A Song Leaders Guide…Pt. 2
As we continue to look at The Song Leader’s Guide, you’ll remember previously we talked about “Being Prepared.” Though we can never underestimate the importance of working with the preacher […]
As we continue to look at The Song Leader’s Guide, you’ll remember previously we talked about “Being Prepared.” Though we can never underestimate the importance of working with the preacher […]
Over the years some of my brothers and sisters in Christ have asked me, “How do you do it? How do you know what notes to sing, when you’re directing
“Well I’m up in the morning and I’m feeling OK…Don’t want the devil to get in my way so I’m down on my knees and I’m starting to pray, ‘Good
In the summer of 2002 more than 30 high school freshman and sophomores along with several adult sponsors from Texas came to Colorado to conduct a Vacation Bible School. Though
For the past 23 years, this home has been blessed by one, then two and eventually three gifts from God. They came in the form of Logan, Emili and Dillon!
Have you ever watched a child with a fresh ball of Play-Doh? They’ll squish it in their fingers, roll it into logs and pat it into pancakes. For hours they’ll create shapes
A special thanks to Lindy Bell from Plano, Texas. She wrote an article for the Daily Devotional Magazine, Power for Today and has agreed to share it here as well.
Do we realize how powerful our words can be? We hear the saying a lot, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me…” But in
Waterview church of Christ is excited to host the 2nd Annual Marriage Enrichment Seminar; One Man, One Woman, For Life. This year we are proud to welcome one of the
This coming Sunday morning, Waterview church of Christ will walk with Robert Oglesby as he comes to the end of a fifty-two year journey. Every Sunday, Robert has stepped into