A Song Leader’s Guide…Pt. 3
Since February we have been following a series of three lessons that focus on the responsibilities of the song leader, otherwise known as the Song Leader’s Guide. This last of […]
Since February we have been following a series of three lessons that focus on the responsibilities of the song leader, otherwise known as the Song Leader’s Guide. This last of […]
As we continue to look at The Song Leader’s Guide, you’ll remember previously we talked about “Being Prepared.” Though we can never underestimate the importance of working with the preacher
Over the years some of my brothers and sisters in Christ have asked me, “How do you do it? How do you know what notes to sing, when you’re directing
Have you ever watched a child with a fresh ball of Play-Doh? They’ll squish it in their fingers, roll it into logs and pat it into pancakes. For hours they’ll create shapes
As a young boy I can remember singing the old song, “Low Bridge.” The words of the chorus are still fresh in my mind, “Low bridge, everybody down. Low bridge
Redemption is an interesting word. By definition it means the “deliverance or rescue” of something. But what is worthy of redeeming? We sing ‘redeemed how I love to proclaim it,’
Have you taken the time to write down your New Year’s Resolutions? How many do you have on your list? Perhaps it’s short and to the point, a list of
We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing;He chastens and hastens His will to make known.The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing.Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His
Being a ‘picky eater’ is what we would call the child who sits and stares at his food. And those infamous words, “I don’t like this!” are usually preceded by 30