A Song Leader’s Guide…Pt. 1
Over the years some of my brothers and sisters in Christ have asked me, “How do you do it? How do you know what notes to sing, when you’re directing […]
Over the years some of my brothers and sisters in Christ have asked me, “How do you do it? How do you know what notes to sing, when you’re directing […]
We all have dilemmas in life, and yet we’re unique in every aspect. A struggle or temptation for one might not be a struggle for another. Even as we experience
As a young boy I can remember singing the old song, “Low Bridge.” The words of the chorus are still fresh in my mind, “Low bridge, everybody down. Low bridge
The scripture, through Paul’s inspired pen, gives this firm proclamation, “I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the
As a child I remember hearing (probably asking), ‘Are we going to church today?’ A simple question from a simple mind. Each and every Sunday morning my family would get
Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings I look forward to a text from my daughter. She is a sophomore at Freed-Hardeman University in Henderson, Tennessee and her first class of
If you ask a believer where to find ‘the Great Commission’ they would point you to Matthew chapter 28. But in all actuality the words great commission aren’t found in
It was written in 1929 by Ernest Hemingway in the novel, A Farewell to Arms. A simple sentence that haunts mankind, “All thinking men are atheists.” The secular world would
A soldier’s job is defined by struggle. When conflicts arise, these men and women put to practice all their training. A soldier, by definition, fights. Even in peace time, he is
A great leader in the church has been viciously ‘attacked’ and killed for preaching the gospel of Christ. With his death comes a violent persecution of the church and a