A Cry of Compassion…July 23rd
The sight of an animal being mistreated causes most of us to feel sorrow for the abused. But when you see a lost child waiting for someone to stop and […]
The sight of an animal being mistreated causes most of us to feel sorrow for the abused. But when you see a lost child waiting for someone to stop and […]
We all have dilemmas in life, and yet we’re unique in every aspect. A struggle or temptation for one might not be a struggle for another. Even as we experience
Have you ever stopped to consider how words, though spelled alike, have a different meaning? It’s easy to see how words like post can mean something you write or something
In January, 1940, Irving Berlin penned the words to a song we have heard and sung during Christmas for years. The words are simple and the message couldn’t be clearer; “I’m
Have you ever considered the difference between hearing and listening? We hear the sound of the traffic on the highway, but we listen when the driver behind us honks. In
We often ask God for safe travel and healing for the sick. Ever notice how our prayers are often saturated with what we want from God? But how much do
Ask any parent who has young children and they will assure you the sound of silence is best experienced when those angelic children are sleeping. As the parent of three
Power is described in many ways. Often we think of power coming from the strong and stout. But it can also be found in some unexpected areas. Someone once said,