Do We Want More? (part 2)

more...Oliver TwistOliver is a young, orphan boy who, at the tender age of nine, lives each day with other orphans at the ‘workhouse.’  His daily routine is much like every boy in the orphanage.  He isn’t a trouble maker, but he does something no one else is willing to do.  After finishing his bowl of gruel (porridge), with a trembling hand, he returns to food line and utters the famous line, “Please Sir, I want some more…”

Charles Dickens authors this literally piece and many have adapted Oliver Twist to their own version of orphans and the homeless.  The story is an interesting one, but our focus is centered on the words of this fictitious nine-year old, “…I want some more.”  If we’re truthful with ourselves we would admit that each of us, in some form or fashion want more.  But as we’ve studied previous, what more do we want?

Let’s continue the study of the hymn written and composed by Philip Bliss in 1873.  Interestingly enough, this song was penned less than 35 years after Dickens wrote Oliver Twist.  As you might remember, we sing the word ‘more’ twenty-four (24) times during the course of song “More Holiness Give Me”.  Let’s continue our deeper examination of what more we could possibly be aspiring toward.

In verse two we sing (and seek); more gratitude, more trust, more pride and more hope .  More tears, more pain, more meekness and more praise.  One by one we consider what are we asking God to give us ‘more’ of:
girl praying
1) More gratitude give me…  Our prayers are often laced with thankfulness.  We’re thankful for the day, the food, the good night’s rest so why ask for more thankfulness?  Gratitude is synonymous with thankfulness but often we ramble out our prayer of thanks without processing why we have what we have.  God has given us EVERYTHING!  For that alone we should have gratitude.  Personally, I don’t get tired of hearing thank you from my children.  Do you suppose God is the same?

2) More trust in the Lord… David wrote in Psalm 20:7, “Some boast (trust) in chariots and some in horses, But we will boast (trust) in the name of the Lord, our God.”  With some much self-proclaimed wisdom, our culture and this present generation has come to trust in self.  So much has been accomplished and achieved during the last 50 years we have become masters in our own right.  What do we trust?  Who do we trust?  Would that we prayer for more trust in the Lord.  “…the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.”

3) More pride in His glory.  Each of us knows the swell of pride we feel when our team is victorious.  We take pride in knowing we have succeeded in this task or that accomplishment.  But more pride in HIS glory means I take pride in giving God glory.  We humble ourselves and take pride in knowing our God, He is Alive.

4) More hope in His word.  The word “hope” can mean to long for something, wish for it; or it can mean trust or confidence.  Our hope in God’s word is not to wish for it to be what it claims to be, but to put our trust and our confidence in His word.  You’ll remember we sang that we pray for more trust in the Lord (previous line), and now we turn our prayer to be confident (hope) in His word!

5) More tears for His sorrows.  Each week we gather and remember the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection.  With the Lord’s Supper we keep Jesus’ sacrifice every in our minds and hearts.  But be careful that this time doesn’t become routine.  Remember the words of Isaiah (chapter 53) when he prophesy’s about the Messiah saying, “…He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief…” (KJV)  Do we weep when we consider His death?  We need more tears for His sorrows.Head bowed in prayer

6) More pain at His grief.  Again, looking to Isaiah 53 we are reminded of His grief.  As we sing this hymn we are asking that we feel the pain, as we shed the tears, for our Savior’s grief.  Undoubtedly you’ve said something like, “That breaks my heart!”  Simply an expression of pain for someone’s grief.  Does Jesus’ suffering (grief) break your heart?

7) More meekness in trial.  My mind immediately goes to the book of Matthew and the words of Jesus in the 5th chapter, “…whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also.”  (vs. 39)  But we shouldn’t be surprised when we consider what Jesus said just a few sentences earlier (vs. 5), Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.”  When someone slaps you down (trials), are you fighting mad…or meekly enduring?

8) More praise for relief.  In baseball there is a position known as the ‘relief pitcher.’  The man who take over for the ‘starting’ pitcher.  He may be there because the starter was injured or perhaps just exhausted.  Either way, there is a relief for the starter.  In the sport of baseball the relief pitcher isn’t always praised.  He may fail to ‘provide’ the relief he was called to deliver.  But in the case of Jesus, He is our answer to the injury and exhaustion we feel on a daily basis.  He is our relief, our salvation, and He never fails.  When we understand and accept Him in that way, we’ll know that we need to give Him more praise for our salvation…He is our relief…

We’ll continue this song in later weeks, but until that time take a look at the last verse of this song; there are still eight more…’mores’.

Congregational Singing

song leader...Last week, in his article about Hymnology, Richard Dent sited 7 rules for congregational singing.  Taking a deeper look into these principles might inspire us to consider how we sing on Sunday morning, and how (do) we prepare ourselves to sing.

We mentioned the book by John & Charles Wesley from the early 1700’s, “Selected Writings and Hymns”.  This collection of ideas and prayers comes from the founder of Arminian Methodism, yet some of his ideas shared here speak to us today.  We’ll consider the exact wording and explore it’s deeper meaning.  Keep in mind, our focus concerning words of directions for congregational singing must come from the word of God.

John Wesley’s Rules for Singing

From John Wesley’s Select Hymns, 1761

1) Learn these tunes before you learn any others; afterward learn as many as you please.  The encouragement here is for the reader to learn Wesley’s songs as printed in his book.  We would agree with the premise to ‘Learn these tunes…’ provided the tunes are scriptural in content.  If we find a psalm, hymn or spiritual song that doesn’t resonate with the truth of God’s word, exercise caution before adding it to your repertoire.  Learn as many as you please is good advice.  But the basis for this charge is to sing songs of praise to God.  If we would do that one thing alone (sing to God) our nation would be turning more toward Him.question mark

2) Sing them exactly as they are printed here, without altering or mending them at all; and if you have learned to sing them otherwise, unlearn it as soon as you can.  Unfortunately I don’t espouse the language in this ‘rule’ for singing.  Though spoken as a true musician, the lay singer will often adjust the melody line or add supporting harmony to a song.  God’s instruction to us when we sing is to sing with our hearts, not our vocal cords.  Often times we get caught up in the sound of it rather than focus on the heart of singing.

3) Sing all.  See that you join with the congregation as frequently as you can.  Let not a slight degree of weakness or weariness hinder you.  If it is a cross to you, take it up, and you will find it a blessing.  This is sound advice!  ‘Sing all’ is a call for everyone to sing.  Not just those who can or have the ‘best voices’, but all should be singing.  Our culture seems to focus on the ‘idols’ and glamorize the talent, but when we read Colossians 3:16, the instruction is to be ‘…teaching and admonishing one another…singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God.’  Paul doesn’t say, ‘if you want to,’ the command is for us to sing; and so we should, sing all!

4) Sing lustily and with a good courage.  Beware of singing as if you were half dead, or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength.  Be no more afraid of your voice now, nor more ashamed of its being heard, than when you sung the songs of Satan.dull person  Two thoughts here; be of good courage and sing lustily (powerful or strong) are a great admonition.  While some refuse to sing, others sing with apathy in their voices.  And yet how often do we sing out the songs of the world, but mumble or refuse to sing songs of praise?  Considering this was written almost 250 years ago, I find it interesting Wesley refers to worldly songs as ‘songs of Satan.’  Can we find praise to God in secular tunes (western, rock, rap, etc)?  Perhaps, since many of those musical numbers carry us away from God, then Wesley was right in saying they are songs of Satan.  And yet those are the songs that are sung to establish the ‘best singers’ in our society…do we need to rethink our singing?

5) Sing modestly.  Do not bawl, so as to be heard above or distinct from the rest of the congregation, that you many not destroy harmony, but strive to unite your voices together, so as to make one clear melodious sound.  Almost seems like a counter to the previous rule to ‘sing lustily’, but consider the reason for singing with modesty.  Do we come together to out sing each other?  Are you singing tenor so others can hear you for your praise?  Sopranos might have the hardest time with this ‘rule’ in that they have the lead voice.  We must be aware that our songs are not for us, but for our God.  Remember that we are offering ‘…a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that give thanks to His name.’  Will we offer that sacrifice with strength and power or with selfish intentions?

6) Sing in time.  Whatever time is sung be sure to keep with it.  Do not run before nor stay behind it; but attend close to the leading voices, and move therewith as exactly as you can; and take care not to sing too slow.  This drawling way steals on all who are lazy; and it is high time to drive it out from us, and sing all our tunes just as quick as we did at first.  Again, I’m not convinced this is of the utmost importance.  What IS important is the encouragement to sing together.  In addition, there is a clear understanding, as Paul stated in I Cor. 14:40 that we are to do, ‘all things…properly and in an orderly manner.’  This is case in point as to why we have song leaders in our worship services.  Someone to lead our singing so the congregation can sing together without some running ahead or sing ‘whatever song they want.’  The 14th chapter of I Corinthians helps us understand this idea more clearly.

7) Above all sing spiritually.  Have an eye to God in every word you sing.  Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself or any other creature.  In order to do this attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your heart is not carried away with sound, but offered to God continually; so shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve here, child looking upand reward you when He cometh in the clouds of heaven.  I couldn’t say it any clearer.  As we sing on Sunday mornings, Sunday evenings and Wednesday nights (or anytime for that matter) we’re praising God.  The question is, where do you focus?  We are a blessed people to have the hope of heaven.  Let’s sing in our congregations to the glory of God and not to satisfy our opinions.

And just in case you were wondering; here’s one more quote from John Wesley, “I have no objection to instruments of music in our worship, provided they are neither seen nor heard.”  Updated from What Did Early Christians Believe About Using  Instrumental Music in Worship.

Show & Tell Time…June 23rd

show and tellAsk any grade school child and they can tell you all about ‘Show & Tell.’  This is the time to share with your friends something you cherish and hold as very dear.  It’s an exciting time because it’s about something you know very well.  Something that is close to you and personally dear.

‘Show and Tell,’ however is not just a child’s activity.  The child of God is also called to participate in this activity.  What will you show and how much are you willing to tell about your Savior?  Is your life as a Christian something you cherish and hold dear?  If we’re truly excited about our walk with Christ we will ‘love to tell story’, and we’ll show Him to the world.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”
I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, June 23, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Blessed Be the Lord God Almighty” – 72

A beautiful hymn that is clearly directed to our God.  We begin with the phrase, “Father in Heaven, how we love You…”  Almost as if we’re saying a prayer this song begins our worship as we SING a prayer.  Consider how we sing scripture in the last part of this song, “…the Lord God almighty, who was and is and is to come…” the words of  our Lord and Savior from Revelation chapter 1, verse 8.

“We Praise Thee, O God” – 2

“Hallelujah” is derived from the Hebrew as two words; “halla”, praise and “Yah”, God.  We know that but it’s good to revisit what we’re singing.  Translated the chorus would read like this…”Praise God!  The glory belongs to Him, Praise God!  Amen…”

“There is a Sea” – 556sea of galilee

If you’ve never followed the message of this song read on.  There is poetry within these three short verses and with a rather difficult harmony, we often skip over this old, spiritual song.  In the first verse we sing about a sea that is surrounded with an abundance of natural resources and coastal nourishment; the Sea of Galilee.  From it flows the Jordan river down toward the Dead Sea where the second verse of our song continues.  Unlike the Galilean sea, the Dead Sea is filled with salt and, ‘lies heavy as molten lead.’  Singing the third verse we can see the application and the question is asked, “What will it be for you and me…?”  Will we be like the Sea of Galilee and give out the good we have been given, or will we remain stagnate in our life and refuse to share the God-given gifts we have in life?

“Holy Bible, Book Divine” – no book

This is an old spiritual songs with the tune (meter) of another, more familiar song.  We’ll replace the music William B. Bradbury gave this song in 1858 to a musical arrangement provided by J. H. Fillmore in 1877.  You’ll recognize “Savior, Grant Me Rest and Peace”, but you’ll be singing, “Holy Bible, Book Divine.”  This is a great opportunity to learn a new song with an old melody!

“I Love to Tell the Story” – 659

We talk about all the things we love in life, but before our lesson we’ll sing about ‘loving to tell’ the story of Jesus Christ.  Do you enjoy (love) to tell about Jesus?  Each of these verses are filled with the reason we should not only sing about our Savior, but look forward to telling others about Him too.  Why sing about the story, because “I know ’tis (it is) true”, and because “…it means so much to me.”  How can we sing this song without putting a smile on our faces?

“Lord Speak to Me” – 771

Not a typical invitation song, but when we consider showing and telling this world about Jesus Christ I couldn’t help but think of this last verse; “O fill me with Thy fulness, Lord.  Until my very heart o’re (over) flow; In kindling tho’t (as an ember begins to burn and glow in our thoughts) and glowing word, Thy love to TELL, Thy praise to SHOW.”  People need a Savior, let’s take Jesus for OUR show and tell!

“Thomas’ Song” – 269

An adaptation of Thomas and how he might have reacted in John 20.  Notice especially verse 3 of this song.  Perhaps in the upper room, when Thomas see’s Jesus for the first time since His resurrection, the poet Ken Young, writes; “Holy presence, holy face; a vision filling time and space.  Your nearness makes my spirit race, could this be part of the plan?”  When we are moved and emotional invested in something we have the sensation that our heart is racing.  Maybe, just maybe, Thomas’ spirit was racing when he saw Jesus.  Does Jesus cause your heart (spirit) to race?  Though this song is man’s idea of what John might have said, felt or even thought, the text is clear as we read his final admonition, “You are my Lord and my God.” John 20:28

“Lead Me To Calvary” – 332

Between the Bread and the Fruit of the Vine we’ll sing verse 2 of this solemn reminder of Christ crucifixion.  “Show me the tomb where Thou wast (was) laid…” , where angels robed in light guarded Christ ‘while He slept.’  In our minds eye we should use this time to reflect on Calvary…lest we forget.

“Ring Out the Message” – 622

“Tell the world of saving grace, make it known in every place…”  The local ‘town crier’ was responsible to getting town crierthe message out to the community.  They had the job to ‘ring the message out.’  Today, all Christians have the task to take the message to a lost community.  We believe there is a message that’s true and makes the weary glad, but more importantly…it’s a message for the sinful and for the sad.  We don’t have to stand on a street corner and cry out the message, but we need to be ready when it’s time for “Show & Tell”.

Jesus Loves Me…May 5th

With a lesson entitled “Jesus Loves Me”, you might think it’s too under-developed for a Sunday morning sermon in the presence of mature adults.  Then again, how much more basic is the message of God…John 3:16!

jesus loves meOften when life is filled with worry and doubt our hearts can become dispirited and distressed.  Anxiety and fear can cause not only emotional problems but physical struggles as well.   But you know someone cares about you!  When you’re happy or sad, there is someone who notices.  This morning our scripture reference is Matthew 9:35, 36.  Jesus felt compassion when He saw the people who were, “…like sheep without a shepherd.”  Singing Jesus Loves Me is more than just singing a child’s song; it’s an encouraging, God-given fact!


“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, May 5, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord” – 749

Written in the 1980’s, this song of victory is the modern version of “Soldier’s of Christ, Arise”.  We sing of heavenly armor and the power of darkness, and we know He’s raised up a standard.  We can take courage because the battle has already been won.  I John 5:4, “…And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.”

“Holy, Holy, Holy” – 47

As this ‘hymn’ echoes from Isaiah 6, we will sing each verse adding separate parts.  The soprano voices will sing verse one then we’ll add the altos with verse two, tenors to verse three and finally the bass voice will join in verse four.  But apart from the musical emphasis listen to (and read) this message of praise to our God.

“Til My Faith Becomes Sight” – 836

As we read the scriptures we find numerous titles given to our Lord and Savior.  This hymn, to God, identifies four ‘titles’ for Jesus…1) Bread of Life, 2) Living Water, 3) Lamb of God and 4) Savior crucified.  As we honor our Lord and King we proclaim that we will keep our eyes on Him; though we live or though we die.

“My Jesus I Love Thee” – 701

Written in the late 1800’s by W. R. Featherston, this song (again…a hymn) speaks to Jesus saying, I love You and I know You are mine.  The song continues as we proclaim our decision to walk away from our sinful life (“…all the follies of sin I resign.”)  The refrain concludes with the simple statement, “If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis (it is) now.”

“Jesus Loves Me” – 1014

A child’s song of praise that has been sung for years by young and old, our sermon bears the title of this song.  Anna Warner is credited for penning these simple, yet profound words in 1860; ironically, the year before the start of our Civil War.  Perhaps we can understand the meaning behind such a simple tune when we consider the words of Jesus in Matthew 18, “…unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

“He Loves Me” – 386

This morning we’ll use this ‘communion’ song as the song before our lesson.  With an upbeat tempo and a message fit for our lesson we’ll turn from singing of Jesus love for us to our love for Him.  Why did Jesus leave Heaven and come to earth, where He knew men would reject Him?  Why would He endure the garden’s ‘dreadful dross’ and allow wicked men to sentence Him to death?  Why suffer death on a cross?  Though we sing with simplisty we sing with the scripture… “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…” John 3:16 “…Because He loved Me so.”

“Love Lifted Me” – 453Peter walking on the water

Not a typical invitation song, but the words are indeed a call to repentance.  Notice verse 3, “Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves…He your Savior wants to be (translated: He wants to be your Savior) Be saved today.”  With shades of Matthew 14 when Peter walked on the water, in this song we sing of the angry waves. Certainly we can understand how Peter might have felt; sinking to rise no more.  The question; are you crying for Him to lift you?  Remember, He’s the Master of the sea…

“I Love My Savior Too” – 610

Those familiar with this spiritual song will remember the refrain.  As the lead voices sing “I love my Savior; He loves me too…”  The supporting parts (alto, tenor and bass) echo, “Yes, I truly love my blessed Savior, blessed Savior; and He ever loves me, yes He loves me too…”  But as always, don’t get lost in the music…stay focused on the message.  Are you honestly trying to do His will always and never complain?  My prayer is that you will sincerely strive to, “…seek His grace and favor in everything I (you) do?

Crossing the Finish Line…April 21st

Boston Marathon finish lineMonday afternoon, April 15th, our country suffered yet another ‘terrorist’ attack.  As the runners neared the finish line of the Boston Marathon, a bomb shattered the lives of hundreds and thousands of people.  Even while we are ‘running the race’ and trying to finish strong, tragedy can strike at our hearts.  But I encourage the reader to turn to God, and worship.

This Sunday morning, April 21st, we will talk about another finish line.  The one that we all will cross as life comes to a close.  Our lesson is designed to draw us closer to thinking about how we are running the race of life.  No anticipation of explosions and surprises, but we are all running toward the finish line.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, April 21, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand Amazed” – 147

This spiritual song is one that we could use to prepare our minds for the Lord’s Supper.  With both the second and third verse referencing Christ crucifixion we are reminded of his ‘sweat drops of blood‘ and the burden He bore to Calvary.  So it shouldn’t be a surprise for the redeemed to sing the refrain… “O how marvelous! O how wonderful! Is my Savior’s love for me.”

“I Sing Praises” – 97

Written almost 25 years ago, this contemporary song is basic in format.  With the title being the first verse, the Christian offers a hymn to our Lord. “I sing praises to Your name, O Lord, praises to Your name…for Your name is great and greatly to be praised.” The Psalmist writes, “I will praise You among the nations.” (Psalm 18:49)

“In Christ Alone” – no book

Consider this song of admonition as we prepare our minds to commemorate our Lord’s death, burial and resurrection.  As verse one consist of recognizing our Cornerstone, solid ground and Comforter, verse two takes us from His birth to His crucifixion.  Those who know this song cherish the third verse.  As we begin singing softly of His burial, our voices ‘burst forth’ as we sing of His resurrection.  The final verse gives us the assurance of our security in Christ as we sing, ‘No power of hell, no scheme of man can ever pluck me from His hand…”

“Beneath the Cross of Jesus” – 314

For this morning’s worship service, we’ll sing only the 3rd and 4th verses of this spiritual song.  As we pause between the bread and the fruit of the vine, together we’ll look ‘Upon that cross of Jesus…the very dying form of One who suffered there for me…”  As we continue singing this verse ask yourself if your heart is indeed smitten with tears when you consider His glorious love and our (my own) worthlessness.

“Consider Him” – 593

Not necessarily a familiar psalm, but as we sing, we’ll be singing scripture.  In Hebrews 12:1-3, we read of the encouragement we find in knowing that we’re surrounded by those who have gone before us.  Do you get worn out in life as you ‘run the race?’  The Hebrew writer encourages us to “…consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners…” Why consider Him?  “…so that you may not grow weary and lose heart.”

“Hilltops of Glory” – no book

“Onward rejoicing, I tread life’s way…”  This song before our lesson dates back to the mid 1950’s and we sing about pressing on toward heaven.  The chorus posses a great question, “O brother, won’t you come go with me?”   How will you answer the chorus?  Maybe you need to ask yourself, ‘Am I asking the question?’

“Only a Step” – 940

How far away from God do you think you are?  What kind of step(s) do you need to take to get right with Christ?  This invitation song begins with the call to ‘Hear the sweet voice of Jesus…’  In John 14:6, Jesus says, ‘I am the way…No one comes to the Father except through Me.”  The writer of this song encourages us with the understanding that Jesus is only a step away.  Those who have been baptized into Christ at one time stepped into the watery grave of baptism.  If you are not a child of God and you wonder how far away is He?  The answer is simple…He’s only a step away.

pocket watch

“Hold to God’s Unchanging Hand” – 613

What does it mean ‘time is filled with swift transition?’  Obviously swift is quick and transition is to change…so as we sing this song we’re saying, “time (life) changes fast”.  How true…and this spiritual song encourages us to “hold to God’s hand” as time changes.  It’s been said, “time changes everything”.  There’s a lot of truth to that, but we can rest assured that when our journey is finished, and if we’ve been true to God, our joyful hearts will view glory.  In the mean time, we’ve got to hold to God’s unchanging hand.

Face Time…Feb 10th

Sunday, February 10th at Waterview church of Christ, our sermon title is “Face Time”.

face time

In today’s terminology, when you hear the term ‘face time’, you most likely think about talking on the phone or computer and seeing the face of the one you’ve called.  But Sunday morning at Waterview, as we listen to Robert’s sermon, the meaning will be a bit different.  Join us as we consider “Face Time”.  The following ‘order of worship’ will serve as our song service for Sunday morning, February 10th.  As always, let me encourage you to think about the songs you sing in praise to God.

Remember I Corinthians…”I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”


Sunday morning, February 10, 2013

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.


“O Worship the King” and “All Things Praise Thee” – 144 & 43

As we sing this medley let’s consider the message.  We sing to bring glory to God as we worship the King.  Notice the last line in our first song in conjunction with the first line of the next song; “…pavilion in splendor and girded with praise.” “All things praise Thee, Lord most high…”  Though we see the connection with the words (and the key), what does it mean ‘pavilion in splendor’; how can something be ‘girded with praise’?  The fact is, our God is our shield and defender.  He is the ancient of days and He is our pavilion in splendor (which mean’s He is ‘covered with splendor’) and He is girded (surrounded) with praise!

“We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes” – 634

An old spiritual song that admonishes the singer to keep working.  Have you ever sighed for something?  We sing, “O land of rest…for thee I sigh, when will the moment come when I shall lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home?”  You know, I think I can understand what Elizabeth Mills must have been thinking we she wrote this song; our life is full of work (at least it should be) and after a long day’s work our thoughts go to resting…”when will the moment come?”

“Come, Share the Lord” – 364

A contemporary song by Bryan Leech encourages us to come together as we remember the Lord’s Supper.  Perhaps we should keep in mind the third verse as we draw this song to a close and sing, “…now we anticipate the feast for which we wait.  Come take the bread, come drink the wine (drink from the cup) come share the Lord.”

“Gentle Shepherd” – 845

“Gentle Shepherd, come and lead us, for we need you to help us find our way…”  As sheep we are often lost and in need of direction, protection and guidance from our Shepherd.  The good news, our Shepherd not only guides us and leads us, He is also gentle.  This beautiful hymn (because it is sung to HIM) reminds us that we are a blessed people…

“Face to Face” – no book

A song that speaks toward the end of life as we anticipate coming face to face with our God.  As we pass the collection plate on Sunday morning we’ll sing this song.  Let’s think about our life when we see Him “…by and by.”  HINT: This is a good lead in for our lesson… 

“I Am Resolved” – 948

This familiar hymn serves as our song before the lesson.  Listen to what you say in the chorus, “I will hasten to Him, hasten so glad and free.  Jesus, greatest, highest, I will come to Thee.”  How about singing it this way… “I will hurry to Him…”  Are we eager to see Jesus, eager enough to hurry?

mother daughter walking

“Only a Step” – 940

As we sing this song of encouragement on Sunday, take a look at the message found in the second verse, “Casting your heavy burden down, come to the cross, the world may frown: Yet you shall wear a glorious crown, when He makes up His own.”  How often do we hold on to the things that hinder us and keep us back?  We could better our health, but poor eating habits hold us back.  We could grow in our education, but laziness has a tendency to hold us back.  We struggle with our spiritual walk, but our sins hold us back.  Today’s a good day to cast your heavy burden down and come to the cross.  It’s only a step…

“Faithful Love” – no book

Faithful Love came to earth to show the Father’s love.  And I never be the same…do you know why?  Because I have seen Faithful Love (Jesus) all around me.  Can you see the majesty, the love of Jesus in this world?  Have you read the Word of God?  Jesus came to this earth, lived as a man, died on the cross and reconciles us to God.  When we are looking for Faithful Love, we need to look no further than our Bibles…then we’ll see Him face to face!

That’s All I Want…Jan 20th

A friend of mine shared a GREAT idea about posting the order of worship for members of the congregation and prospective worship leaders.  This simple use of the world wide web will allow those interested to get a glimpse of what’s coming up for Sunday morning.  Nice idea, and one I think will benefit those who what to learn about the songs we’ll be singing on Sunday.  This post will reflect this past Sunday morning (January 20th).  Be looking for the next few weeks as we’ll be posting the order of worship by Friday or Saturday before Sunday…

Sunday morning, January 20, 2013

Robert Oglesby has been the pulpit preacher at Waterview church of Christ since February, 1963.  Yes, in a few short days he and his family will be celebrating 50 years as the preacher for this solid congregation in the Kingdom of God.  Our sermon topic on Sunday was titled, “That’s All I Want”.  Our scripture basis was the 23rd Psalm, so our hymn selection was almost a given.  The following is an account of our order of worship and all song numbers are from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“We Will Glorify” – 578

A great song that praises our God and King; beautiful way to set our minds on worship.

“The Lord’s My Shepherd” – 134

The music for this popular arrangement dates back to 1854.  All six verse of the 23rd Psalm can be sung in this song.  This is a perfect example of Ephesians 5:19 “…speaking to one another in PSALMS and hymns and spiritual songs”

“Hear Me When I Call” – no book

This has become perhaps my favorite of all Tillit S. Teddlie songs.  Certainly one that asks for our God to hear our call and ‘attend unto my prayer.’  What better way to describe my weakness than to request that our Lord, ‘…hold my trembling hand, lest helpless I should fall.”

“We Have an Anchor” – 467

The question is asked by those who sing, “Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?”  In other words, how are you doing in your relationship with God?  We echo in response…”We HAVE AN ANCHOR!”

“I Need Thee Every Hour” – 837

This song of prayer serves as our invitation on Sunday morning.  Would that we all come to understand and truly say, “I need Thee, O I need Thee…”

“I’d Rather Have Jesus” – 581

Singing the first verse this song you are stating that you prefer (would rather have) Jesus over the riches of this world.  More than houses or lands…do you really?  Would your wallet agree?  Take a look at your bank statement if you want to see if you really believe this song.

“I Love the Lord” – 359

Penned in my life time (1970), this song by Tommy Wheeler makes the statement that proclaims our love for God.  We sing “I love the Lord”, but why?  You know and you sing, “…on Calvary His dear life He freely gave…that I might live some day with Him on high.”

“The Lord My Shepherd Is” -126

Like song #134, the music for this arrangement was in the mid 1800’s, but when Isaac Watt’s penned this psalm, he followed the poetry in the message from the shepherd/king David. An affirmation of who my Shepherd is…the Lord.  And knowing that…what else could I want?

At Waterview church of Christ we use a screen to project all our songs.  This allows faces to be up (out of the book) and voices to be projected forward.  All songs on the screen are accompanied with the sheet music for those who will sing 4-part harmony.  In a world that seems to be getting faster and faster, and schedules that we tend to pack to over flow, let me admonish you to be careful and not push Jesus out of your life.  You and I both know that with Him in our life and when Christ is first, we can honestly say…That’s all I need!

Understanding a 150 Year Old Hymn

Born in 1824, Walter Chalmers Smith served as a minister in the Free Church of Scotland, a poet and a hymn writer.  Unlike other writers from the 1800’s, Mr. Smith never amassed a collection of recognizable hymns.  However at the age of 43, he penned a song that we can still find in many hymnals today.  Rich in the language of ‘Old English’, Walter Chalmers Smith referenced I Timothy 1:17 as he penned “Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise”“Now unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only wise God, be honor and glory forever and ever.  Amen”  I Timothy 1:17

Immortal, invisible, God only wise,
In light in accessible hid from our eyes,
Most blessed most glorious, the Ancient of Days,
Almighty, victorious, Thy great name we praise.

Unresting, unhasting, and silent as light,
Nor wanting, nor wasting, Thou rulest in might;
Thy justice like mountains high soaring above
Thy clouds, which are fountains of goodness and love.

To all, life Thou givest, to both great and small;
In all life Thou livest, the true life of all;
We blossom and flourish as leaves on the tree,
And wither and perish – but naught changeth Thee.

Great Father of glory, pure Father of light,
Thine angels adore Thee, all veiling their sight;
All praise we would render: O help us to see
‘Tis only the splendor of light hideth Thee.

As a Christian hymn, this song is typically sung to the tune, “St. Denio”, originally a Welsh melody.  A well noted musicologist by the name of Erik Routley has given his impression of the hymn ‘Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise’.  He wrote:

“[Immortal Invisible] should give the reader a moment’s pause. Most readers will think they know this hymn, the work of another Free Kirk minister. But it never now appears as its author wrote it, and a closer look at it in its fuller form shows that it was by no means designed to be one of those general hymns of praise that the parson slams into the praise-list when he is in too much of a hurry to think of anything else but a hymn about the reading of scripture.  Just occasionally editorial tinkering changes the whole personality of a hymn; it has certainly done so here.”

When we sing songs (whether in the church auditorium, in the car driving down the road, or walking alone… ‘at eve’), are we thinking about the words to the songs we’re singing?  Processing our words and realizing what we’re saying should be more of a focus for those who sing.  Singing without thinking about the words would be no different than speaking without thinking about the message.  Read some of the words from this 150 year old hymn one more time, with some clearer understanding.

Verse 1…Immortal, invisible, God only wise (do we realize the immortality of our God?  We don’t see Him physically, but even in this ‘invisible state’ we know He is all wisdom.)

Verse 2…Unresting, unhasting and silent as light (God never sleeps, He’s not slow in keeping us and just as we can not hear the sun…we feel His presence.)  Nor wanting, nor wasting Thou rulest in might (God does not lack in giving to us, nor does He waste His time on us; He is the ultimate ruler.) Thy justice, like mountains, high soaring above (Who won’t desire justice that holds a high standard in our life and death?)  Thy clouds which are fountains of goodness and love. (Ever notice the comfort, and rain, that comes from the clouds?  When you see a cloud floating in the sky, you can remember God’s ‘goodness and love.’)

Verse 3…Abundant life comes from God (‘we blossom and flourish’) and still we understand that if life we will all grow old (‘wither and perish’).  However…God never changes.

Verse 4…If you’ve ever tried to look directly at the sun, you know you can’t without being blinded.  In the same way, God’s brilliance hides Him from our sight.  Yet the author ask God, “O help us to see”!  Oh that we would ‘render our praise’ to God!  Conclude this hymn with the combination of verse 1 & 4; “All mighty, victorious, God’s great name we praise, and to Him…ALL praise we would render“.


Area-wide Singing…

Recently a friend of mine shared with me this newspaper article from McNairy County Independent Appeal newspaper in west Tennessee.  The article announces a Sunday morning singing in Finger, Tennessee, just south of Henderson, Tennessee.  The date of this article is August 15, 1913.  Step back in time and read how a small, rural community viewed opportunities to fellowship and worship together…

Notice:  We will sing at Lain’s School House all day the third Sunday in August, 1913.  Bring all your song books, and especially your old ones, as we will sing more old songs than new ones.  These new songs are cheap stuff anyhow at meetings like these.
An organ will be there, and a trained organist playing it. (this was the Christian church)
We rather see boxes than bottles, baskets than bruises, peace than pistols, worship than war, joy than jugs, beef than beer, knowledge than ‘knuckles’, water than wine, a song feast than a series of  fistfights, a manifestation of a spiritual out pour than the laying on of hands of a civil law officer, pies than pipes, mutton than murmuring, rounding of voices in song than the result of vices, good behavior and orderly conduct than bad manners and wretched confusion, there that day.  We will begin at 10 a.m.

Remember the date, please, and come prepared to sing and not to talk politics, argue scripture, swap horses, raise the tick quarantine, trade knives, tell big fish tales, opine what the price of cotton will be by Christmas, prophesy for dry weather, inquire into the whereabouts of Dick, Tom and Harry’s missing watermelons, recite Paul’s charge to Timothy, tinker with the tariff, announce the exact age of a mule by looking into said mule’s mouth, or explain what the Good Book meant when it said: ‘One woe is past: and, behold there come two woes more hereafter.’

Several good leaders promised to come.
Let’s have a first class singing.
A stock of new yarns will be disposed of at reduced prices that day.” (the author of this news paper article Hodges, operated a store)

Harvey Hodges

It’s interesting to read from years gone by the simplicity of daily life and the planning that went toward getting the community together to sing.  In 1913 our country was a much different place than you and I live in today.  Life styles were simple and the concern for what was important took precedence.  If we were to step back in time and live a day in the early 1900’s, most of us won’t survive more than a few weeks.  Without air conditioning, running water and indoor plumbing there would be little to ‘sing about’.  Why did folks in this time period dedicate a full day to singing praises to God?  Did they know something we don’t know?

Simply put…we have become too busy to slow down and praise God in song.  We are more interested in finding the newest ipad app rather of finding peace in praising God.  Our schedules are so full of self that we forget each other.  Of course even those in the 1913 had to be reminded to put aside selfish ideas and opinions and focus on the task at hand.  It would be interesting to find out how many came to the Lain’s School House on that Sunday morning in August.  Then again, if we called for folks to join us THIS coming Sunday…how many do you think would come?

“Come, let us all unite to sing, God is love.  Let heaven and earth their praises bring, God is love.  Let every soul from sin awake, each in his heart sweet music make, and sing with us for Jesus’ sake, for God is love.”  Written in 1849 (54 years before this ‘Tennessee singing’) and published in Millard & Badger’s Hymns, this song reminds us of the importance of coming together and singing.  Join us on Sunday!


Down to the River…

Today is the ‘kickoff’ of the 26th Annual Red River Family Encampment in Red River, New Mexico.  In 1987 more than 400 brothers and sisters in Christ met in the New Mexico mountains for the first RRFE.  As we plan for this year’s encampment we are excited about the speakers and lessons that have been planned.  My family and I first experienced Red River in 2002.  We were blessed by the week and from that experience a song was set in my mind.

You may remember the movie with Alison Krauss, “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” released in 2000.  This movie gave popularity to the song, “Down in the River to Pray”.  For the last several years this song has found its way into some of our worship services.   But where did it come from?  Is there Biblical precedence for this ‘spiritual song’?  Some historians claim that this song was originally composed and known as “The Good Old Way”.  G.H. (George H.) Allen is recognized as the composer for this piece, and its contents can be found in a section of an old slave song book from 1867.  The song is also known as “Come, Let Us All Go Down”, but has most recently been known as “Down to the River to Pray”, and alternately as “Down in the River to Pray”.  However, the original song, calls for the worshiper to ‘go to a valley’…not a river.  Notice the original words.

“As I went down in de valley to pray,
Studying about dat good old way,
When you shall wear de starry crown,
ood Lord, show me de way.
O mourner, let’s go down, let’s do down, let’s go down,
O mourner, let’s go down, Down in de valley to pray”

Since these are the original words, what is to be said about ‘de valley?’  If, as some suspect, George Allan was a slave in Nashville, one could conclude the valley is somewhere in Tennessee, since there are many valleys there.  Or is there a Biblical reference here from Joel 3:14, “Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decisions!  For the day of the Lord is near in the valley of decision!”  There is much more that is intriguing about this song, and many questions still linger.  But what about the word changed from ‘valley’ to ‘river’, what was significant (or Biblical) about going to a river?  And, for those who want to go into the river to pray (and not just to the river), would this be an implied message about baptism?  Perhaps we can find a clearer understanding from John 7:37, 38 when Christ said, “If anyone is thirst, let him come to Me and drink.  He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.'”  Whatever the message, the composer was most likely thinking of family, as mothers, fathers, sisters, and brothers are ‘called’.  One can almost imagine a slave family clinging to one another in this song’s embrace.  And, as verse 5 closes, we are all sinners.  It is interesting that a song which may have found it’s origin from slaves, still resonates in our culture 150 years later.

And today, as I sit in the small mountain town of Red River, New Mexico I encourage those who would read these words to ‘go down’ (to the valley or the river) and pray.  This week at RRFE we’ll be singing, studying, learning, listening and praying…down in the river.

Look again and read this old spiritual song…

“As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good old way and who shall wear a robe and crown.  Good Lord, show me the way!
O sisters let’s go down, let’s go down, come on down.
O sisters let’s go down, down in the river to pray.”

“As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good old way
and who shall wear a robe and crown.  Good Lord, show me the way!
O brothers let’s go down, let’s go down, come on down.
Come on brothers let’s go down, down in the river to pray.”

“As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good old way
and who shall wear a robe and crown.  Good Lord, show me the way!
O fathers let’s go down, let’s go down, come on down.
O fathers let’s go down, down in the river to pray.”

“As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good old way
and who shall wear a robe and crown.  Good Lord, show me the way!
O mothers let’s go down, come on down, don’t you want’a go down.
O mothers let’s go down, down in the river to pray.”

“As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good old way
and who shall wear a robe and crown.  Good Lord, show me the way!
O sinners let’s go down, let’s go down, come on down.
O sinners let’s go down, down in the river to pray.”

“As I went down in the river to pray, studying about that good old way
and who shall wear a robe and crown.  Good Lord, show me the way!