The Mystery of Forgiveness…July 6th
According to the scriptures, if someone sins against me I should forgive him 490 times! At least as a kid that’s what I thought when I read the words of […]
According to the scriptures, if someone sins against me I should forgive him 490 times! At least as a kid that’s what I thought when I read the words of […]
With all the sincerity of a 5 year old, I remember our youngest looking up and pleading his case, “But it’s not fair! Why does he get to stay up
Some say you do it this way; others say, no, do it like this. How is one to know what is right and what’s wrong? Could it be both are
When the son of Zarephath and the daughter of Jarius died, they were brought back to life by the power of God. Lazurus, Dorcas and Eutychus each died, but were
As a child your parents undoubtedly told you when to go to bed, when to get up, what to wear and where to go. That’s the job of a mom
Once a year we take some time to recognize and encourage our families with new born babies. This Sunday we’ll honor six of our young families and their new additions.
One of the associate ministers at Waterview church of Christ, Robert Taylor, will bring the Sunday morning lesson as he combines the Word of God with a report of his
The formal wedding ceremony is one we are all familiar with. But this morning we’ll look at a very different ‘wedding’ found within the pages of God’s word. Consider this
Every Sunday morning we meet together to worship God, sing songs of praise and edification and study from His holy word. But above all, we come as a collected body
As a young boy I was blessed with a grandmother who showered me with gifts, money and meals. Two hundred pounds later I can say it was much more than