A Faithful Friend

The greatest compliment we might ever receive comes when someone calls us faithfultheir friend.  Perhaps we are all in search of a friend who is true and faithful!

How many friends would you say you have? How many faithful and true friends would answer your phone call in the early hours of the morning?  A faithful friend is always there in the hard times.  A faithful friend is consistent day in and day out.  As a child of God, we can know our God is faithful…

Lamentations 3:22 reads, “Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassion never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”  The following YouTube (sung by the Blue Rock Mennonite Youth) will provide a good A Cappella arrangement of T.O. Chisholm’s, Great Is Thy Faithfulness.

So often we are willing to help our friends when it’s convenient for our schedule.  But if things are busy in our life or if we just ‘don’t feel like it’, our friendship might come into question.  This hymn (a song that is sung to our God) states in the chorus, “Morning by morning new mercies I see…”  But read about the surmounting evidence as referenced in the 2nd verse…“Summer and winter, springtime and harvest, sun, moon and stars in their courses above join with all nature in manifold (multiple) witness to Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love.”

How faithful do you think God is to you?  Would you consider Him your friend.  As we draw this article to a close, read the words of Paul in I Corinthians 10:13, “No temptation has overtaken you but such as is common to man; and God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will provide the way of escape also, so that you will be able to endure it.”  When times are difficult and life is tough, is there a friend you can call on.  My faith looks heavenward as I know He’s a faithful friend.  Great is His faithfulness!

We’re Marching and Singing to Zion…Pt 2

As we continue looking at the New Testament examples of singing, notice what Paul says in Ephesians 5:17-21, “Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.  And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation (moral looseness); but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, submitting to one another in fear of God.” 

Have you ever wondered why Paul referenced being ‘drunk with wine’ only then to turn and write about singing?  What comparisons can we make with worldly drunkenness and Godly singing?  Perhaps the answer comes in looking at the effects of alcohol compared to the effects of God-centered singing. An early stage of drunkenness is referred to as euphoria.  In this drunken state the effects that alcohol has on the body and mind might include an increase in self-confidence and sociability, as well as an overall improvement in one’s mood.  In addition, the drunkard might temporarily experience a decrease in anxiety.  At the surface we would properly conclude that these are positive attributes.  But each of us know, and research shows that in this drunken, ‘euphoric’ state, the feelings are short lived and provide a false sense of what is real.  Yet I believe we can find these same attributes and experience similar ‘feelings’ when we look at the scripture. Ephesians tells us how we can increase our self-confidence, how to enjoy sweet fellowship (increased sociability), and how to improve our mood.  To escape worry and anxiety the Christian won’t look to the bottle…we look to the book.  Read Ephesians 5:18, 19 “…but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms, hymns and spiritual songs…”  When my heart is right and my mind is focused on the words, the fellowship I have with the saints is stronger when I sing.  My mood is focused and my worries are forgotten as I give my heart and voice to praising God.  Not filled with ‘spirits,’ but filled with THE Spirit.

Soon we’ll look at one more portion in the series of ‘Marching to Zion’ (part 3).  As children of God we must be conscientious of what we’re singing and why we sing.  There is so much more to worshiping than just opening our mouths and raising our voices.  We’ll discuss in more detail next time…

GIGO…March 3rd

examine 1My prayer for those who are reading this to be drawn closer to understanding the purpose we share on Sunday morning.  We come together and worship God, we come to offer a sacrifice of praise and to join together as we commemorate our Lord’s death, burial and resurrection. This coming Sunday morning (March 3rd) we’ll examine our hearts and see if what comes out of our heart is reflective of what is going into our mind. We’ll sing on Sunday morning, but will your words reflect your heart…or will you be singing from a routine practiced over the years?

Sunday morning, March 3, 2013

Our sermon topic on Sunday is entitled, “GIGO”, what does that mean?  Join us Sunday morning or check out the lesson on Waterview’s website [LINK] Sunday afternoon.  Those who are familiar with this website know the following is an account of our order of worship.  All song numbers are from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Holy Ground Medley” – 99, 100 & 101

The editors of our hymnal (Faith & Praise) chose to place the songs In His Presence, Holy Ground (by Beatty) and Holy Ground (by Davis) as a predesigned medley. Many have sung this collection of songs and the message is a powerful reminder of the holiness of God.  We begin by focusing on the environment we find when ‘in the presence of God’…comfort, peace and assurance.  The medley continues as we recognize being in His presence. Remember Moses (Exodus 3) as he was standing ‘on holy ground.’  Ken Young added the second verse of Beatty’s song when he wrote; “You are holy, God, a perfect and holy God. We will come before You with hearts made clean by Jesus’ blood.” We come to worship our Father, and together we are standing on Holy Ground.

“Why Did My Savior Come to Earth” – 382

The question is asked with this spiritual song, why?  Why did Jesus come to earth and choose the birth of a lowly peasant born in a stable?   And why would our Savior choose to die such a cruel, painful death and be lifted up for all to see…and scorn?  The answer is repeated three times in the chorus (7 times if you count the echo in the refrain) “He loves me so much that He gave His precious life for me…”  Now transition to the next song.

“How Deep the Father’s Love” – no booksoldier at the cross

A contemporary song that isn’t asking the question “How deep is the Father’s love,” but one that is sung to confirm what we already realize.  God’s love for us is so deep, and vast we can’t measure it.  How great the pain must have been for both the Father and the Son.  But the objective was clear, to ‘bring many sons to glory.’  We continue this song as we ‘behold the man upon the cross’ and clearly recognize our sins.  Think in your mind back to the mocking voices (Luke 23:35-38) as they stood at the foot of the cross?  In poetry we sing, “…ashamed I hear my mocking voice call out among the scoffers.”

Following the Lord’s Supper we’ll revisit the third verse from these two songs.  We asked earlier, “Why did my Savior come to earth…” and then again “…Why should I gain from His reward?”  Do you remember the next line, “I cannot give an answer, but this I know with all my heart, His wounds have paid my ransom.”  Before we conclude this medley, let’s us sing…“Till Jesus comes I sing His praise, and then to glory go…”

“Wonderful Words of Life” – 543

Prior to today’s lesson we’ll stand and sing this familiar melody from the late 1800’s.  Philip Bliss authored many songs (10 in the Faith and Praise hymnal), but this particular one captivates me as we sing verse 2, “Christ the blessed one gives to all, wonderful words of life.  Sinner, list (listen) to the loving call, wonderful words of life. All so freely given (these wonderful words), wooing us to heaven…”  What does it mean to woo something (someone)?  One definition; “To entreat, solicit, request…”  Notice; the ‘words of life’ are given as an attempt (if you will) to entreat us/call us to heaven.  Wonderful Words!

Examine Heart

“Is Thy Heart Right with God” – no book

How is your heart?  Not physically speaking, but spiritually speaking?  Is it right with God?  Too often I fear we self-diagnose our life in Christ and come away with faulty information.  If my affections (things I hold as most important) are not given up (sacrificed), or if I can’t ‘count all things…but loss’ (for Jesus), then will I ever be right with God?  Ask yourself this question and then make a change.  Perhaps you need to be washed in the crimson flood…

“Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen in Me” – 722

“From the dawn of the morning to close of day…”  What do people see in you?  How is your example, in both your actions and your words?  This song reminds me that I must lay all my gifts at His feet and think carefully about how I act toward others.  Can the beauty of Jesus be seen in me?

Join us each and every Sunday morning!

A 50 Year Journey…Feb. 24th

OGLESBY-ROBERT-414Sunday morning, February 24th, Waterview church of Christ celebrates 50 years with Robert & Willora Oglesby.  Since the spring of 1963, Robert has been the pulpit preacher for this congregation of God’s people.  For that longevity of faithfulness we give God the glory.  As we sing today, our songs are intended to admonish and encourage the family as we bring before God our sacrifice of praise, the fruit of our lips (Hebrews 13:15).  Thanks be to God for working through Robert these past 50 years!

The following ‘order of worship’ is designed to focus our mind toward our worship to Him.  Think about the songs you sing in praise to God…

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, February 24, 2013

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.


“Step By Step”, “Here We Are But Straying Pilgrims” & “He Has Made Me Glad” – 15, 537 & 103 respectively

This three song medley is a strong, upbeat blend using a hymn, spiritual song and psalm (can you tell which one is which…yes, I know there is some gray in the definition of each, but you get the idea).  We begin this morning proclaiming our faith in God and announcing that, ‘…I will follow You all of my days’.  Our second song in this medley encourages the saints to focus on heaven.  With the verses sung in unison, we sense the oneness of our journey home.  Finally, the last song in this medley is a quote from Psalm 100.  We come together with thanksgiving in our hearts…I’m glad to be worshiping with the saints!

“Til My Faith Becomes Sight” – 836

The second verse provides us the reminder of our reason for coming together this morning…“Lamb of God, dear hope of glory, Savior crucified, by Your blood I am redeemed my debt now satisfied…”  We must ‘keep our eyes’ on Jesus as we meet, communion and worship our King.

“‘Tis Set the Feast Divine” – no bookcross

Not in many of our hymnals, this song by L. O. Sanderson serves to prepare our minds (keep our minds) focused on the Savior and His death on the cross.  “May we the Lord discern…”  As we sing we’re asking that we all recognize and realize the death of Jesus is the only thing we need to concern ourselves with.  When we eat of the bread and drink of the cup…what are you thinking about?

“In Memory of the Savior’s Love” – 335

Following the passing of the fruit of the vine, we’ll sing this old hymn by Thomas Cotterill written in 1805.  Notice the call for us to remember His love, and come before Him with a contrite heart.  How contrite (full of remorse) is your heart when you take of the Lord’s Supper?  We take the bread of life and the token cup of blood as we anticipate the ‘heavenly feast above’.

“This World is Not My Home” – 957

Do you ‘feel right at home’ when it comes to this world?  If you do I would recommend you reconsider your comfort zone.  We’ll sing here about our treasures being stored in heaven (Matthew 6:19) and not feeling at home in this world anymore.  The chorus is so strong; “…if heaven’s not my home, then Lord, what will I do?”  Remember this, without the hope of heaven we’re lost in an unfriendly world.

“Higher Ground” (Ken Young version) – no book

This revised, old song has become a Waterview favorite during the last 8-10 years.  The words haven’t changed, but the music has.  Same tune, but the 2nd verse brings a solid foundation of male voices singing, “Heart has no desire to stay where doubts arise and fears dismay.  Some may dwell where these abound my prayer my aim is higher ground…”  Notice what you just read/sang; My heart doesn’t want to stay here (this world is not my home) where there are doubts and fears that destroy our courage (dismay).  But even though some people seem to dwell in this type of circumstance ( where doubts and fears abound), my prayer and my aim is HIGHER GROUND!

“Let Me Live Close to Thee” – 831

Not a typical invitation song, but since we’re talking and thinking about our journey, this seems to fit our call for repentance, change and renewing.  How willing are you to ‘work and never shirk’ for your God.  Let’s all say (sing) we want to live close to Him each day.

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord” – no book

A contemporary song that proclaims the victory belongs to God.  We’ll close this morning’s worship service with a song of victory.  Will you go out into the world and take on the full armor (panoply) of God?  In the chorus, as we sing, let’s give all our 1) glory, 2) honor, 3) power and 4) strength to the Lord.

Basic Training for Parents…Feb. 3rd

Sunday, February 3rd at Waterview church of Christ, our sermon title is:


“Basic Training…For Parents”.  The following ‘order of worship’ is designed to provide you a glimpse of our song selection (either early or after the fact). We have a great responsibility to train up our children, and mom and dad need to be prepared for that task.  As always, let me encourage you to think about the songs you sing in praise to God.  Remember I Corinthians…”I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”

Sunday morning, February 3, 2013

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Let God Arise” and “Faith is the Victory” – 471 & 469

This medley, two spiritual songs, is intended to accomplish two basic objectives.  First, we sing to motivate the Christian using the words of David in Psalm 68 (‘Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered’).  But also to admonish the congregation to join in the spiritual battle against forces of darkness.  Note verse 3 (missing from many of our hymnals)… “On every hand the foe we find drawn up in dread array.  Let tents of ease be left behind and onward to the fray.  Salvation’s helmet on each head with truth all girt about, the earth shall tremble neath our tread, and echo with our shout…”

“There is a Redeemer” – 287

How often do you say, “Thank You, Father, for giving us Your Son.”?  The verses are sung in duet, sopranos and tenors, but the whole of the congregation should join in the chorus.  We do have a Redeemer, and the cost for our salvation was high.  Are you thankful?

“Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross” – 383

We’ll sing this song before the Lord’s Supper, holding the 3rd verse to be sung between the Bread and the Fruit of the Vine.  Notice that 3rd verse; “Near the cross!  O Lamb of God, bring it’s scene’s before me; help me walk from day to day with it’s (the cross) shadow over me…”  We focus our hearts and minds as we remember our Savior’s sacrifice.

“How Shall the Young Secure Their Hearts” – 432

One of my favorites, and a spiritual song that really talks toward our families.  Parents, as we consider ‘training’ our children for a life with God we have to follow the teaching from God’s word.  The best (only) option for imparting wisdom and cleaning our hearts and minds.  (Verse 1; “…Thy word, the choicest rules impart…”; defined, the word of God is the best set of directions we can pass on to our heirs.)

“Trust and Obey” – 915

How do we find true happiness in this life?  What could I do to obtain peace and joy in a world of pain and sorrow?  Reading God’s word (and singing this old spiritual song) you’ll come to see that we need to trust and obey.  But there’s so much more to that simple statement.  How will you trust in God?  How do I intend to obey Him?  A Christian life is more than just trusting in God,  you must be willing to Obey His word!

“Our God, He is Alive” – 23

God is alive and well!  This spiritual song sings to the splendor of His creation and the majesty of His name.  Notice the 3rd (often ignored) verse from this song… “Secured is life from mortal mind, God holds the germ within His hand…”  What’s the germ?  By definition germ can simply be “something that may serve as the basis of further growth or development”.  Or it could simply be “something microscopic”.  Either way, God is in control.  Our God holds the growth of life.  And though men try to find it and understand God, He alone knows.
“…for God alone does understand.”

Parents…we have a great responsibility to teach our children to know God’s word.  To strive and fulfill His will for our individual lives, and to always trust and obey Him.

Remembering Italy

This morning as I was catching up on some old friends (via Facebook), I Facebooknotice there was a ‘friend request’ from an unfamiliar name. 

The name of the lady was one I didn’t recognize and therefore didn’t know.  Most of the time I’m happy to accept request from people I’ve met or acquaintances from my past, but when I don’t know someone who ‘whats to be my friend’, I don’t click ‘YES’.  And as I stated, I didn’t recognize this lady.  However, this one was different.  Along with the request, she sent me a note explaining that she had been in Italy during the summer of 1983

(29 years ago) and stayed with my family for 2 weeks.  I figured she had to be a Harding campaigner because my husband and I hosted the group several summers providing them housing in our small apartment. (I guess sleeping on the air mattresses and sharing ONE bathroom was memorable to her.)  Our co-workers/fellow missionaries usually kept the girls since they had 2 bathrooms.  But on this occasion we kept the girls.  To make a long story short…I decided to accept her friend request.  She said she’d like to catch up with us, so I sent her a reply email along with the friend acceptance.  

As it turns out, she came two summers, then at the end of the second campaign she and another girl worked with us in Italy for 4 weeks, staying in our home half of the time.  She and her husband now live in Memphis, Tennessee and have a 15 yr. old son.  They enjoy the opportunities to attend Harding University Lectureship each fall. She told me that the months she spent working in Italy really strengthened her faith and that experience has meant a lot to her over the years.

My point with all of this is simple, even when we aren’t intentionally trying to influence or help someone, we are!  What is important is to realize that our influence might be for the good or it might be for the bad.  People come in and out our lives every day.  We have the opportunity to either show them God’s love and grow closer to Him…or not.  I see a great lesson in this.  Living our everyday lives we need to be careful that we are living for God so that we are a good influence for Him, even when we aren’t aware of others.  Truthfully, I do not remember those months almost 30 years ago.  But obviously she did. This Facebook request serves as a strong reminder of how important it is to live our lives thinking about our actions, our words and our example.


lamp unto my feet

Thanks again to Donna for sharing another insightful lesson on how impacting (and important) our Christian example should be.  This incident reminds me of a song from years ago.  The words go as follows, “It is in giving that we receive. It is in pardoning that we are pardoned.  And it is in dying that we are born, to eternal life. Make me an instrument of your peace.  I want to know what it’s like to follow you…” If you’re remembering this song you’ll surely recall the next line…“When men look at me, I want them to see, the Light of the World inside.”  I wonder how many of us would have someone from 30 years ago remember our example (our light) and send us a ‘friend request?’  Can you remember someone who impacted your life!

I Don’t Want to Experience That Again…Jan. 27th

The sermon title on Sunday morning (Jan. 27th) at Waterview church of Christ is entitled…“I Don’t Want to Experience That Again”.  Any thoughts on what Robert might have in mind?  Take a minute and look through the songs selection and maybe you can pull together the theme.  As the scripture says, “I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”


Sunday morning, January 27, 2013

Robert Oglesby has been the pulpit preacher at Waterview church of Christ since February, 1963.  You’re reading it correctly, Waterview is on the threshold of celebrating 50 years with him as our preacher.  May this congregation of God’s people continue to be strong in the Kingdom of God.  The following is a listing of our order of worship, and all song numbers are from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Awesome God” – 38

Our opening song on Sunday morning could be classified as a contemporary song (properly referred to as a ‘hymn’).  Do we truly realize the fact our God is awesome?  Not like your favorite movie or some famous person…only God should hold the title “Awesome”.

“We Praise Thee, O God” – 2

What reasons can you list as to why YOU praise God?  This old hymn, written during the time of our countries Civil War, provides 4 strong examples of why we should be praising God.  Look at the verses (all five)…is it really 4 reasons we praise God, or actually is there just one?

“In Christ Alone” – no book

Another contemporary song that has captured the hearts (and voices) of young and old alike.  As the song is sung, a story is woven that draws the Christian heart closer to God.  Where do you find your strength…your hope.  We sing with a sincere heart, “In Christ Alone”.  But don’t forget each verse and the power you’ll find as you sing the reassurance, “…til He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.”

“In Memory of the Savior’s Love” – to the tune of “Majestic Sweetness”

Two songs with the same meter… (also referred to as Common Meter or CM).  Read the words on page 335, but add the music from page 530.  This is a great way to refresh the message of the song by adding the notes from another.  Keep things fresh and avoid stagnation of the mind.  Singing by rote is a good way to learn, but a poor way to worship (in my opinion).

“Freely, Freely” – 635

What do you think it means to ‘freely give?’  As Christians we have been give so much…more than we could ever repay.  So with the gifts we so richly enjoy, do we think about how freely we are at giving back.  With this song being sung before we pass of the collection plate one would certainly assume we’re talking in monetary terms.  But what about your life?  Do you give not only money, but your actions, and your thoughts, and your words to God?

“My Only Hope is You” – no book

Another contemporary song (hymn) speaking toward the only One who can give us hope in this dark world.  Sin and despair are all around, and to many this life seems to be a hopeless journey.  But God’s people know that from early in the morning and until late at night we have hope…in Jesus!

“A New Creature” – 619

Penned by T.O. Chisholm and musically supported by L.O. Sanderson (members of the Lord’s church) this song clearly explains the new life we can have in Christ.  “Buried with Christ (baptism)…I am dead to the world.”  So examine your life and see if indeed “…Christ lives in me.”

“God Is Calling the Prodigal” -no book

An old invitation song that we no longer find in the hymnal “Song of Faith & Praise”.  But just because an editor doesn’t include a song that is Biblical and scriptural doesn’t mean we toss it out of our repertoire.  We all have wandered away (some intentionally others haphazardly), and all the while God is calling us to return; “…weary prodigal come!”

“The Way of the Cross Leads Home” -616

As we close our worship service on Sunday morning we’ll sing to remind each other and encourage those who are lost to ‘bid farewell’ to the world and seek your home with God.  The way home is easy; follow the cross.

So what’s uncomfortable about all this?  What would you not want to ‘experience again?’  See you Sunday morning!

Using Your God-Given Talents…Part 1

What does your schedule look like today?  Are you busy with your work or will you just be taking it easy?  Each day we have the responsibility and opportunity to face new challenges.  What work will you be doing?

In 1982 I worked in the local hardware store.  My tasks were pretty basic as they included restocking shelves, loading lumber for a ‘do it yourself’ customer, or ringing up the sale on 2 lbs of 16 penny nails.  Life was predictable in the hardware business, and this summer job was no exception.  One memory from this summer was when I was told my job for the day was to drive the old company truck to Amarillo to pick up a shipment for a costumer.  As a 17 year old driving from Dumas to Amarillo (100 miles round trip) in an old Ford pick-up, it not only rattled my nerves, but also add to the stress a load of glass windows.  The event in and of itself was a great learning opportunity and for the most part was (thankfully) uneventful.  But aside from this one unforgettable task, much of my work at the hardware store/lumber yard was basically day by day and task by task.

Throughout life we move from one job to another, fulfilling the responsibilities that we face within that task.  Some of us are energetic in our work, never content to wait for the next assignment, but constantly staying busy.  With earnest ambition we do our work swiftly and then move on to the next chore.  Workers like this never let the “grass grow under their feet.”  Any void in their day is quickly filled with some sort of labor.  We affectionately refer to this folks as “the movers and shakers” in our world, ever ready to keep on working.


On the other hand, there are some who, when faced with a task, do the work and get the job done in a satisfactory manner.  The work completed may even be above reproach and admirably done.  But the difference comes in the next step.  Rather than searching out new opportunities, they tend to sit back with folded hands and say, “I’m done!”  Or worse yet, they get the work done par-satisfactory and then slink away hoping not to be found when the next need arises.  (By the way, workers like that usually find a pink slip at the close of the week…or at least they should.)

Workers in the Lord’s church might very well be classified as one of the two workers listed above.  Some are go getters who see the job, roll up their sleeves and “Get ‘er done.”  Others, however, will do the work when asked, but ‘What…you want me to do something else?’  We know there is work to do, and many of us will be the first to step up to get that work done.  But the fact of the matter remains, with the work that needs to be done, who will do it?  Unfortunately it’s usually left up to the 20%.  Be careful that you don’t fall into the 80% who are work-less (no, I didn’t say worthless).  Notice this passage from the book of Isaiah.

In Isaiah 6, we read the words of Isaiah as he recalls a vision from the throne room of God; “…I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple.”  The song Isaiah hears echoes in our hearts, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts…” But notice Isaiah’s response when he hears a call to action in verse 8; “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?”  The Lord is calling for a worker and some undoubted would look around and say, ‘Are you talking to me?’  But Isaiah, having just received forgiveness by a burning coal placed on his lips (vs. 6, 7), speaks up and utters the words of a faithful servant: “Here am I.  Send me!”

Come back and let’s continue this discussion again…

Taking a Look at Sunday Morning

I am thankful for my church family…

Having just returned from a trip the evening before, we were late getting to church service and decided not to interrupt class 20 minutes late. After getting some work done in the office, we sat down early in the auditorium.

Though we left on vacation following the morning services last week, it seemed like a long time since we’d been with our church family.

At first, it was dark in the auditorium, then a few people started to arrive.  One sweet lady, dressed in high heels and using a walking cane, was escorted to her seat by her grown son who then returned pushing her husband in a wheelchair.  They sat on the second seat from the front, settled in their pew while the son figured out where to store the folded wheel chair. He sat with them.

A few others, mostly folks walking slowly due to age, came in the auditorium finding their pews and settling in for worship before class was dismissed and the masses arrived.

One man came walking down our aisle and suddenly the lights came on.  Smiling he told us they automatically come on when he enters!  We shared small talk and he settled in his pew awaiting the rest of his family.

For 15 minutes people strolled in the auditorium, some stopped to chat before sitting down, others hurriedly walked past looking towards ‘their’ pew.  Some, knowing we’d been out of town, asked about our trip.  Another was excited to show me she too had recently gotten an iPhone, she asked if I would like to go to classes with her. Another brother shared with me a picture of a fancy faucet he had just installed in their renovated bathroom.  And yet another dear brother, short on time, asked me a question about his LOA group (our church’s small group).  One of our young men, on his first visit home from college, stopped to give me a hug and chat briefly before others wanted his attention too. A sweet lady in the pew in front of me wanted to chat about her LOA plans that were scheduled for the evening.

I glanced around the auditorium and saw a sister across the way that hadn’t been to worship in quite some time…I said a prayer of thanksgiving.  Families are all in place now, some with guests from out of town.  The college students came in close to the starting time and sat in a row together in their normal spot.

Now it’s time for the welcome and announcements and our weekly ‘meet and greet’.  Then worship begins.  It’s a joy to begin worship in prayer and then song.  A brother in front of us realizes contribution is early in the service so he pulls out a couple bills from his wallet and tries to throw them down the row for his daughter & friend to put in the plate…except neither girl saw the money and his wife sat on one of the bills.  Oh well, at least, he tried.

Before I know it, worship is over and it’s time to visit on our way out the door.  As I walk through the north end a new grandma is busy visiting with her LOA friends about her wonderful new grandson!  I lose track of time visiting and can’t find my husband; I’m assuming he went to the van to wait for me…not so this time.  In the van I do some more waiting and observe several families leaving from the parking lot.  One couple has a wedding gift and they see the person in the parking lot they need to give it to!  A college student and his younger brother come out and drive the suburban closer to the exit waiting for the rest of the family – I’m guessing it felt good to him to be back in that role, and the family certainly loved the familiarity of it too.

The sun was shining but there’s coolness in the air.  Today is our LOA Sunday and there is of buzz in the family as many have plans with their small group.

It’s such a blessing to be a part of God’s family, sharing and caring for each other in every way!  I look forward to any opportunity I have to be with my family, but it seemed especially sweet yesterday after being gone for a week.

I thank God that he gives us everything we need, each other, our church family.


“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” I John 4:8

In the family of God we are a blessed people! 

Thanks Donna for reminding us of the joy we have in the Kingdom of God.



The Day After VBS…

Do you remember your days in Vacation Bible School? 

In my youth, and for years, our congregation hosted a full week (Monday-Friday) of VBS beginning at 9:00 in the morning and wrapping up around noon.  (Just after breakfast and before lunch…smart!)  One of my favorite memories from VBS, a highlight, was the opening and closing service, when everyone came together to sing.

Perhaps you’ll remember, “Roll the Gospel Chariot”“Deep and Wide”, or an all time favorite, “This Little Light of Mine”.  Could you ever forget “Jesus Loves the Little Children”.  Personally one of my favorites was “Booster, Booster” (more on that in a minute).  What about this one; do you remember…

“Stand up and shout it if you love my Jesus!
Stand up and shout it if you love my Lord!
I want to know, Oh I want to know…Do you love my Lord?”

There’s more to the song and verses are included, but the general idea is for the singer, even the listener, to proclaim their love for Jesus Christ as Lord.  This is certainly an exciting song and one that many song leaders encouraged us to STAND UP while we sang.

But you know we can’t stay in ‘VBS mode’ our entire lives.  There’s a reason we call it Vacation Bible School; it’s held during the summer months while we’re on ‘vacation’.  This wonderful time of our life will eventually come to an end, we’ll grow up and go to work.  We love the ‘mountaintop’ experiences, but we have to come down off the mountain and get back to the grind.  Jesus modeled that behavior to us over and over.  Remember Luke 9:28 and 37, “…He took Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray.  … On the next day, when they came down from the mountain, a large crowd met Him.” In like manner, when our ‘vacation’ is over, we ‘grow up’ and go to work.

So we stand up and shout that we love Jesus, and yes, in our lives and in our hearts we should be telling the world (showing the world) that we love Jesus.  But as we grow and mature into men, we need to do more than just stand up and shout it.  Notice what Paul, through inspirations, tells the church in Corinth, “When I was a child, I talked like a child; I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”  I Corinthians 13:11

Perhaps William Merrill had the right idea when he encouraged the singer, the ‘men of God’, to rise up!  In 1911 Mr. Merrill penned the words to a song that has been sung by godly men across the globe; a message that calls for men of God to do more than just stand up and shout.  It’s a message to rise up and serve, to rise up and give your heart, soul and strength.  It’s a message to rise up and serve the King of kings.  We sing that men of God are to bring in the day of brotherhood and end what is wrong.  As we sing this song we are reminded that the church Christ built is waiting for us to ‘come down off the mountain’ and go to work.  As we sing we remember that we are called to follow Christ walking in His footsteps.  Notice these verses…

Rise Up, O men of God!  Have done with lesser things;
Give heart and mind and soul and strength to serve the King of kings.

Rise Up, O men of God!  His kingdom tarries long;
Bring in the day of brotherhood and end the night of wrong.

Rise Up, O men of God!  The church for you doth wait,
Her strength unequaled to her task.  Rise up and make her great!

Lift up the cross of Christ!  Tread where His feet have trod;
As brothers of the Son of Man, Rise up, O men of God!

In the days of my youth, during the closing session of VBS, we would sing, “Booster, Booster be a Booster!  Don’t be grouchy like a rooster (growing up on a farm, take it from me, roosters can be grouchy).  Booster, Booster be a Booster and Boost our Bible School!”  We left excited and ready for the next day.

Gentlemen, dads, husbands; VBS is over and today is that NEXT DAY.  It’s time we do more than just stand up and shout it; let’s rise up and be…Men of God!