Today’s Your Wedding Day…

One look around our home and you can see quite clearly that things are different. Not bad or in some abnormal way, but with the addition of boxes. And before you start thinking we’re planning to move or ‘storing up treasures on earth,’ you need to know that since her graduation from college, our daughter has been waiting patiently to move on. And so ‘her stuff’ has begun to stack up, but you also need to know that for the last 6 months she has been looking forward to this day…November 17, 2018. Our daughter, my little girl will become the wife of Max Dalton Todd.
And so the ‘stuff’ I’m seeing around the house is thanks to so many dear friends and family who love our daughter and want to bless this young couple as they start life together. Therefore, since the late summer months, FedEx and the US Postal Service have been (almost on a daily basis) delivering dozens of boxes to our address. But this article is not about wedding gifts, or boxes or even the blessings that have been bestowed upon my daughter. As I write this, I’m thinking about marriage and the wedding of Emili and Dalton. WOW…give me a minute!
Perhaps I’m feeling this way because of the focus our God has given to marriage. He is our Creator and from the beginning of time…He instituted marriage (Genesis 2). So we would be wise to read His words on the matter. Let’s start by thinking about Ephesians 5 & I Corinthians 7, Paul is giving instruction to husbands and wives. Or the Hebrew writer, in chapter 13, as he writes through inspiration that we should honor marriage. But John’s vision in Revelation is the premise here as it ties together our relationship to marriage with our relationship to God. Read Revelation 19:7-9…
“Then I heard what sounded like a great multitude, like the roar of rushing waters and like loud peals of thunder, shouting: “Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear.” Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”
As a matter of fact, read further in Revelation chapter 21 as John writes about the bride adorned for her husband (vs. 2), the words ‘…faithful and true’ (vs. 5) and the statement in verse 9 saying, “Come here, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb.” We see the relationship between Christ and the church (His bride) and our parallel with marriage here in this life. So I write all this to simply quote the words of one of my favorite songs about Christ’s return as Keith Lancaster puts ‘the Wedding Day’ into true perspective. Because as the father of the bride I have to tell you…
“Lately I’ve been thinking as I look all around me.
I see by the signs that we’re soon going to be leaving
The bridegroom is coming to take us all away
May be tomorrow, but I pray that it’s today

And we will fly away in the twinkling of an eye
Leaving all our heartaches and telling them all goodbye
Yes we will fly away when he hears His Father say,
“Jesus, go and get your bride, today’s your wedding day.”
Now when we see the bridegroom in the clouds in the sky
Will he be telling you hello or telling you goodbye?
Oh, be sure and be ready to meet Him face to face
We’ve got to fight the good fight, we’ve got to keep our faith…”
Emili and Dalton…today’s your wedding day and your family and friends surround you in love. Hold fast to the message of God’s word and know that the relationship you are entering into is a ‘foretaste of rapture to come…’ (to quote another song.) And Emili, if the truth be known, I’m going to miss you and your boxes here at the house. Your mom and I love you both and are excited to see what God has in store for you and Dalton. Let me put my own personal spin to this song; “Lately I’ve been thinking as I look all around me, I see by the signs (the boxes) that you’re soon going to be leaving. Planned from the beginning, that’s what the scriptures say, I’ve known it was coming…can’t believe that it’s today!” 

Congratulations Emili & Dalton, we love you both!





You Said, “I Do”…but Do You?

As the groom stand before his friends and family, he is asked one of the most important questions of his life,

“Do you take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?”

His confession of love is captured in two little words, “I do!”

A confession that promises devotion. A promise to give his life to this one woman forever. A proclamation that is more than just an “I love you.” This is a confession that says I am yours.

Several months ago a sermon looked at a similar confession between the believer and his God. Before family and friends the question is asked, “Do you believe that Jesus is the Son of God?” Prior to the baptism that great confession is taken. The believer’s “I do” proclaims more than just a passing love for Christ. It’s a commitment. Every day we should examine our hearts and look closely at our lives to see if that proclamation, that “I do” is still our living promise.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Song options for a Sunday morning sermon on commitment…

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“To God Be the Glory” (page 4) Take a look at verse two, “…The vilest offenders who TRULY obey, that moment may enter the heavenly way.” How do we know if someone ‘truly obeys?’ We only trust and hope, but know that God knows our hearts. He knows if we are committed!

“Faithful Love” (page 18) Our perfect example of love is found in Jesus. When we consider His faithful love, it changes our way of thinking. At least it will if we are doing more than just saying, “I do.”

“Dear Lord and Father of Mankind” (page 770) This hymn (prayer) to God is a great voice of how much we are dedicating our lives to Him. Especially as we strive to focus on Him rather than the ‘strain and stress’ of life. Our life will show how much we ‘confess’ our Lord and Father.

“The Old Rugged Cross” (page 313) If you have said “I do” and stepped into the watery grave of baptism making Jesus your Lord and Savior, have you laid down your trophies? Hmmm…if we don’t lay the world down, how will we ever be committed to serving Him?

“I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord” (page 609) This has always been a favorite of mine, but especially when we think about that vow we make to commit to Christ. Not only am I saying “Yes,” but I’m not ashamed either!

“Our God, He is Alive” (page 23) We sing this so often it’s easy to miss what we’re saying. Verse two, “He is the God that we should know…” Meaning we should know Him (we’d better know Him) and/or meaning (we ought to know Him.) Just don’t forget, it’s in Him (God) that we not only live, but in Him we survive!

“I DO,” the two words that launch a husband and wife into a life together are the same words that launch the believer into eternity with his God.

Satan’s Thinking Traps for Relationships…Feb. 15th

Waterview church of Christ is excited to host the 2nd Annual Marriage Enrichment Seminar; One Man, One Woman, For Life. This year we are proud to welcome one of the outstanding professors from Harding University, Joe BrumfieldDr. Joe Brumfield. His topic Sunday morning will examine some of the ‘thinking traps’ Satan has set in an attempt to derail our marriages.

And since we are daily bombarded by a culture that embraces anything but “One Man, One Woman, For Life,” we must be all the more diligent to hold fast to God’s plan for marriage. We say we value strong marriages, but are we preparing for Satan’s attacks on our relationships. Are we on the alert for the snares the devil has laid out?  Sunday morning we’ll examine some of “Satan’s Thinking Traps for Relationships.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”
I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, February 15, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

Strong tower“The Lilly of the Valley” – 548

A spiritual song that has been in our hymnals since the late 1800’s. Perhaps we sing these old songs without much thought, but notice what we’ll say in the second verse; “…in temptation He’s my strong and might tower (Proverbs 18:10); I have all for Him forsaken and all my idols tore from my heart, and now He keeps me by His power. (Now notice this…) Tho’ all the world forsake me, and Satan tempt me sore, through Jesus I shall safely reach the goal…” When we realize our strength comes from God, and when we rip the ‘idols’ from our life, we are heaven bound regardless of the traps Satan sets for us. But we’ll only make it ‘through the blood of Jesus Christ!’


“Great Are You Lord” – no book

A simple but clear proclamation we sing in this contemporary hymn,“Holy Lord, Most Holy Lord. You alone are worthy of my praise! Holy and true…Great are You, Lord!”

“In Memory of the Savior’s Love” – 335

Remembering our Savior’s sacrifice we also remember His commandment; “This is My body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” I Corinthians 11:24 and “This is cup is the new covenant in My blood; do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me.” I Corinthians 11:25. So we sing together…“In memory of the Savior’s love we keep the sacred feast…”

“Lead Me Gently Home, Father”823father and son

While the collection plate is being passed we’re reminded that this world is temporary. As a matter of fact, as we face ‘life’s toils,’ ‘life’s darkest hours,’ and ‘sore trials’ we have hope in knowing that our Father is leading us gently home. Only never forget; “Be Thou near to keep me, take me as Thine own, for I cannot live without Thee…Lead me gently home.”

“None of Self, And All of Thee” – 695

Before our lesson this morning, and as we consider the traps Satan has laid out, we must never forget his attempt to distract us with our greatest struggle…self. This spiritual song takes us from self worship to Godly worship. Sadly, too many of us would stop after verse 2 or 3. But without completing this song with verse four…we rest comfortably in Satan’s snare.

“Purer in Heart” – 671

Perhaps this wouldn’t classify as your typical invitation song, but notice the message; “Purer in heart, O God, help me to be…”  That’s the opening line, the initial statement from each of the verses we’ll sing this morning. And the the message contained in the last verse is clear; “Keep me from secret sin, reign Thou my soul within…” Will we admit, do we truly believe, that there is secret sin in our life? When we do, we’re on our way to recognizing and overcoming, through Christ, Satan’s traps.

“When Morning Comes” – 985

I like how this closing song starts off; “Trials dark on every hand and we cannot understand all the ways that God will lead us to His blessed promised land…” But perhaps more fitting is the reminder that we will understand it better soon (by and by). And just to get one more push for our message this morning, we’ll sing the 3rd verse too; “Temptations, hidden snares, often take us unawares…” Husbands and wives, mothers and fathers, be prepared for Satan’s Thinking Traps for your Relationship. With Christ to guide us, with our Christian brothers and sisters to encourage us and with God to lead us…we will understand it better by and by!