Reading Your Own Future…Oct. 26th

What if you could tell the future? To know what’s coming up, would that be a good thing or would you be uncomfortable knowing there might be something not so pleasant just ahead of you? We take each day in stride because we trust in God’s providential power. But what if God Himself were to tell us what was coming? To know the future all we would need to do was read a message from Him. If the finger of God were to write you a note on the wall, would you read it?

Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “I can read the writing on the wall.” We use that statement King say we can see what’s about to happen. Not in a supernatural way, but that we can ‘read’ the situation. However, there was one man who really did see the hand writing on the wall. But for King Belshazzar, the message wasn’t very good (read Daniel chapter 5). Come worship with us on Sunday morning and we’ll give you a glimpse into ‘reading your own future.’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, October 26, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Soldiers of Christ, Arise” – 647

What a great spiritual song of encouragement as we inspire one another to get up and get ready for battle. Not a war between political parties or individual ideologies, but a battle against the spirit of darkness (Ephesians 6). Notice verse 3 in this song and ask yourself, ‘Am I putting on the panoply of God?’ The FULL armor of God, not some of the armor, not most of the armor, but all the armor of God.

“In Moments Like These” – 239

Staying with the same musical key we’ll segue from “…You may overcome through Christ alone and stand entire at last.” …to… “In moments like these, I sing out a song, I sing out a love song to Jesus…” Being soldiers in the Lord’s army should give us excitement beyond compare. Why? Because we have a King who has already won the battle. He has given us a look into our own personal future.

“When My Love to Christ Grows Weak” – 350

How do you cope with struggles in life? When your faith is weak and your love for mankind, and for jesus in the gardenChrist, seems to be wavering where do you turn? This song will remind us of His suffering and will perhaps strengthen our own resolve. “When my love to Christ grows weak, when for deeper faith I seek, then in thought I go to Thee (Jesus, to the…) Garden of Gethsemane!” In the garden, poetically, “I walk amid the shades, while the lingering twilight fades.” If you were there with Him in the garden, you would “see this suffering, friendless One, weeping, praying there alone.” So for those of us who struggle in our love for mankind, and desire a stronger faith, perhaps we should go again (poetically) to the “Hill of Calvary…to the scenes of fear and woe.” Because, “there (we will) behold His agony as He suffered on the bitter tree.” After taking this journey in our mind, we will be ready to turn back again to our lives having learned the worth of pain and the power that comes in a full self-sacrifice.

“Sweet Adoration” – 253

A contemporary song we’ll sing during the passing of the collection plate that speaks of our adoration to God. Sweet adoration, glory, praise and devotion are what we should be giving to our God. During the ‘contribution’ we give our money…but how much of our life are we contributing to God? Let’s give Him our all so we can say, it is ‘the Divine One who reigns in our hearts.’

“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” – 538

We might not know the future events that will take place, but we do know what the future holds for God’s people. And knowing that we are His and He is victorious we have hope. Knowing that if we keep our hope (trust) in Christ and are ‘dressed in His righteousness alone,’ we’ll stand before His throne…faultless. Thanks be to God, we can read that handwriting on the wall.

“One Step at a Time” – no book

An older hymn written in the late 1800’s, we ask for Christ to walk with us one step at a time. In a world filled with terror and troubles, sickness and sin, we hold closest to the One who holds our future. That’s why we sing for patience in this first verse; “One step at a time, dear Savior: I can not take anymore, the flesh is so weak and hopeless, I know not what is before…” Though we know the outcome of this life, the promise that heaven’s mansions will appear, each day is still lived in uncertainty. Therefore we close our worship services with the following assurance…

“I Know Who Holds Tomorrow” – 463

“I don’t know about tomorrow, I just live from day to day…I don’t worry o’er the future, for I know what Jesus said, (Matthew 6:25-34) and today I’ll walk beside Him, for He knows what is ahead. Many things about tomorrow I don’t seem to understand, but I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand.” King Belshazzar was reading his future as the finger of God wrote it out on a plaster wall. And it wasn’t until Daniel told him the meaning that He knew what it said. Today, spend some time…Reading Your Own Future!

They Are New Every Morning…Part I

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness! The Lord is my portion, says my soul. Therefore I will hope in Him.”  Taken from the book of Lamentations, this passage has been sung for years and years. So during the next couple of weeks I hope you’ll enjoy a look at this passage from a different lens, and a special thanks to the Gospel Advocate for motivating my thoughts as we consider what’s ‘new every morning!’gloomy sky

“This morning we woke up to a dark and cloudy sky. The much anticipated warm sunshine was replaced by a cool, gray hue that reminds us of the changing seasons. The rain last night soaked our parched ground for which we are thankful. The storms have passed, but a cool darkness remains. Many would prefer sunshine to gloom, but it’s fine with me that fall has come and with it stormy weather. God’s creation is diverse and is cherished among His people. We take each new day for what it is, sunshine or rain, warm or cold, each new day is a gift from God. As Christians wake each morning, we experience a gift from God and the promise that comes with the new day. Each moment, as the sky brightens, we instinctively know the darkness will lose to a brighter sun. We will have a new day, a fresh start, another chance and a new beginning.

A Christian’s biggest worry is rarely the weather. Christians must be true to God’s Word, but that can be difficult when they feel caught up in an emotional or spiritual storm. Sometimes a season of dreariness can slowly weaken the Christian’s resolve, leaving him to wonder how he will make it through another day. Jeremiah is an excellent example of how a man who was strong in faith, yet who struggled with weakness. A prophet of God, Jeremiah prayed for the people of Judah (14:7), and yet lashed out against the sin of his countrymen (44:23). In the midst of his lamentation, Jeremiah recognized their need and came offering hope to a desperate nation. It was a period of storm and stress as the doom of entire nations, including Judah, was being sealed. In his sorrow Jeremiah laments, “My strength has perished, and so has my hope from the Lord.” (Lamentations 3:18) A man of God who has warned his people of the impending storm is now struggling with the darkness (3:6). Yet in his sorrow and weeping, Jeremiah turns his heart and mind back to God. The sun will shine again and the darkness of the storm will pass. Jeremiah reminds us of the mercy of the Lord, and admonishes God’s people to hold fast to this hope. As he encourages the Israelite nation, Jeremiah continues in the 22nd verse, “The Lord’s loving-kindness indeed never ceases, for His compassions never fail.” With that promise we take courage, fully understanding that regardless of the storms, we have hope. God is faithful to His people, to those who follow and obey His word. Jeremiah continued, “The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the person who seeks Him.” (3:25) It may be hard to wait for and to seek God when the storm rages, but the promise of God’s goodness should always give us strength. Children of God must recognize, cherish and hold fast to God’s loving-kindness.
Since the 1970’s, young Christian people across this nation have sung the words of Jeremiah found in Lamentations chapter 3. Many know this passage by heart, but few know it in context. And so we sing…
“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning. Great is Thy faithfulness! ‘The Lord is my portion,’ says my soul. ‘Therefore I will hope in Him.’ ”
dawnBut how can we see God’s compassion when darkness veils our sight? Some believe His compassion has ceased when nothing but storm clouds cover their heads. How could a compassionate God allow destruction and sorrow? Does Jesus even care? There may be over-cast skies and stormy weather today, but remember there is always hope for tomorrow. And with that steadfast hope, there is a promise of sunshine. Jeremiah continues to speak about God’s never failing compassion, “…they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” With the passing of night, comes the dawning of a new day. The compassion of our God never fails His people. As the new day dawns upon this tired, old earth, so our God is faithful to rain down compassion upon His children.”

We’ll continue this thought in a week or two…but until then, listen to this arrangement by an acapella group known as Blacappella. They combine the text of Lamentations 3 with the sentiments of Paul in Philippians 2. “We place You on the highest place…”

Can a Christian Be a Thinking Person?…Oct. 19th

It was written in 1929 by Ernest Hemingway in the novel, A Farewell to Arms. A simple sentence that haunts mankind, “All thinking men are atheists.” The secular world would have you believe that faith in God is weakness and scientific ignorance.  Thinking mind

In a world that speaks with disdain toward God and elation toward self, what is a Christian to do? What can we say that will convince the ‘un-churched’ to reconsider their path of ungodliness? When we profess our belief in “…God created…”, the world dismisses this as ancient myth. But we believe in an intellectually superior God who shaped and formed the earth. Remember what Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, “They (unbelievers) are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of the hearts.”

Waterview welcomes Dr. Phil Thompson of Harding University on Sunday, October 19th. He will be presenting two classes and two lessons designed to answer the question, “Can thinking people believe?”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, Oct. 19, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“All Hail the Power of Jesus’ Name” – 162psalm 148

Built into a medley with “Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah,” we’ll begin our worship together with these songs of praise. “All hail the power of Jesus’ name let angels prostrate fall! Bring forth the royal diadem and crown Him Lord of all…” Is Christ the Lord of your life? You make that decision, though your decision has no bearing on His royalty. He reigns! We will either follow Him or we will not. A foolish, deceived world will not, but rest assured, He is Lord of All!

“Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah” – 3

Taken from the 148th Psalm we’ll sing the scripture in this ‘psalm.’ Have you read it lately? If not, after we sing it you really should read it! His divine power is reinforced in His creation, everything praises Him. The question is…will you?

“We Saw Thee Not” – 342

Before the Lord’s Supper we’ll sing the first three verses remembering Christ’s death. Perhaps the power comes in the conclusion of each of these verses as we sing (twice for emphasis), “But we believe…”

“My Faith Has Found a Resting Place” – 582

Not an overly familiar song, but one which we need to understand and daily echo the chorus, “I need no other argument, I need no other plea, it is enough that Jesus died and rose again for me.” Do you have the faith to be able to not only sing these word, but believe them and live your life accordingly?

“O Listen to the Wondrous Story” – 496

Before our lesson we’ll sing this popular spiritual song written more than 100 years ago. The third verse is a great question to the listener as we sing, “Will you surrender to this Savior? To His scepter humbly bow? You, too, shall come to know His favor, He will save you, save you now.” Then the chorus resounds with a question and answer, “Who saved us from eternal loss! Who but God’s Son upon the cross? What did He do? He died for you! Where is He now? Believe it thou, In heaven interceding!”

“Trust and Obey” – 915

“When we walk with the Lord in the light of His world, what a glory He sheds on our way…” You most likely know this song by heart having sung it for years. But often we are familiar with the first, second and last verses and have never fully learned the third verse. But this morning consider a line from this song which has implications on today’s lesson. “But we never can prove the delights of His love until all on the altar we lay; for the favor He shows, and the joy He bestows, are for those who will trust and obey.” So where are you in regard to laying your all on the altar. Or are you still trying to see if you can prove the delights of His love?

“Love Lifted Me” – 453

A rousing song as we part this morning. We will sing over and over the message of the chorus, “Love lifted me…” Do you find that living for Christ lifts your spirits? The child of God understands this ‘lift’ and finds comfort in his belief in a Savior. Though the world may think us to be ignorant or backward, we know where to look when we’re ‘sinking deep in sin, far from the peaceful shore…’ Let’s not keep this story of salvation to ourselves. There is a dying world out there who desperately needs a Savior.


Life on the Battlefield…Oct. 12th

A soldier’s job is defined by struggle. When conflicts arise, these men and women battlefieldput to practice all their training. A soldier, by definition, fights. Even in peace time, he is preparing himself for the inevitable battle. But what causes some in the heat of the battle to fight and die on the battlefield, while others will literally drop their weapons, strip off their uniform and run? Why do some stand with their fellow soldiers, supporting each other, while others don’t?

Understanding God’s word, the Christian realizes there is a daily struggle (Ephesians 5:10-17) in this life. We are in a battle against the wrong for the right. But the question remains, will we stay loyal or turn and run when the fight becomes fierce? Will we stand for what is right or crumble without a fight? Reader, know this…without a moral compass, without a ‘standard operating procedure,’ you will be left to guess and hope. Millions are trying to manage life, on their own. And yet Christians know the adversary is ‘on the prowl’ (I Peter 5), and without God’s word, we are ill-prepared. Rest assured, the devil, our adversary, is not waiting for us to step into battle, for this life is a battle. To be clear, we’re living life on the battlefield!

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, Oct. 12, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Doxology” – 66

Opening our worship this morning we’ll sing a basic hymn from years gone by. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow…” Before we even think about fighting the battles in life, we must draw strength from the One who gives us hope for our battles. Let’s praise the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

“The Glory-Land Way” – 535

Keeping the same key signature (musically), we’ll transition to another old favorite that echos the journey we’ve all chosen to take. A journey home to glory. Encouraging each other will give us added support for our individual battles. When we hear our family singing, “…heaven is nearer, and the way groweth (grows) clearer…” we find strength to keep on fighting for the goal.

“In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came” – 504crown of thorns

Focus on the third verse of this song as we consider our purpose in life on the battlefield, ‘”His brow was pierced with many a thorn, His hands by cruel nails were torn. When from my guilt and grief forlorn, in love He lifted me…” We are in battle, and there will be days we feel like we’re losing. After all, Christ was abused, beaten, mocked, disdained and killed on the cross. But never forget that He conquered death in His resurrection! So what does that mean me? In our daily battles, standing up for what is right and living with Christ as our guide..we have already won!

“Spirit of the Living God” – 422

A short, contemporary hymn that has a very interesting progression for the Christian. If we are to be the soldiers God calls us to be, there is a process we should consider. To be useful in battle we need to be melted down, and molded into what He wants us to be. Then we must be filled with His word and used for His glory. We sing, “Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me…melt me, mold me, fill me, use me…” A soldier fights for His commander and chief. We must answer the question, on the battlefields of life, who do we fight for?

“Christ Above Me” – no book

This hymn will likely be new to most, but the message is one we must learn and hold dear in our hearts. As a soldier of God, how do we visualize Christ in our life? Is He a Kevlar vest we put on for battle? Is His word a sword we pick up when we ‘go into a fight?’ Sing this song and follow the words as we recall how Christ is more than just part of our life…He IS our life. “Christ above me, Christ beside me, Christ within me ever guiding. Christ behind me, Christ before. Christ my love, my life, my Lord!”

“Faith is the Victory” – 469

Where are we ‘camping’ in this life? Is it on the battlefield, or do we prefer the ‘hills of light’ where there is peace and comfort. This old hymn, which you’ve sung for years, is a reminder that there is a war being fought for the soul of mankind. An obscure verse, which we’ll sing on Sunday, reminds us of the battle and how we should prepare for it. “On every hand the foe we find drawn up in dread array (they can look pretty intimidating), let tents of ease be left behind and onward to the fray (the battle). Salvation’s helmet on each head, and truth all girt about (Ephesians 5), the earth shall tremble ‘neath our tread, and echo with our shout…Faith is the victory!”

“I Am Resolved” – 948Bible

Our invitation is a confirmation of our resolve in this battle, I’ll never quit! However, though most of us will sing that resolve, many will lay their weapons down when the fighting gets fierce. To stay faithful to Him, we have to remember what we sing in the chorus, “I will hasten (hurry) to Him.”

“To Christ Be True” – 736

What better way to finish off a lesson on life in the battlefield than to sing of our faithfulness to the battle. Soldiers must demonstrate loyalty in times of peace as well as times of battle. Just remember, “…To Christ, the Lord, be true and He will go with you. And help you through all your conflicts, to Christ the Lord be true!” 

The Sign of the Covenant…Sept. 28th

A verbal commitment is binding, and yet an agreement that is documented (written) is stronger still. But what about an agreement between two individuals that has physical implications? A physical sign of what we have agreed upon. A handshake is physical, but is Covenant...1there more to it when it comes to our agreement, our covenant, with God?

In the Old Testament we read of the ‘physical’ covenant between God and man in Genesis chapter 17 when God said to Abraham…“Now as for you, you shall keep My covenant, you and your descendants after you throughout their generations. This is My covenant, which you shall keep, between Me and you and your descendants after you: every male among you shall be circumcised. And you shall be circumcised in the flesh of your foreskin, and it shall be the sign of the covenant between Me and you…” A very physical sign to be sure, but what about us today? If we have a covenant with God, is it more than just verbal and written? What is our “Sign of the Covenant?”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, September 28, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord” – 609

Just looking at the title of this familiar song, you should ask yourself, ‘what does it mean to “own” Him?’ Perhaps in easier terms we might say, do you openly profess your obedience to God? If I’m loyal to God, and if I publicly proclaim Him then how often do I defend His cause? Do you know, His cause? Children of the covenant know, and we must never be ashamed to own our Lord.

“He’s My King” – 166

Immediately following after “I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord,” we’ll sing this spiritual song of confirmation. Not only am I willing to proclaim my loyal covenant to Him…I sing with conviction that He is my King! Let’s sing of our love for Him, and be sure…‘none other is above Him.’

“Hallelujah! What a Savior” – 337

Before the Lord’s Supper we’ll sing the first two verses of this song written by Philip Bliss in the late 1800’s. Remember that Jesus was scoffed and shamed as He stood condemned in our spot. But why? To reclaim us, the ‘ruined sinner,’ and to pardon us with His blood. What a Savior!

“Why Did My Savior Come to Earth” – 382

Taking just the first verse we’ll sing before the bread. Then, between the bread and the fruit of the vine, we’ll sing verse two. When was the last time you really focused on these words: “Why did my Savior come to earth, and go to the humble (insignificant, inferior)? Why did He chose to be born in a barn (a lowly birth)? And why did He drink the bitter cup of sorrow, pain and woe (trouble)? Why did He allow mankind to lift Him up on the cross? Do you know the answer to these questions? They can be found in this children’s song; “Jesus loves me, this I know!”

“I Come to the Garden Alone” – 595

As we conclude our time around the Lord’s Supper we’ll reflect on a song we’ve song for years. Though it’s poetic, it could have been the thoughts of Mary Magdalene as she came to the tomb of Jesus on the first day of the week. Maybe…maybe not, but she would have been one to say, “I come to the garden alone while the dew is still on the roses; and the voice I hear, falling on my ear, the Son of God discloses.” Read through John 20 and see for yourself if these could have been Mary’s words.

“O Jesus, I Have Promised” – 554

Also referred to as “The Angel’s Song” we can sing of our covenant relationship with God. Do you promise to serve Him to the end?

“Ancient Words” – no book

‘Ancient words, ever true, changing me and changing you!’ Perhaps the next line of this contemporary song is the challenge for you and I today. Can we honestly sing what comes next? Have you come with an open heart? Are you ready for the word of covenantGod to be imparted to you? If so, when this lesson is concluded what will your reply be? What a blessing that these “Holy words” have been long preserved so we can see…a sign of the covenant.

“O Master Let Me Walk with Thee” – 763

An invitation song to consider our covenant with our King. Will you walk with Him? Will you serve Him? Will you claim Him publicly? Why is it we so often consider our promise with God, our covenant with our Savior, as something we can pick up and put down at will? Perhaps the sign of our covenant with Christ must be more than just words if we are to be pleasing to God.

“Live for Jesus” – 594

How will you live this week? Who will you serve? Notice our second verse as we close the worship time together; “Live for Jesus, wandering sinner, under Satan serve no more; of the promised prize a winner thou may’st be when life is o’er…” If you are living in sin, you’re living for Satan. Convert (turn around) and live for Jesus. The sign of your covenant with God is your life and when it’s over, if you’ve been loyal, you’ll win the prize of heaven.

Absolute Truth?…Aug. 31st

In a world where we’re told right is wrong and wrong is right, how is one to know what to do? Maybe it doesn’t matter. We just do what we want, when we want, how we want. “To each his own.” Of course, when it comes time for an answer, and a decision is required, is there an Truth‘answer key’ to know if we’re right or wrong? The children of Israel made up their own answer key and it didn’t work out so well for them. Read the book of Judges, but notice chapter 21. What was right (truth) was ignored, and the writer sums it up best in the last verse. “In those days… everyone did what was right in his own eyes.”

If we take that approach, and everyone does what ‘seems right’ (or ‘feels right’), how can we possibly know what is truth? Take a child and give him run of the house. No bed time, no manners, no responsibilities, and what kind of child will you get? Eliminate anything that is true and right, drop the parameters of living and give him no guidelines and I promise you, he will fall apart. Without absolute truth, we have nothing! There is an answer key and we have truth, the question is…do you know where to find it?

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, August 31, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

He is alive“Our God He Is Alive” – 23

What a great reminder as we open our worship time together. Beyond the skies above, there is a God we can’t see. But He has made all we see and experience in this world; it’s His creation. “There is a God, He is alive. In Him we live and we survive. From dust, our God created man. He is our God…the great I AM!”

“Here I Am to Worship” – no book

A contemporary song that explains what we’re doing here today. Do you come to worship Him, or are you coming to get your spiritual ticket punched? Do you find fulfillment in honoring God with your voice and with your presence, or are you just going through the motions? This song begins with a simple statement we make to God, “Light of the world, You stepped down into darkness, open my eyes…let me see.” This could be considered a song of prayer as we sing to our God. But notice our transition as we go from “…let me see” to the third verse of our next song.

“Beneath the Cross of Jesus” – 314

As we stand beneath the cross of Jesus, what do we see? The third verse paints the picture of “…the very dying form of One Who suffered there for me.” How do you react to such a sight? We’ll sing, “…and from my smitten heart with tears, two wonders I confess: 1) the wonders of His glorious love, 2) and my own worthlessness.”

“Dear Lord and Father of Mankind” – 770

A very old ‘hymn’ that is our prayer following the reading of Isaiah 5:20-23. Would that we realize how foolish we are in our own eyes. When we call evil good and good evil. Let’s sing and pray that God will “re-clothe us in our rightful minds,” and that we will serve Him with pure lives and praise Him with more reverence. But first remember that our God is truth…absolute truth!

“I Gave My Life for Thee” – 354write a check

Why do we give? What motivates you to write a $100 check and put it in the collection plate each week? Do you have to? Obviously we give because He has given to us. He gave His life for me, but as we sing this song we’ll sing it from Jesus’ perspective. Notice the words we sing, that Jesus says…”I gave My life for you, I shed my blood on the cross that you might be ransomed, saved, redeemed, and quickened from the dead (brought to life.) I gave My life for you, what have you given to Me?” And your answer is…

“Jesus, Thou Joy of Loving Hearts” – 200 (tune from Doxology)

We’ll take the words from this hymn and sing it with the music from Doxology. But we must never forget the message of this old song. Verse two helps us focus on truth as we sing, “Thy truth unchanged hath ever stood; Thou savest those that on Thee call; To them that seek Thee, Thou art good; To them that find Thee, all in all.” And then we sing our next song of praise…“You are my strength when I am weak, You are the Treasure that I seek, You are my all in all…”

“You Are My All in All” – 484

‘Jesus, Lamb of God, worthy is Your name!’ Our God is Truth, His word is truth, His ways are true and His judgements are true and righteous. (Psalm 19)

“Thou Art the Way” – 280

To make it in life, we need to answer the questions of life correctly. To answer the questions of life, we need the answer key. The One who writes the test has given us the Key. He is the Way, He is the Truth, He is the Life! In what classroom does the teacher give you the answer key before giving the test? Fortunately for us, our Teacher is our Father. We have no excuse if we fail this test…

“We Have an Anchor” – 467

How well will you do taking the daily test in life? Will you be tossed on the sea, unsure how to answer the problems, or are you secure and confident. Know that we have an anchor that keeps us steadfast while we’re being tested. In God’s word we find the answers, we find Absolute Truth!

Parents and Children…Aug. 24th

The responsibilities of parenthood can be, at times, overwhelming. When our children are babies we worry about their health, strive to keep them clean and always well fed. As they grow we focus on keeping them ‘well balanced’ in life. Opportunities for sports, the arts and growing and maturing. But still we worry about their health, keeping them clean and well fed. As our children grow into young adults we determine to give them the best direction, guidance and support. All along parents with childconcerned about their health, are they ‘keeping themselves clean’ and are they well fed.

Parents want what’s best for their children. Whether we’re talking about their health or their social well-being, we feel responsibility for our children. But with that responsibility we must ask ourselves; how are we doing when it comes to monitoring our children spiritually? Do we ignore the signs (Do we know the signs) of spiritual sickness in our children? Are we keeping them clean (from the world) or do we let them experience life? How cautious are we about the spiritual food our children are being fed? Do we care if they are getting filled up on spiritual ‘junk food?’ God’s commandments are to be taught to our children early and often. Deuteronomy 6:7 tells us how often; “…when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” The Parent and Child relationship is all about teaching them the commands of God.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, August 24, 2014

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“O Worship the King” – 303

Singing the first verse of this classic hymn we set the stage for our praise to God. You’ve sung it for years but notice how this verse concludes; “…Our Shield and Defender the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor and girded with praise.” Obviously this is a description of God as our Shield, our Defender, One who has been with us for a long time ‘Ancient of Days.’ But what do those last words mean? A pavilion is something that offers cover or protection, and to gird something is to encircle it or wrap around it. Is this song saying God is my cover and protector? Without a doubt He is! But here we sing, ‘Our Shield and Defender is surrounded and covered over with heavenly praise!’

“We Praise Thee, O God” – 4

And so we continue our worship together offering our praise to God. “Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Hallelujah! Amen!” Would that we praise our God just as the heavenly host praise Him. “All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us and sought us and guided our ways…”

“I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord” – no book

This older hymn is a strong example of ‘singing to Him.’ Perhaps the signature piece of this hymn comes in the second staff as only the ladies sing, “…I love Thy church, O God! Her walls before Thee stand…” How much do we love the commandments of our God? How much do we love the church Christ died for? Enough to tell our children about it? Enough to make it our top priority when we sit down, walk around, lie down or rise up? Honestly…how much?

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” – 315

All five verses will be sung this morning, though we’ll sing the first 4 before the Lord’s Supper and the last verse after. Notice what we ‘survey’ in the third and fourth verses; “See from His head, His hands, His feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down…”, and “His dying crimson, like a robe, spreads over His body on the tree…” When we truly survey the cross of Christ we see His amazing love. Now are you prepared to sing the last seven words of The Shemathis song? As you do, remember His love, “…demands my soul, my life, my all.”

“Hear, O Israel” – 446

Before our lesson we’ll sing the ‘Jewish confession of faith,’ the Shema. In Hebrew it is defined as ‘Hear.’ And though it is recorded here in Deuteronomy, Jesus repeats it in the gospels. “Hear, O Israel. The Lord thy God, is one God. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart…with all thy soul…with all thy mind (added by Jesus in Mark 12:30)…and with all thy strength.” We sing it and the Jews proclaimed it, but are we teaching it to our children? Maybe we should ask what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. EVERYTHING in our life should be focused on loving, serving, and pleasing our God.

“On Bended Knee” – 791

A humble, penitent heart comes before God on bended knee. Perhaps the second verse helps me understand why I come before my God on ‘bended knee.’ With a broken heart I come… Asking for a change in life, and to be made fresh and new is only part of it. Being a holy sacrifice and teaching that sacrifice to our children is where we must start.

“Let Me Live Close to Thee” – 831

Living close to God in life is paramount. Serving Him with ‘sickles brave and true’ is essential, but are we working or shirking our responsibilities in teaching our children. The parent can best care for their child when they walk and talk each day with God.

Walking With Royalty

This simple song could be classified as ‘contemporary,’ though it sings and sounds like many of our traditional hymns. Written and arranged by Alton Howard in 1971, I Walk with the King has a strong message of how we should live (walk) in this life. Each verse begins with the confirmation of WHO we spend our days with…“I walk with the King.” And the chorus provides us with a reference to the 23rd Psalm; “pastures so greenquiet (still) waters.” But notice how the third verse reminds us of the difficulties in life. Though life may have hours of darkness, for our struggle is against the forces of father son walkingdarkness, we take confidence in knowing that ‘…He is the true Light, the Kingdom of day!’

Musically, there is an echo for the men throughout the verses and the chorus of the song, but lest we forget what we’re singing, take a few minutes to read the words and listen to the message.

I walk with the King to heavenly land,
The Kingdom of light, the Pathway of right;
Eternal His throne forever ’twill be (it will be),
To mansions on high a crown there for me.

I walk with the King thru pastures so green,
By quiet waters still to do His good will;
He lighteth the way from darkness to day,
I’ll hold to His hand, I walk with the King.

I walk with the King His child ever be,
Glad tidings to bring, His blessings to see;
His love floods my soul with glory divine,
‘Tis riches and wealth His treasures are mine.


I walk with the King tho dark be the way,
He is the true light, the Kingdom of day;
Someday on yon (yonder) shore I’ll hear His voice say,
“Come home, you’re My child; ’tis (it is) evening, past day.”


Can you confidently say what you sing; are you walking with God in this life or are you ‘going it alone?’ Our goal must be for something greater than this life, and Christ came to give us the hope of heaven. Would that we, each day, walk with the King. But how does that ‘walk’ look? The simple answer is found in the second verse. To walk with the King, to be His child, we need to 1) bear glad tidings to those we meet (teach the word), 2) see (recognize) that our blessings are from His hand, and 3) be flooded with (give obedience to) the love of Christ. Careful to remember that while we’re walking with the King, we should be holding His hand. Be faithful to God and see the opportunity we have each day…to walk with Royalty.

The Spread of the Kingdom…Aug. 17th

“Go, therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” These are the final words, recorded in Matthew chapter 28, of our Lord and Savior following His resurrection. His mission complete, Jesus called for all men to come to ‘know Him and the power of His resurrection.’ Phil. 3:10 We have come to know this passage as; “The Great Commission.”

The word commission can be defined as, “a group of people officially authorized to perform certain duties or functions.”  In this context, Christians are that group of people. And we are the ones ‘authorized’ (given the duty) to teach Christ and baptize in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. We are called to make disciples from all the nations. An obligation to reach the lost with Christ. We know it, we’ve memorized it and we believe it…but how well do we follow it? Are we guilty of saying we agree, but then failing to ‘go, and make disciples of all the nations’? Whether we reach around the globe, or across the street, we have been given a ‘commission’ to spread the kingdom of God.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”
I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, August 17, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord” – 749

Do we see our life as a battle? A quick glance at the evening news reveals unrest, strife and war all around. It seems we live in a war zone. But as Paul wrote to the church in Ephesus, “…our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the…spiritual forces of wickedness.” (Ephesians 6:12) So Christians, this song could be translated, “As we go about our daily activities (enter into the land) we must go with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:11-20). And in this manner, there is no reason to be afraid. There is no weapon that our enemy can produce (fashion against us) that will stand against God.” Let’s take courage in knowing, “The Battle Belongs to the Lord!”

“Thomas’ Song” – 269thomas and Jesus

Written as though from the pen of ‘doubting’ Thomas, this song echos what might have been said by this disciple following the death of Jesus. “Jesus, You were all to me. Why did you die on Calvary? O Lamb of God I fail to see how this could be part of the plan…” Perhaps you can relate to the raw emotion and the depth of pain as you sing the first line of the chorus, “If I could only hold Your hand…” How often, when a loved passes do we long for one more chance to hold their hand. Certainly Thomas felt this same emptiness. But we move from the anguish of sorrow to the exclamation of joy as the risen Lord appears to his followers. It’s no wonder Thomas said, and we sing the words found in John 20:28, “I proudly say with blazon cry, You are ‘My Lord and my God!’ “

“Bethlehem…Galilee…Gethsemane” – 357

A beautiful song with a simple message. The message of Jesus’ birth, His life, His death and ultimately His resurrection. “Now He lives and reigns forever, I believe! I believe!” As a child of God, we believe…but are we faithful in sharing our belief? We must spread the message of the kingdom!

“The Greatest Commands” – 448

Each musical part; soprano, alto, tenor and bass have the opportunity to sing and harmonize the scripture with this contemporary psalm. Notice the reference to scripture with each line, singing with understanding of the love of God. That love is needed in a lost and dying world. We are called to make disciples of all the nations teaching them to…“Love one another for love is of God!”

“Send the Light” – 650

Listen carefully and you can hear the call that comes ringing from across the waves. And today that call is becoming more and more pronounced. God-fearing families are being told to denounce Jehovah God, and if they refuse, they face death. How can we send the light of Jesus Christ into send the lighta darkness of that caliber? The answer is Christ. We should “…pray that grace may everywhere abound…and a Christ-like spirit everywhere be found: Send the Light!”  

“I Love to Tell the Story” – 659

Words that will serve as our invitation song are actually a reminder of how we will show Christ in this world. Do you love to tell others about Jesus? How often in your day do you talk about ‘unseen things above?’ When you realize that ‘some have never heard the message of salvation,’ does that inspire you to tell the old, old story?

“Sowing the Seed of the Kingdom” – 643

We all have a responsibility in the kingdom of God. We are called to teach the commandments of Christ, baptize in the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and ultimately make disciples. When we do this, we begin the harvest for God. Are you sowing the seed of the kingdom? Are you teaching the lost about Christ? Are you baptizing them and making disciples? ‘The harvest time is coming on…’ it’s time we get busy and spread the kingdom!

Vacation Bible School…Part 3

How quickly the summer seems to fly by. And whether you’re feeling the heat of the summer months, or enjoying some unseasonably mild temperatures, at the Waterview church of Christ, we’re in high gear preparing for and planning our annual Vacation Bible School. This article concludes a three-part series looking at VBS songs that motivate and encourage the young and the young at heart.

We’ve reminisced on the words of “Joy, Joy, Joy”, “Daniel and Ruth”, “The Wise Man”, “The Lord’s Army” and “Roll the Gospel Chariot.” Though so many more could be explored, we’ll  wrap up with these three oldies; “His Banner Over Us is Love”, “My God is So BIG” and “Wrapped Up, Tied Up, Tangled Up in God.” For many of us, we may not realize the scripture that serves as the foundation of this first ‘VBS’ song. Read Song of Solomon chapter 2 verse 4…then let’s sing!

Share these words and you will be a “Booster” for your Vacation Bible School…
Read the text and remember this classic:

“He invites us into to His banquet tablehis banner over us
and His banner over us is love. (repeat 2 times)
His banner, over us, is love!”

“He is mine and I am His…
and His banner over us is love. (repeat 2 times)
His banner, over us, is love!”

“The one way to peace, is the power of the cross…
His banner over us is love. (repeat 2 times)
His banner, over us, is love!”

And this favorite among the little ones…

“My God is so BIG, so strong and so mighty
There’s nothing my God can not do!
(repeat 1 time)

The mountains are His,
the valleys are His,
the trees are His handiwork too.

“My God is so BIG, so strong and so mighty
There’s nothing my God can not do!”

wrapped up tied up tangled upA warning to the adults…
don’t pull a muscle on these hand motions!


“I’m all wrapped up, I’m all tied up, I’m all tangled up in Jesus.
I’m all wrapped up, I’m all tied up, I’m all tangled up in God.
I’m all wrapped up, I’m all tied up, I’m all tangled up in Jesus.
I’m all wrapped up, tied up, tangled up in God…Oh Yeah.


For centuries, songs have been used to pass down lessons from generation to generation. Think about when you first learned the books of the Bible (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Acts and the letters to the Romans…), or the names of the 12 apostles (Jesus called them one by one, Peter, Andrew James and John…). History is told in verse and many young minds have come to better understand the message by listening, memorizing and singing songs.

Next time you hear about Vacation Bible School being hosted by your congregation, or the next time a sister congregation announces plans for VBS, make every effort to join them. We do more than just ‘boost our Bible School’ when we attend these summer activities. We model an excitement to spreading the study of God’s word. You can show young children that God’s ‘banner over us is love,’ and that your ‘God is So Big’ when you make Him your priority at VBS. So this year get ‘all wrapped up, tied up, tangled up in God’ at Vacation Bible School!