praises ring…’ and continue to stand on the promises God has given you.

I Need Thee Every Hour – 837

Written by Annie Hawks in 1837, a Brooklyn housewife wrote this poem in a hour of joy, not pain.  However, God is our helpduring the next several years many found comfort from these words.  We’ll sing this as our invitation song, and as the call goes forth let us realize just how much we need Him…every hour!

O God, Our Help in Ages Past – 522

God has been our help in ages past, and as we consider the message from this lesson, He will be our hope for years to come!  We know God has sent His Son to rescue us, and my prayer is that we will all be eager to retreat to His shelter during the storm.  Though the world stands in fear of the stormy blast, God reaches down and we say…I knew He’d come!

Who Am I?

Oscillating FanAre you blessed?  When the temperatures fall in the winter, do you consider the warmth of your home a blessing?  When the summer heats up and the sun beats down on you, do you find the comfort of your oscillating fan a blessing?

All too often we find ourselves living in an self-satisfying world.  The young teenage boy opens the refrigerator expecting it to be filled with food (though he may hold the door open for 15 minutes trying to decide what he wants).  When we flip the light switch in the hall we expect instant illumination.  We turn on the shower and become frustrated when it takes too long for the water to heat up. In short…we expect favorable results.  But why do we think this way?  Who am I to assume that just because I expect things to be a certain way they will be?  Unfortunately we are living in a time (a culture) of entitlement.  When we once cherished what we had, now we expect it…and more.  The university graduate, with diploma in hand, expecting a 6 figure income.  Many not wanting to work their way to the top, but rather expecting to automatically be placed there.  The young family moving into their first home?  Make that a 4-bedroom, 3-bath, 2-car garage, because, “Hey, I deserve it…” But what really do I deserve? It’s probably not what I would expect.

During the last several months many have shared with me this song made popular by Rusty Goodman in 1965.  Many years ago I remember hearing Elvis Presley sing this song, but it never sounded as strong as it does in this arrangement. Sung by the “Alter of Praise Chorale” in 2010, this song speaks to the blessing we have in a Christ. Notice the words, then listen to the human voice sing this song of humility and reverence.

who am i

Oh when I think of how He left His home in glory
Came and dwelt among the lowly such as I
To suffer shame and such disgrace on Mount Calvary
Take my place then I ask myself a question, “Who am I?”

Who am I that the King would bleed and die for?
Who am I that He would pray “not my will, Thine Lord?”
The answer I may never know, why He ever loved me so
That to an old rugged cross He’d go for who am I?

When I’m reminded of His words, I’ll leave Him never
If you’ll be true I’ll give to you life forever
Oh, I wonder what I could have done to deserve God’s only Son
To fight my battles until they’re won for who am I?

Who am I that the King would bleed and die for?
Who am I that He would pray not my will, Thy Lord?
The answer I may never know, why He ever loved me so
But to an old rugged cross He’d go for who am I?
But to an old rugged cross He’d go for who am I?

Paul’s inspired words to the church in Rome remind me that I am a blessed man.  We don’t deserve anything good, but we have been given the best gift ever.  Who am I to be the recipient of such an honor?  Why would God look down on me and have mercy on me, a sinner.  You’ve heard the song written some 47 years ago, but now read the inspired words penned some 2000 years ago and ask yourself…who am I?  “For when we were yet without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet perhaps for a good man some would even dare to die. But God commended His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Romans 5:6-8

Enjoy the blessings God has given you.  The warmth of your home when the cold air is swirling around; the cool side of the pillow on the hot summer night, and best of all…the assurance that God has given us the greatest gift of all time.

That ‘Sinking Feeling’…

“I was sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore.
Very deeply stained within, sinking to rise no more.
But the Master of the sea heard my despairing cry,
From the water lifted me now safe am I.”

Have you ever been in a situation when you were really feeling troubled?  Some have even referred to it as a “sinking feeling”.  Troubles can come upon us and cause stress, discomfort and an overall sense of discouragement.  There have been times when we have referred to difficulties in our lives as a storm or tribulation.  So what do we do when the storms begin to rage?  If you live on the beach or near the ocean you know the precautions that must be taken when the forecast call for hurricane type winds.  But the basis for this hymn comes from the text when Peter tries to walk on water.  Notice the text from Matthew 14, beginning at verse 27; “But immediately Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘Take courage, it is I; do not be afraid.’ Peter said to Him, ‘Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.’  And He said, ‘Come!’  And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus.  But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’  Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?’  When they got into the boat, the winds stopped.  And those who were in the boat worshiped Him, saying, ‘You are certainly God’s Son!’.” 

From this passage we read that Peter, actually walked on the water with Jesus.  But like many of us, he was distracted by the concerns around him and eventually lost his focus.  The ‘stormy winds’ (vs.25) were real and the waves were a strong reminder to Peter that he was away from the security of the boat.  Do you feel the same when faced with stressful situations?  God calls us to come to Him just as Jesus called Peter to join Him on the surface of the Sea of Galilee.  But we know there will be storms and stressful situations.  When we start to struggle (sink), remember the words from this old hymn written in 1912 by James Rowe.

“Love lifted me!  When nothing else could help, love lifted me.”  Find the encouragement from the 2nd and 3rd verses of this old hymn.  “All my heart to Him I give, ever to Him I’ll cling.  In His blessed presence live, ever His praises sing.  Love so mighty and so true merits (spiritual credit) my soul’s best songs; Faithful loving service, too, to Him belongs.  Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves; He will lift you by His love out of the angry ways.  He’s the Master of the sea, billows His will obey; He your Savior wants to be, be saved today.”

We know the storms of life will come, though we don’t know when.  Forecasting a storm allows those in it’s path to prepare themselves and ‘batten down the hatches’, but how many of us today are preparing for the storms of life?  Some are walking with Christ, but are still struggling as the winds and the waves slap us in the face.  Losing our focus on God and turning to the storm, we’re sinking.  Christ is waiting for you to reach out to Him and cry with a sincere heart, “Lord, save me!”  Unfortunately today, too many refuse to acknowledge the hand of Christ as He reaches out to lift us.  Not only do we exemplify ‘little faith’, our stubborn hearts doom us as we slowly sink in sin.

Would that we realize our plight and understand the stain of our sin.  When we come to realize how much trouble we have without Christ, we’ll reach out and let Him bring us safely back into His care.  Or do we bother; are we really concerned about that ‘sinking feeling’?  The world tells us to just bear down, endure, and get over it.  But you and I know that we can’t go along in this life and without doubt, we’ll drown if someone doesn’t rescue us.  Jesus cares and He will deliver you because He loves you.  His dedication to you and your relationship with Him is more than you might understand.  But I know and I’m convenience of this…His Love Lifted Me!


Not Guilty!

No doubt you have heard that on the last day of May, 2012, John Edwards, a former presidential candidate for our United States, was found not guilty!  All accusations of the misappropriation of funds, his inappropriate moral behavior, and his numerous ill-advised decisions and the jury said; “Not Guilty.”

But notice the words that came from his own mouth during his address to the media.  With the camera’s rolling and his parents standing behind him, John Edwards stated that he did nothing illegal, but ‘an awful lot’ wrong.  Sounds like he has gotten a grasp on the stand we take in American culture.  We may be wrong in what we are doing (have done), but at least it’s not illegal.  As long as we keep things ‘legal’ it doesn’t matter what we do morally.  That explains why mix marriages are being pushed in the court room.  That explains the desire to legalize marijuana and take things once consider ‘dark’ and inappropriate to a new level of acceptability.  (NOTE: To his credit, John Edwards did admit he had ‘sinned’ and it was his full responsibility…that would be right.)

When we see our failures and recognize our sin (as Edwards admitted)…we can rest assured and know that there is hope.  Unfortunately many will continue to grasp at self-promoting ideals and selfish objectives; in short, we’ll continue to do ‘an awful lot wrong’.  But after we recognize our failures and openly admit our sin, the next step is to turn (repeat) from that sinful behavior.  So how do we connect this timely news report with the theme, Singing with the Spirit?  Can we find anything Biblical (hymn-wise) that we can apply from this report?

Frances R. Havergal was born in the early 1800’s and wrote several hymns we currently sing today.  “I Gave My Life to Thee”, “Is It for Me?”, “True-Hearted, Whole-Hearted”, “Take My Life and Let it Be” and “Lord Speak to Me” just to name a few.  In 1870 Ms. Havergal wrote the hymn, “I Bring My Sins to Thee”.  When we recognize our faults, our sins, we need to know there is a next step.  Rather than trying to justify my actions and strive to prove myself not guilty, we should consider the first two verses of this hymn.  In my opinion, the second verse is very fitting as we consider a society that looks to make excuses.

1) “I bring my sins to Thee, the sins I cannot count, that all may cleansed be in Thy once opened fount: I bring them, Savior, all to Thee; the burden is too great for me…the burden is too great for me.  2) I bring my grief to Thee, The grief I cannot tell; No word shall needed be Thou knowest all so well; I bring the sorrow laid on me, O suffering Savior all to Thee..o suffering Savior all to Thee.”

It would be easy to make up some excuse and try to explain away my wrong actions.  But if I’m honest with myself, my sins are too much for me to cover up, to bear alone or to excuse away.  My only salvation is in Jesus Christ.  The question I must ask is will I bring my sins to Him?  If we’re honest with ourselves we’ll admit it…Guilty.  But thanks be to God there is no word that is needed, He knowest all so well.