The Incubator…March 1st

As a young boy growing up on a West Texas farm, I remember well the days we Chickswould raise little baby chicks. From hatchlings we would nurture them with heat lamps, clean water, the appropriate feed, warm straw and a secure chicken coop. Though I don’t recall if we ever ‘incubating’ the eggs, they were our responsibility from the very beginning.

But without the incubation process, the hatching of the baby chick will never happen. Of course, eggs aren’t the only things that need an incubator. The premature baby, the ‘new endeavor,’ even a virus may have an incubation period. And this morning as we recognize those babies born in 2014, Robert Taylor will share some ideas about how we can prepare our children for life in this world. Not just any life, but a life focused on God and His will. Parents, we have an obligation to care for our children, prepare our children, and ‘bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.’ (Ephesians 6:4) And if you think about it, it all begins in…”The Incubator.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, March 1, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Wonderful Words of Life” – 543

“Sing them over again to me, wonderful words of life…” what a joy to sing about our salvation! Consider your life in Christ, your salvation in His name…beautiful words, wonderful words, wonderful words of life. It’s encouraging to me to read/sing the words of the 2nd verse; these words are ‘all so freely given,’ and for the one who is listening and open to the message, these words are ‘wooing us to heaven.’ Wonderful words of life!

“How Beautiful” – 365

Preparing ourselves for the Lord’s Supper we’ll sing a spiritual song that was written less than 25 years ago. A song that speaks to the beautiful hands that serve, the washing feetbeautiful, radiant bride (the church of Christ), and the beautiful feet that walk. This song, however, does more than just talk about Christ physical body, but alludes to the church as the body of Christ. Notice verse one as we sing about the hands of Christ as He served His disciples the ‘last supper.’ And visualize His feet as walked the dusty road to the cross. But then continue on to verse three as we transition to the feet that spread the good news (the gospel), and the hands that serve the Lord’s Supper today. How beautiful…in deed!


“Lord, We Come Before Thee Now” – 797

Following the Lord’s Supper many have a sense of quiet stillness. It’s fitting to come before our God with awe and reverence and so we sing, “Lord, we come before Thee now, at Thy feet we humbly bow…” setting the stage of a lowly servant approaching the king we see how we might say our souls depend on Thee. But the contrast comes in the third verse; our God, unlike an earthly king, allows us to come and stay with Him. To dwell with Him and seek His blessing.

“Can You Count the Stars” – 992

A simple song that asks a simple question; “Can you count the stars of evening…can you count the clouds…can you count the birds or the fish…can you count the little children?” If God knows their number and shows them His care, surely we can rest assured knowing that, “He has not forgotten thee.” Maybe we could say, each day in we are in God’s care, we are growing in His incubator.

“I Love to Tell the Story” – 659

Before the lesson we’ll sing a spiritual song that provides us with a clear understanding of the incubator. We sing, “I love to tell the story, it is pleasant to repeat, what seems each time I tell it more wonderfully sweet; I love to tell the story (ready for this) for some have never heard…” For some have never heard…how important for us to share the message of salvation to a lost and dying world.

“Softly and Tenderly” – 934E08M74_PosterJesusLovesMe.qxd

One might wonder how ‘come home…’ could be attributed to the incubation process. Then again, when we consider this life as just the nurturing and preparation stage for a new life, we might just all being in the incubator. It would explain why Jesus is calling us ‘softly and tenderly.’

“Jesus Loves Me” – 1014

Even the littlest child is likely to know this simple song. What better way to bring our children through the incubation process then to train them up and remind them daily that Jesus loves them. Parents, this should resonate in our hearts…‘this I know, for the Bible tells me so!”

“There is a Habitation” – 860

The beauty of this song comes in knowing that heaven is a perfect place. It’s a place where there is no war, no sorrow, no death, and no tomorrow. A place with no desolation, no night and no decay, And though this song doesn’t say it, no incubator. For within the gates of heaven we’ll be singing eternal praises to our King. Would that we instill a desire within our children to say, “I am ready to go to heaven!” When this life is over, when we leave the incubator, let’s be ready for the city built by the living God.

The Sign of the Covenant…Sept. 28th

A verbal commitment is binding, and yet an agreement that is documented (written) is stronger still. But what about an agreement between two individuals that has physical implications? A physical sign of what we have agreed upon. A handshake is physical, but is Covenant...1there more to it when it comes to our agreement, our covenant, with God?

In the Old Testament we read of the ‘physical’ covenant between God and man in Genesis chapter 17 when God said to Abraham…“Now as for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations. This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: every male among you shall be circumcised. And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and you…” A very physical sign to be sure, but what about us today? If we have a covenant with God, is it more than just verbal and written? What is our “Sign of the Covenant?”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, September 28, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord” – 609

Just looking at the title of this familiar song, you should ask yourself, ‘what does it mean to “own” Him?’ Perhaps in easier terms we might say, do you openly profess your obedience to God? If I’m loyal to God, and if I publicly proclaim Him then how often do I defend His cause? Do you know, His cause? Children of the covenant know, and we must never be ashamed to own our Lord.

“He’s My King” – 166

Immediately following after “I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord,” we’ll sing this spiritual song of confirmation. Not only am I willing to proclaim my loyal covenant to Him…I sing with conviction that He is my King! Let’s sing of our love for Him, and be sure…‘none other is above Him.’

“Hallelujah! What a Savior” – 337

Before the Lord’s Supper we’ll sing the first two verses of this song written by Philip Bliss in the late 1800’s. Remember that Jesus was scoffed and shamed as He stood condemned in our spot. But why? To reclaim us, the ‘ruined sinner,’ and to pardon us with His blood. What a Savior!

“Why Did My Savior Come to Earth” – 382

Taking just the first verse we’ll sing before the bread. Then, between the bread and the fruit of the vine, we’ll sing verse two. When was the last time you really focused on these words: “Why did my Savior come to earth, and go to the humble (insignificant, inferior)? Why did He chose to be born in a barn (a lowly birth)? And why did He drink the bitter cup of sorrow, pain and woe (trouble)? Why did He allow mankind to lift Him up on the cross? Do you know the answer to these questions? They can be found in this children’s song; “Jesus loves me, this I know!”

“I Come to the Garden Alone” – 595

As we conclude our time around the Lord’s Supper we’ll reflect on a song we’ve song for years. Though it’s poetic, it could have been the thoughts of Mary Magdalene as she came to the tomb of Jesus on the first day of the week. Maybe…maybe not, but she would have been one to say, “I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses; and the voice I hear, falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses.” Read through John 20 and see for yourself if these could have been Mary’s words.

“O Jesus, I Have Promised” – 554

Also referred to as “The Angel’s Song” we can sing of our covenant relationship with God. Do you promise to serve Him to the end?

“Ancient Words” – no book

‘Ancient words, ever true, changing me and changing you!’ Perhaps the next line of this contemporary song is the challenge for you and I today. Can we honestly sing what comes next? Have you come with an open heart? Are you ready for the word of covenantGod to be imparted to you? If so, when this lesson is concluded what will your reply be? What a blessing that these “Holy words” have been long preserved so we can see…a sign of the covenant.

“O Master Let Me Walk with Thee” – 763

An invitation song to consider our covenant with our King. Will you walk with Him? Will you serve Him? Will you claim Him publicly? Why is it we so often consider our promise with God, our covenant with our Savior, as something we can pick up and put down at will? Perhaps the sign of our covenant with Christ must be more than just words if we are to be pleasing to God.

“Live for Jesus” – 594

How will you live this week? Who will you serve? Notice our second verse as we close the worship time together; “Live for Jesus, wandering sinner, under Satan serve no more; of the promised prize a winner thou may’st be when life is o’er…” If you are living in sin, you’re living for Satan. Convert (turn around) and live for Jesus. The sign of your covenant with God is your life and when it’s over, if you’ve been loyal, you’ll win the prize of heaven.