The Battle Cry!

For generations, soldier’s have marched into battle motivated by a melody of courage, strength and victory. During the United States Civil War a song was written to inspire the northern army (the Union.) But due to the songs ‘sing-ability’ the southern army (the Confederates) adopted the tune and adjusted the words to fit their own rally. The words, for the North, were a simple cry to rally the troops;

“And we’ll rally ’round the flag boys, rally once again shouting the battle cry of freedom!”


But as a soldier of the cross, we have songs of our own to inspire and encourage each other in this ‘fight for the right.’ Consider songs like “Soldiers of Christ, Arise” or “Faith is the Victory” as just a couple of these motivating spiritual songs. But for the next few moments, allow me to direct your mind and consider how this old Civil War melody, “The Battle Cry of Freedom,” compares with one of the Christian’s battle songs as we prepare for conflict. First, from George Root in 1863, the Civil War song of motivation; “The Battle Cry of Freedom.”

“Oh we’ll rally round the flag, boys, we’ll rally once again, shouting the battle cry of freedom,
And we’ll rally from the hillside, we’ll gather from the plain,shouting the battle cry of freedom!”
“The Union forever! Hurrah, boys, hurrah! Down with the traitors, and up with the star;
While we rally round the flag, boys, we rally once again, shouting the battle cry of freedom!”

From the same period of time, a short six years later in 1869, from the pen of William Sherwin, notice the similarity in reassurance and support that the Christian soldier sings as he calls us to…”Sound the Battle Cry.”

“Sound the battle cry! See, the foe is nigh; raise the standard high for the Lord;
Gird your armor on, stand firm, every one; Rest your cause upon His holy Word.”
“Rouse, then, soldiers, rally round the banner, ready, steady, pass the word along;
Onward, forward, shout aloud, Hosanna! Christ is Captain of the mighty throng.”

We will continue to find motivation and inspiration in our hymns, but only as long as we’re looking for it (ie., singing with understanding). Don’t take for granted the songs, hymns and spiritual songs that we sing as we encourage one another day by day. God gave us the ability to sing for basically two reasons; so we can praise His name and so we can admonish (inspire) His people. He is deserving of all our praise, and we must never forget that we are in a battle against a wicked enemy. The key is to remember that we are called to victory, so let’s ‘rally round the banner.’

Joy’s Toolbox…March 22nd

busninessman and his toolsDuring my career as an educator, a phrase became popular in K-12 schools across the country. Each teacher was encouraged to develop some ideas and ‘tricks of the trade’ that would help them in their day to day activities. Ideas that would help with classroom discipline, curriculum development, daily activities, and weekly assessments. Ideas and tips that could help a student find success. In a word, we were all encouraged to build a ‘teacher’s toolbox.’ Like the toolbox in your garage, the teacher’s toolbox was designed to accomplish a specific task.

Whatever the job, whether in the classroom or the garage, the proper tools are essential. But what if my task, my job, my hope, is to find happiness in this life? Are there ‘tools’ I should be using to have a life filled with joy? Sunday morning at Waterview we’ll consider the contents of… “Joy’s Toolbox.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, March 22, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.



“Faith is the Victory” – 469

Are you ‘encamped’ on the hills of lights or in the valley of shadows? God’s children stay close to the Light, but know there’s a battle to be fought against the forces of darkness. Remembering our struggle is not against flesh and blood, we ‘press the battle’ against the spiritual forces of darkness.

“In Christ Alone” – no book

“In Christ alone my hope is found…” When you consider a ‘tool’ in joy’s toolbox you must start at the begin, with Christ! Without Him as our hope, we’ll never find joy.

“I’ll Live for Him” – 553

Between the Bread and the Fruit of the Vine we pause and sing the chorus…“I’ll live for Him, who died for me how happy then my life shall be. I’ll live for Him, who died for me…my Savior and my God.” Accepting this sacrifice of love is another essential tool in your toolbox of joy.

“Glory to His Name” – 475

We find glory in the name of Jesus, and we find Jesus ‘down at the cross.’ Let the Lord’s Supper serve as a reminder that we have salvation in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Truly in His death, we find joy in our salvation.toolbox 2

“Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” – 202

“…God of glory, Lord of love! Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee opening to the sun above.” The words where written over 100 years ago to express the simple, common sentiments of the Christian. Perhaps the third verse gives us a basic tool for finding joy in this life. “Thou art Father, Christ, our Brother, all who live in love are Thine. Teach us how to love each other, lift us to the joy divine.”  When was the last time you used this tool (loving one another) in joy’s toolbox?

“There is Sunshine in My Soul Today” – 549

With so much rain here in Texas these past few weeks, this song might seem a little untimely. But when we us the proper tools for living a life of joy, we can rest assured we’ll see the sun (Son) on even the cloudiest of days.

“Jesus Is Tenderly Calling” – 947

The title of our invitation song says it best…Jesus is calling us home. Not in a physical sense, just like the sunshine in my soul is anything but physical, so the call is for us to come home, to repentance, to heaven. In that sense…we find the ultimate joy!

“No Tears in Heaven” – 882

Can we have tears and still have joy? Certainly many have shed tears of joy and know that tears aren’t reserved for sorrow alone. But if there are tears in heaven, they won’t be tears of sorrow. Maybe the question we should ask what kind of tears can be found in the toolbox of joy?

A Reunion of Veterans…Nov. 9th

2014 posterWe are blessed to live in a country that honors those who served to protect and defend our nation’s freedom. Regardless of the branch of service, men and women have been fighting for American’s interest for decades, laying down their life if necessary believing in the cause! And every year on the 11th hour of the 11th day in the 11th month we stand tall to honor our veterans. Many of us, whether we have served or not, come together as a sort of reunion to thank these veterans and remember their service.

But consider for a moment the soldiers who stand and defend (or have stood and defended) the cause of Christ? They lived and died serving the King of Kings. Hebrews chapter 11 gives us a brief list of those ‘heroes’ of old, the veterans who faithfully served in the Lord’s Army. Today, you and I are still fighting the battle between good and evil (Ephesians 6:10-20). As we strive to be faithful soldier’s of the cross let’s look forward to our reunion. Next time one of our soldiers comes home, welcome them with open arms, and in the same way we anticipate ‘A Reunion of Veterans.’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, November 9, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus” – 648

Are you willing to take a stand for what you believe in? When someone comes asking if you believe in the Bible, are you taking a stand for truth or are you not too sure? Some might think this song is intended to be sung standing up, a little like ‘on your feet soldier.’ But whether you’re sitting or standing, you soldiers of the crosssing about your decision. Will you stand up for what is right, or are you content to sit back and see what happens. We begin this morning singing, “…Ye soldiers of the cross; lift high His royal banner, it must not suffer loss.” Before we end this service we’ll sing again of the royal banner and our responsibility to ‘march on.’

“Am I a Soldier of the Cross” – no book

This old spiritual song asks a basic question. It’s a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ question that only you can answer. Are you a soldier of the cross, a follower of the Lamb? The one who says “YES” knows the answer to this question as we sing; “Is this vile (wicked) world a friend to grace to help you on to God?”  The world is no friend to God, but soldiers of the cross know this … where are our friendships? Are we friends with the world, or are we soldier’s of the cross?

“Freely, Freely” – 635

We read in Matthew chapter 10 the words of Jesus as He commissioned His followers, “Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.” God forgave us of our sins and adopted us as His children. Our cost for this adoption was nothing. From His own hand we have freely received the hope of eternal life. Will we give that same hope away to a lost and dying world? Soldiers often do more than fight, we also free the oppressed. “Freely you have received, freely, freely give!”

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord” – 749

What a great thought of assurance for any soldier to know the battle is over. To hear the news…we’ve won! In Christ we know that to be true and so together we sing this song before our lesson; “In heavenly armor we’ll enter the land, the battle belongs to the Lord! No weapon that’s fashioned against us will stand, the battle belongs to the Lord. And we sing…Glory, Honor, Power and Strength to the Lord…”

“I Am Coming, Lord” – 923

As we offer the invitation, thinking about the reunion of God’s veterans, we offer a plea to those who have not yet joined the fight. Standing on the outside looking in, never knowing the joy of serving in the Kingdom, many will leave this life unaware of a reunion of God’s veterans. Or perhaps a soldier has gone AWOL and deserted his post, it’s never too late to come back. It is Jesus who ‘calls me on to perfect faith and love, to perfect hope and peace and trust, for earth and heaven above.’ This may be the time for you to say, “I am coming, Lord!”

“Lamb of God” – 176

One of the last things we’ll do this morning is offer the Lord’s Supper. Whether it’s early in the worship service or held back to the end, we’ll remember our Lord’s death burial and resurrection this morning as we sing about the Lamb of God. Follow the thought found in the second verse of this song, ‘Your gift of love they crucified, they laughed and scorned Him as He died, the humble King they named a fraud and sacrificed the Lamb of God.’ Turn your mind to Lamb and remember His sacrifice.

“There’s a Royal Banner” – 627

Just as we began our worship time together singing about His banner, we’ll close lifting high the royal banner. Perhaps the thing we should come away with as we sing this closing song is the fact that God’s soldiers are ‘marching on!’ Soldiers of the cross eagerly anticipate the resurrection day, and in so doing we count everything but loss. Live your life looking forward to a Reunion of Veterans.

Life on the Battlefield…Oct. 12th

A soldier’s job is defined by struggle. When conflicts arise, these men and women battlefieldput to practice all their training. A soldier, by definition, fights. Even in peace time, he is preparing himself for the inevitable battle. But what causes some in the heat of the battle to fight and die on the battlefield, while others will literally drop their weapons, strip off their uniform and run? Why do some stand with their fellow soldiers, supporting each other, while others don’t?

Understanding God’s word, the Christian realizes there is a daily struggle (Ephesians 5:10-17) in this life. We are in a battle against the wrong for the right. But the question remains, will we stay loyal or turn and run when the fight becomes fierce? Will we stand for what is right or crumble without a fight? Reader, know this…without a moral compass, without a ‘standard operating procedure,’ you will be left to guess and hope. Millions are trying to manage life, on their own. And yet Christians know the adversary is ‘on the prowl’ (I Peter 5), and without God’s word, we are ill-prepared. Rest assured, the devil, our adversary, is not waiting for us to step into battle, for this life is a battle. To be clear, we’re living life on the battlefield!

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, Oct. 12, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Doxology” – 66

Opening our worship this morning we’ll sing a basic hymn from years gone by. “Praise God from whom all blessings flow…” Before we even think about fighting the battles in life, we must draw strength from the One who gives us hope for our battles. Let’s praise the Father, Son and Holy Ghost.

“The Glory-Land Way” – 535

Keeping the same key signature (musically), we’ll transition to another old favorite that echos the journey we’ve all chosen to take. A journey home to glory. Encouraging each other will give us added support for our individual battles. When we hear our family singing, “…heaven is nearer, and the way groweth (grows) clearer…” we find strength to keep on fighting for the goal.

“In Loving-Kindness Jesus Came” – 504crown of thorns

Focus on the third verse of this song as we consider our purpose in life on the battlefield, ‘”His brow was pierced with many a thorn, His hands by cruel nails were torn. When from my guilt and grief forlorn, in love He lifted me…” We are in battle, and there will be days we feel like we’re losing. After all, Christ was abused, beaten, mocked, disdained and killed on the cross. But never forget that He conquered death in His resurrection! So what does that mean me? In our daily battles, standing up for what is right and living with Christ as our guide..we have already won!

“Spirit of the Living God” – 422

A short, contemporary hymn that has a very interesting progression for the Christian. If we are to be the soldiers God calls us to be, there is a process we should consider. To be useful in battle we need to be melted down, and molded into what He wants us to be. Then we must be filled with His word and used for His glory. We sing, “Spirit of the Living God, fall fresh on me…melt me, mold me, fill me, use me…” A soldier fights for His commander and chief. We must answer the question, on the battlefields of life, who do we fight for?

“Christ Above Me” – no book

This hymn will likely be new to most, but the message is one we must learn and hold dear in our hearts. As a soldier of God, how do we visualize Christ in our life? Is He a Kevlar vest we put on for battle? Is His word a sword we pick up when we ‘go into a fight?’ Sing this song and follow the words as we recall how Christ is more than just part of our life…He IS our life. “Christ above me, Christ beside me, Christ within me ever guiding. Christ behind me, Christ before. Christ my love, my life, my Lord!”

“Faith is the Victory” – 469

Where are we ‘camping’ in this life? Is it on the battlefield, or do we prefer the ‘hills of light’ where there is peace and comfort. This old hymn, which you’ve sung for years, is a reminder that there is a war being fought for the soul of mankind. An obscure verse, which we’ll sing on Sunday, reminds us of the battle and how we should prepare for it. “On every hand the foe we find drawn up in dread array (they can look pretty intimidating), let tents of ease be left behind and onward to the fray (the battle). Salvation’s helmet on each head, and truth all girt about (Ephesians 5), the earth shall tremble ‘neath our tread, and echo with our shout…Faith is the victory!”

“I Am Resolved” – 948Bible

Our invitation is a confirmation of our resolve in this battle, I’ll never quit! However, though most of us will sing that resolve, many will lay their weapons down when the fighting gets fierce. To stay faithful to Him, we have to remember what we sing in the chorus, “I will hasten (hurry) to Him.”

“To Christ Be True” – 736

What better way to finish off a lesson on life in the battlefield than to sing of our faithfulness to the battle. Soldiers must demonstrate loyalty in times of peace as well as times of battle. Just remember, “…To Christ, the Lord, be true and He will go with you. And help you through all your conflicts, to Christ the Lord be true!”