The Awesome Power of Negative Fellowship…Sept. 14th
An ‘oxymoron’ is a statement that places side by side two elements that seem to be in contradiction of each other. Words and ideals that just don’t seem to match. […]
An ‘oxymoron’ is a statement that places side by side two elements that seem to be in contradiction of each other. Words and ideals that just don’t seem to match. […]
What a helpless feeling as your car sputters to a stop, leaving you to look down and see the gas gauge on EMPTY. With nothing left, your gas tank is
As a young boy I remember my parents telling me, “You don’t have to do the chores, you get to.” My opinion was not that I was being honored by
Culture can be defined as; ‘the predominating attitudes and behavior that characterize the functioning of a group or organization.’ We consider the actions of a people and determine their culture. What
With the summer sun beating down, a nice juicy Georgia peach would be a welcome refreshment. Then again, a warm slice of peach pie would be just as good. But
Many think of heaven in terms as they remember from the book of Revelation, specifically chapter 21. Images come to mind such as, ‘the pearly gates, streets of gold and
This Sunday morning, March 24th, we will have a special guest speaker at Waterview church of Christ. David Friesen is one of our missionary’s, and he works with the congregation
The following is from my friend from Flagler, Colorado. Terry Harmon is not only a good friend, he’s a great servant in the kingdom. He has worked as a missionary
The sermon title on Sunday morning (Jan. 27th) at Waterview church of Christ is entitled…“I Don’t Want to Experience That Again”. Any thoughts on what Robert might have in mind?
What does it mean to say that something is ‘awesome’? In the excitement of the moment, or with the thrill of an event it’s not uncommon to hear someone say,