Building a Canal…Feb. 8th

As a young boy I can remember singing the old song, “Low Bridge.” The words of the On the Erie Canal / Frederick Elmigerchorus are still fresh in my mind, “Low bridge, everybody down. Low bridge cause we’re coming to a town. Where you’ll always know your neighbor, you’ll always know your pal, if ya ever navigate the Erie Canal.” Written at the turn of the century this song describes the work of an old mule as she pulls lumber, coal, passengers and hay from Albany to Buffalo, New York. But some of our younger generation might ask the question, what is a canal? The simplest definition would be a man-made water highway for navigation and transportation. Nicaragua1

But what kind of ‘connection’ can we make between Christianity and a man-made canal? Sunday morning we’ll be listening to a report from Robert Taylor as he shares details from his recent mission trip to Nicaragua. From the wealth of Texas to the poverty of a third world country, we know there is more than just geography that separates our two cultures. Join us Sunday morning as we listen to the work being done to reach the lost in Nicaragua. In fact, let’s consider what goes into… Building a Canal.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, February 8, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand in Awe” – 96

“You are beautiful beyond description…too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom, who can fathom the depth of Your love. You are beautiful beyond description, Majesty enthroned on high, and I stand in awe of You! Holy God to Whom all praise is due, I stand in awe of You!” We know this hymn and we’ve sung it time and again, but are we processing what we’re saying? Are we in awe of God’s power and majesty? Is He more than we can fathom or comprehend? He is awesome, but are we willing to stand in awe of Him?

“O Worship the King” – 144

Continuing our praise to God this morning, we’ll sing a traditional hymn of praise that dates back more than 175 years! You’ll want to take note of the third verse, “Frail children of dust, (that would be you and me) and feeble as frail, in Thee do we trust, nor find Thee to fail. (We trust God because He will never let us down…but do we behave like we believe that?) Thy mercies, how tender, how firm to the end! (God cares, He’s tender, but He’ll also judge us…) Our Maker, Defender, Redeemer and Friend!”

“Hallelujah! What a Savior” – 337

Breaking this hymn into two parts, we’ll sing verses 1-4 before the Lord’s Supper, then after the fruit of the vine we’ll close with verse 5. Yes, Jesus died on the cross, but he didn’t stay in the tomb. He rose from the dead and… “When He comes, our glorious King, all His ransomed home to bring. Then anew this song we’ll sing, Hallelujah! What a Savior!”

“The Gospel is for All” – no book

How could we talk about taking the gospel to a lost and dying world and not sing this old spiritual song. The blessed gospel is for all and we have a great opportunity to build a canal and take the message to Nicaragua.

“Will You Not Tell it Today” – 628

A fitting invitation song as we ask each other, “If the name of the Savior is precious to you, if His care has been constant and tender and true, if the light of His presence has brightened your way…O will you not tell of your gladness today?” Though we won’t be singing all three verses, you’ll want to notice how the second and third verse end, before the chorus. “…O will you not, brother, the story repeat?” (verse 2) and “…O will you not tell them the cheer bringing word?” (verse 3). We have a great chance to help build a canal to the hungry children in Nicaragua, so when it comes to sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ we ask each other, will you not tell it today?

“Lord Take Control” – 790

We’ll provide an opportunity to give to the work at Waterview as we pass the collection plate after the sermon (separate and apart from the Lord’s Supper). But this simple, contemporary hymn seems to sum it all up…“My heart, my mind, my body, my soul, I give to You (God) take control…” How will you give God control of your heart? Do you know what it will look like when God takes control of your mind? If we are truly going to be “a living sacrifice,” we need to do more than just sing about it…we need to hand in handchange the way we live.

“Hand in Hand with Jesus” – 397

One of those songs that seems to ‘sing itself,’ this spiritual song reminds us of our walk with Christ, hand in hand. No better way to build a canal than with the Master Builder. Let’s take His hand as we work together down the straight and narrow way.

“Into Our Hands the Gospel is Given” – no book

The closing song is a reminder of how quickly time flies. “Swiftly we’re turning life’s daily pages…” But not only are the hours ‘changing to years,’ but we need to think about how we’re using this time. Into OUR hands the gospel has been given…what are we doing with it? Are we wasting the years, or are we focused on sharing the gospel? We have a message to deliver, let’s transport the gospel by building a canal.

The Waterview Legacy…Feb. 1st

This coming Sunday morning, Waterview church of Christ will walk with Robert Oglesby as he comes to Waterview logothe end of a fifty-two year journey. Every Sunday, Robert has stepped into the Waterview pulpit to break the bread of life to the congregation. He and his wife, Willora, have walked this Robert Oglesbypath with love, loyalty and faithfulness. An example of a Christian life that has set a legacy for the Waterview family.


This Sunday as we recognize Robert for his years of service, we’ll be reminded of our responsibility in our Christian walk. Just as the Israelite nation was admonished to, ‘Take this book of the law and place it beside the ark of the covenant of the Lord your God, that it may remain there as a witness against you.’ (Deut. 31:26) And though a new minister has yet to step forward, we have assurance of the future of Waterview church of Christ. We will continue to teach Jesus Christ and Him crucified. He will be the focus of our lives and we will daily honor our God! We will never forget the Waterview Legacy!

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, Feb. 1, 2015

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Know that My Redeemer Lives” – 528

We sing with confidence this 98 year old spiritual song. If we know that our Redeemer lives, how proud are we of that fact? Do we share His love with others or do we just keep it to ourselves. If we truly ‘know’ that He lives and gives eternal life, let us show it through our lives, through our legacy.

“It Is Well with My Soul” – 490

Before we pass the ‘collection plate’ we sing this familiar spiritual song to set our minds on His sacrifice. Notice the 2nd verse which in some of our hymnals has been edited out; “Tho Satan should buffet, though trials should come, let this blessed assurance control. That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate and hath shed His own blood for my soul.” Indeed, God’s people should say, “It is well with my soul!”

“I Gave My Life for Thee” – 354

Before the Lord’s supper we will sing a reminder of His sacrifice as we sing what Christ would say, “I gave My life for thee, My precious blood I shed, that thou might’st ransomed be, and quickened (make alive) from the dead.” We sing what Jesus might be saying to us, but don’t forget, each verse ends with a question we must all answer. What have you given, have you left all, what have you borne (endured) and what have you brought? Honestly, do you have an answer for those questions?

“Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus” – 276

A simple chorus to a beautiful song. People will look at our legacy when this life is over, what will they see? Perhaps when they look at us, they’ll be turning their eyes upon Jesus.


“Remind Me, Dear Lord” – 606

Everything we have is a gift from God. Do you hold this life so dear that you’re missing the big picture? Our legacy is to honor God and show others His mercy. We can do that when we remember…“Nothing good have I done to deserve God’s own Son, I’m not worthy of the scars in His hands. Yet He chose the road to Calvary to die in my stead; Why He loved me, I can’t understand. Roll back the curtain of memory now and then; show me where You brought me from and where I should have been. Remember, I’m human, and humans forget. So remind me, remind me, dear Lord.”

“Ancient Words” – no book

As Moses encouraged God’s people to remember the law, we sing about those ancient words. Are we heeding the ancient words of life? These holy words have been long preserved, let’s follow them, share them and live our lives by them.

“Jesus Calls Us” – 399Jesus calls us

Our invitation song this Sunday morning is a reminder that Jesus is calling for us to follow Him and love Him more than the world. You’ll notice the poetry of the last verse as we ask Him to “make us hear” His call. We know we’re free agents, but what a thought that we would ask for God to make us do something. But that control only comes when we “give our hearts” to His obedience. Then, we’ll serve and love Him more, ‘best,’ of all.

“Footsteps of Jesus” – 416

We just sang an invitation that says, “Jesus calls us…,” then transition to “Sweetly, Lord, have we heard Thee calling, ‘Come follow Me!’.” He calls us, but we still must determine whether or not we’ll answer. But more importantly…will we follow? Singing from our hearts we’ll close this song with the affirmation, “we will follow the steps of Jesus, where ‘er they go.”

“God Bless You, Go with God” – 752

To provide the Oglesby family time to go to our congregation-wide luncheon, we’ll sing one more spiritual song that calls for us to hold fast to our legacy. May we always hold on to the fact that, ‘Christ is the only hope for all the world.’ As we go through this world let’s continually pray that we will ‘go with God’ and follow the Waterview legacy.

Preaching-Before, During and After…Jan. 25th

The scripture, through Paul’s inspired pen, gives this firm proclamation, “I solemnly charge you in the preach the wordpresence of God and Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with great patience and instruction.” (II Timothy 4: 1, 2) Preach the word! We’ve known this command and for years many of us have listened to the preacher ‘preach the word.’ But from the audience’s point of view, as ‘spectators,’ what goes into ‘preaching?’

This coming Sunday morning Christians across our nation (the globe actually) will attend worship services to hear the gospel preached. They will walk into the auditorium, find their seat, and worship together. But what will happen after the preaching? How will each member sitting in the crowd react to the message? Some, undoubtedly will listen intently, then walk out unaffected by the message. Others, content with their presence, will sit quietly, and not listen to the message at all. And still others will hear the message and be moved to respond. But what about those who listen to the message, are moved to respond, but never do. Their hearts have been pricked, like those in Acts 2, but the step forward never comes. They have done everything necessary before and during the preaching but the final step. What comes after the preaching is left in the pew. Join us Sunday morning as we consider preaching…before, during and after!

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, January 25, 2015

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Our God, He Is Alive” – 23

Remember when this was found on page 728B? Few may still have this song book, but most of us will never forget this ‘church of Christ Anthem.’ The men lead the chorus as we proclaim, “There is a God, He is alive, in Him we live and we survive…”

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” – 315

Taking this old spiritual song/hymn from Isaac Watts, we sing the poetry of Christ’s death. When I survey the cross, I see His head, His hands and His feet. One of the ‘lost’ verses we’ll be singing on Sunday includes these words; “His dying crimson, like a robe, spreads o’er His body on the tree. Then am I dead to all the globe, and all the globe is dead to me.” This morning we’ll sing verse 1-3 before the bread, verse 4 before the fruit of the vine and verse 5 before the contribution. Notice the message with each verse and you’ll see how well they fit together.

“Christ Above Me” – no book

During the passing of the collection plate we’ll sing this new, contemporary song about the all encompassing role Christ plays in our life. “Christ above me, Christ beside me, Christ within me, ever guiding. Christ behind me (not subordinate but rather supportive), Christ before, Christ my love, my life, my Lord.”

“Sing to Me of Heaven” – 716

Our song before the lesson is one that dates back 100 years. But the timeless message of this spiritual song calls us to encourage one anotherafter the preaching with songs of heaven. Notice each verse is a reminder of how and when we sing of heaven. How, “…tenderly and low, till the shadows over me rise and swiftly go…” And when, “…as I walk alone, dreaming of the comrades (a fellow soldier of Christ who has gone on to his reward) that so long have gone.” These songs of heaven are ‘songs of peace’ that will release us from the toils (a net to trap something) that bind us. Let’s sing of heaven!

“Almost Persuaded” – no book

Our invitation song is one we don’t sing often, but some find it’s basis in Acts 26 when Paul asked, “King Agrippa, do you believe the prophets? I know that you do.” Reading verse 28 in the King James Version we find our theme for this morning’s lesson, “Almost persuaded, now to believe. Almost persuaded, Christ to receive…” . Robert’s ‘preaching’ this morning will include a before, during and after. What are you doing before he preaches, while (during) he’s preaching and after he preaches? When the invitation is offered, will you almost be persuaded?

“Let Me Live Close to Thee” – 831

This is one of my favorite proclamations of how I want to live my life! Perhaps it’s the second verse that strikes me so clearly as we consider it’s correlation to Colossians 3:23, “Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men…” Notice the words from verse 2; “Not the crown nor renown that the world might see, I would work, never shirk, blessed Lord, for Thee. But to know where I go that my soul is free, let me live close to Thee each day.”

Redeeming God’s Time…Jan. 18th

Redemption is an interesting word. By definition it means the “deliverance or rescue” of something. But what is worthy of redeeming? We sing ‘redeemed how I love to proclaim it,’ ‘let the redeemed of the Lord say so,’ and ‘…for on the holy cross hast Thou the world from sin redeemed.’ We know, in Christ, we have been redeemed, but what else can we redeem?  Welcoming redeem God's timeChris McCurley to Waterview’s pulpit this coming Sunday morning we look forward to hearing his thoughts on redeeming time.

It makes me think about the old hymn ‘Softly and Tenderly’ as we sing the third verse (though we won’t be singing it this week), “Time is now fleeting the moments are passing…” With time ‘fleeting,’ lasting for a very short time, how can we redeem it. Perhaps, more importantly, we should ask ourselves, who owns our time? Join us as we consider redeeming GOD’S time.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, January 18, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Holy Ground Medley” – 100 &101

A strong, spiritual medley that turns us toward the holiness of God. Be careful this Sunday morning as you come together to worship God as a collective body of believers. Two young men came to worship God (they were actually leading the worship) and give Him a sacrifice that wasn’t pleasing (acceptable) to God, and immediately suffered the consequences. To know why, one need only read the words of the boy’s uncle found in Leviticus 10:3, “It is what the Lord spoke, saying, ‘By those who come near Me I will be treated as holy…” As we come to worship this morning remember, we’ll be standing in His holy presence, on Holy Ground.

“Alas! And Did My Savior Bleed?” – 324

One of the most pointed lyrics from the pen of Isaac Watts, this spiritual song reminds us that we have a Savior who bled and died and devoted Himself, His ‘sacred head for such a worm as I.’ But is that the way we sing it? Do we call ourselves ‘worms?’ The Psalmist (David) once wrote in Psalm chapter 22, verse 6, “But I am a worm and not a man.” Job, in his despair, made the same acclamation (Job 25:6). Understanding the meaning of this humble statement, we see the reference to our feeble and despised condition. Without God, we are but worms. We’ve changed the wording to ease our minds and satisfy our self esteem. But I can’t miss the message…my Savior bled and died for me.

“Take Time to Be Holy” – 731

In a fast paced world we rarely slow down long enough to ‘smell the roses.’ Not to mention, taking time to be holy. But what does that mean? How can I ‘take time’ to be holy? Consider the words of the poet W.D. Longstaff; …1) speak often with your Lord, 2) abide in Him always and 3) feed on His word (read the Bible.) 4) Make friends of God’s people, 5) help those who are weak and 6) never forgetting to seek His blessings. In addition we should 7) be calm in our souls, 8) letting each thought and each motive be in His control. (That’s a hard one when you think about it!) But, when we do these things we’ll be led by His Spirit and better fitted for His service. Perhaps that’s how we ‘take time to be Holy.’take time

“Sing On, Ye Joyful Pilgrims” – 747

Fanny J. Crosby added a great thought in the chorus of this song, “…my heart is filled with rapture (joy), my soul is lost in praise.’ How often do we get ‘lost in thought’ during the course of the day? But what a concept that our souls would be ‘lost in praise.’ Translated, nothing else matters except praising our God.

“Higher Ground” – no book

A spiritual song we know well, but one we sing with a renewed twist. Men echo throughout the verses and chorus as we encourage each other to press on toward heaven.

“Savior Lead Me” – 409

A call to repentance as we sing this hymn for our Savior to lead us. But notice where we’re asking Him to lead us. Certainly heavenward and away from the stormy billows, but as I sing the chorus I’m asking for Him to lead me, “gently down the stream of time…” He is our refuge and we will be ‘safe when by His side,’ but as He leads us, will we follow Him? Are we willing, and honestly ready to obey Him and follow where my Savior leads me?

“Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand” – 613

“Time is filled with swift transition, naught of earth unmoved can stand…” But what does that mean, “naught of earth unmoved can stand.”?  Naught means nothing, so we build upon this principle as we consider the poetry. Nothing on earth will continue without being changed/moved. In short, everything is changing here on earth. However, as we hold to God, His unchanging hand (referencing Jesus in Hebrews 13:8), we know we can build upon Him. Building our hopes on things eternal and looking to redeem God’s time as we hold to His hand.

Memory: Friend or Foe?…Jan. 11th

Memories…flood the corners of my mind, or at least how the song goes. But do our memories serve to Memoriesinspire us or haunt us? Age and sickness have a way of displacing some of our fondest memories. That is discouraging when we think of all the good times we’ve had, but perhaps that’s not such a bad thing when we think about our failures.

Sometimes we’d like to forget some things, and thanks be to God…He will. In reference to the ‘new covenant’ in Jeremiah chapter 31, God makes this declaration; “I will put My law within them and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. They will not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the Lord,’ for they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the Lord, “for I will forgive their inequity, and their sin I will remember no more.” What a blessing to know that even with all my faults, sins and shortcomings…my God doesn’t remember them.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, January 18, 2015

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Hallelujah! Praise Jehovah” – 3

Opening our service together we praise Jehovah…singing, as it were, Psalm 148!

“How Deep the Father’s Love” – no book

A contemporary song that poetically walks us through the hours of Christ crucifixion. From the time ‘the Father turns His face away’ (Matt. 27:46), to the final words of Jesus, ‘I know that it is finished.’ (John 19:30) We find power in singing the truth…‘His wounds have paid my ransom.’

“Living for Jesus” – 676

Just the chorus as we sing between the bread and the fruit of the vine, “O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give my life to Thee. For Thou in Thine atonement didst give Thyself for me. I know no other Master, my heart shall be Thy throne. My life I give hence forth to live…O Christ for Thee alone.” Do we…will we act on this pledge?

“Though Your Sins Be as Scarlet” – 501isaiah-1-18

An old spiritual song that speaks the message of this morning’s lesson…“He’ll forgive your transgression and remember them no more…” What a blessing that He forgives and forgets, but do we?

“Does Jesus Care” – 507

Does Jesus care when my heart is pained too deeply for mirth (happiness/laughter) and song…” Our chorus answers that question with a resounding “O yes, He cares…”

“I Bring My Sin to Thee” – 917

If God will forgive AND forget my sins, what would hinder me from bringing my sins to Him? Especially consider, as the song goes, we have too many sins to even begin to count!

“Jesus is All the World to Me” – 590

How much does it mean to you when someone cares enough about you to not only forgive you, but never hold your transgression against you? Someone who forgives and forgets. Perhaps that’s why we sing, “Jesus is all the world to me my life, my joy, my all.” A true friend is one who doesn’t hold a memory of your wrongs. That’s why…“He’s my friend.”

The New Year’s Resolutions ‘Short List’…Jan. 4th

Have you taken the time to write down your New Year’s Resolutions? How many do you new year resolution cartoonhave on your list? Perhaps it’s short and to the point, a list of only three or four things you really want to do this year. Or maybe you are one of those ‘high achievers’ who has 10 or more items that you resolve to accomplish in the new year. Whether your list is short or long, we all have high expectations as to how we’ll do this year in keeping our New Year’s Resolutions.

But when you consider your list, what is the ‘one’ thing you most need/want to keep? One ‘resolution’ that takes precedence over the others on your list, a ‘short list’ to focus on. King David wrote in the 27th Psalm, “One thing I have asked from the Lord, that I shall seek (keeping a resolution): That I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life…” A basic resolution we might do well to keep. Come worship with us on Sunday morning as we consider ‘the New Year’s Resolutions… ‘Short List.’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, January 4, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

sing praise to God...Psalm 105“Step by Step” – 15

Begin each morning singing praises to God. “O God, You are my God and I will ever praise You!” Even if you think you can’t ‘sing out,’ I encourage you to put a song in your heart each and every day. Then again maybe we should check and see if singing praises to God is even on our list

“Why Did My Savior Come to Earth” – 382

As we sing before the Lord’s supper we ask each other a simple question; “Why did my Savior come to earth…?” Do you know the answer? Was it out of compulsion, or just one of those things on His ‘to do list?’ Was it out of pity because mankind is such a miserable lot? Or maybe He came because He didn’t have anything better to do? As we sing the chorus (or read the Bible) we find the answer. Why did Jesus drink the bitter cup…why on the cross be lifted up? Because He loved me so!

“Gentle Shepherd” – 845

This is a contemporary hymn we sing to our Savior, our Shepherd. Notice we are seeking guidance as we sing this hymn, this prayer; “Come and lead us, for we need You to help us find our way. Come and feed us, for we need Your strength from day to day.” Considering your New Year’s Resolutions…are either of these listed there?

“Til My Faith Becomes Sight” – 836

Bread of Life, Living Water, Lover of my soul…these are three descriptive characteristics we give Christ as we sing this song written less than 25 years ago. “…I will keep my eyes on You till my faith becomes sight.” We’ll sing it, but will keeping our eyes on Jesus be found on your short list of resolutions this year?

“Leaning on the Everlasting Arms” – 589

A song that dates back to the late 1880’s is one that reminds us all that we should live this life close enough to God that we can lean on Him. But do we think that way? Do we have fellowship in Christ, do we walk with Him, do we find peace with Him…are we leaning on Him? As we are “leaning on the everlasting arms,” we have nothing to fear or dread. And, if the truth be known, if we lean on Him we’re keeping part of that ‘short list.’

“Bring Christ Your Broken Like” – 911

Without fail the majority of us are bound to break our New Year’s resolutions before the spring thaw. Just like those broken New Year’s Resolutions, we slip up in life (we sin), and our life is ‘broken.’ We have a tendency to get ourselves wrapped up in work or play and find it easy to quietly walk away from ‘the house of the Lord.’ Not that we despise our God or His family, but we lose focus on our priorities. We’re too tired, too busy, too distracted to keep our resolutions. Maybe we should focus on the short list. One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek…that I may dwell in the house of the Lord forever!

“I Want to Be Ready to Meet Him” – 604 & “The Glory-Land Way” – 535

We’ll sing this closing song/medley to help remind ourselves of His return. Notice the third verse and the transition in the medley; “There is one thing I can boast of, salvation from the fall (Hebrews 3:6). I’m an heir to wealth and glory, my Father owns it all. That is why I’m shouting happy and go at His command, for I want to be ready to meet Him in the glory land…I’m in the way, the bright and shining way, I’m in the glory-land way.” When we live our life so that we’re ready to meet Him, then we’ll be so much closer to keeping ‘The New Year’s Resolutions…Short List!’

Three Times a Year You Must Go to Church…Dec. 28th

Norman Rockwell...going to churchAs a child I remember hearing (probably asking), ‘Are we going to church today?’ A simple question from a simple mind. Each and every Sunday morning my family would get up and drive into town to meet with our church family for worship on the first day of the week. Notice, I said ‘every Sunday morning.’ This wasn’t something we did every now and again, or only on Christmas and Easter. And we didn’t go just to satisfy some check list. But isn’t that exactly what many tend to do today? Even if we go to worship God every week, many are just satisfying a need to ‘go to church.’  

Maybe we should consider why we do what we do. Is there a reason we go each Sunday morning? Especially in the light of scripture when we read God’s command to the Israelite men in Deuteronomy 16:16, “Three times a year all your men must appear before the Lord your God at the place He will choose: at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks and the Feast of Tabernacles.” So maybe there’s justification in just going to church to fulfill a check list and satisfy a need. After all, don’t some translate the text above to say, ‘Three times a year you must go to church…’?

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, December 28, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“We’re Marching to Zion” – 869

Notice the call that sounds forth in the first few lines of this spiritual song, “Come, we that love the Lord, and let our joys be known…” What joys are you singing about and why do you want them to be made known? We’ve sung this song for years, but read it again without the musical repetition; “…join in a song of sweet accord and thus surround the throne. Let those refuse to sing who never knew our God, but children of the heavenly King may speak their joys abroad. (Are you a child of the King…will you sing?) The hill of Zion yields a thousand sacred sweets, before we reach the heavenly fields or walk the golden streets. Then let our songs abound and every tear be dry, we’re marching through Emanuel’s ground to fairer worlds on high.” Another old song might say, “This world is not my home, I’m just a passin’ through.”

“More Precious Than Silver” – 273more precious than silver

What do you cherish? What do you value in this life? We invest in gold and silver because we find security in their worth. An old adage goes something like, ‘Diamonds are a girls best friend.’ Many of us put our hope and trust in what we can put our hands on (or what we can put on our hands). But the song we’ll sing before the contribution simply states that we will put our trust, hope and desires in our God. Not in silver, gold or diamonds .

“As the Deer” – 71

This song comes directly from the text as we read the words of the psalmist; “As the deer pants for the water so my soul longs after You…” But do we truly LONG for God? We have a good share of silver, gold and (for some) diamonds… we’re not longing, much less panting, for anything else. Yet many can’t see just how close to death they really are. This video is from a newer version of the same text, and although we’ll be singing the music by Martin Nystrom, Dennis Jernigan’s arrangement is one to be learned.

“O Come Let Us Adore Him” – 264

Taken from the popular ‘Christmas’ song written in the mid-1700’s, the chorus is a constant reminder that we should not only adore our King, but give Him all the glory and all our praise forever. And if anyone asks why…“For He alone is worthy!”

“Surround Us, Lord” – no book

Nothing is more comforting than knowing we’re surrounded by friends and family. Perhaps that is why God has given us the church. Our church family is an extension of our being surrounded by Him, His love, in the absence of our earthly family. The psalmist wrote in the 106th Psalm, “As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds His people.” There is comfort in knowing we’re not alone, unless of course you only meet with God’s family two or three times a year…

“Worthy Art Thou” – 230

Before our lesson this morning, we sing together as we praise our God singing, “Worthy of praise is Christ our Redeemer, worthy of glory, honor and power! Worthy of all our soul’s adoration (O come let us adore Him), worthy art Thou (worthy are You)!”

“There’s a Fountain Free” – 909

“Will you come?” Not necessarily to the meeting of church services, but to the Christ, to the fountain free. But then again, if you’re only ‘coming’ on Christmas and or Easter, if you only come to worship Him as the men of the Old Testament were commanded…then you’re missing the freedom found in the Fountain.

“All People That on Earth Do Dwell” – 532

We’ll close with what some consider a call to worship. Taken again from the 100th book of the Psalms, this ‘psalm’ will be followed by the chorus of our opening spiritual song. Consider the flow to be something like this… “All people that on earth do dwell, sing to the Lord with a cheerful voice; Him serve with fear, His praise forth tell; Come ye (you) before Him and rejoice…” “We’re marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion! We’re marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God.” If we wait to ‘worship’ Him using the example of the Old Law, we’ll miss the blessing of the Savior. The heart of a child of God calls for more than just, “Three times a year you must go to church.”

In the Waiting Room…Dec. 21st

For many of us, the image is clear in our minds. Daddy is nervously pacing (or sitting) in the waiting room while the doctor and nurses tend to the Waiting Roomexpecting mother. At the same time, others can be found in this same room waiting ‘on pins and needles’ for the news that their loved one made it through. Most of us have been in the waiting room anticipating the ‘good news.’ But as we look deeper into our own lives, we find we are spending our life waiting for more than just the doctor.

For hundreds of years the Jewish nation was waiting and longing for the coming of the Messiah. And now, some two thousand years later, we find ourselves waiting and longing for His return! During the Christmas season, our world remembers Christ’s arrival on this earth, and welcomes the newborn baby…the Messiah. But after the tree is taken down and the Christmas music stops, will this world anticipate His return? David wrote in the 25th Psalm, “…You are the God of my salvation; For You I will wait all the day.” Yet today many of us don’t want to wait. We fail to see that, like it or not, we are still waiting. Not for the newborn baby, but for our Savior’s return. Perhaps you could say we’re still…”In the Waiting Room.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, Dec. 21, 2014joy to the world

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Joy to the World” – 1018

Not to be reserved for December alone … this song of ‘welcome’ is one we’ll sing to open our assembly this morning. Written in the late 1700’s, this spiritual song was not intended as a Christmas hymn. Instead, Isaac Watts penned these words as a reminder of Christ’s birth. Look back at last December to read more about the joy that came into this world. (click on…December, 2013)

“Savior, Thy Dying Love” – 667

Before we open our wallets and give back as God has given to us, consider the three lines of each verse in this song, “…Something for Thee.” And each of these verses reflect on what we will give to Him; some offering…some song…some wanderer won…my soul in eternity. When we reflect on His giving to us, His dying love, what is it that we are willing to give back to Him? While you’re waiting, consider what you’re giving.

“Restore My Soul” – no book

And now consider the state of your soul; how are you doing spiritually? This song calls for God to restore my spirit, revive the fire in my soul, and renew my courage. At times we all become weary and feel ‘burned out,’ but this is when we need God’s guiding hand all the more to have the courage to stand up and replace our doubts with a stronger, bolder faith in His return. Renew your love for Him, rebuild your faith in Him and seek to have Him restore your soul!

“One Day!” – 353

Before we partake in the Lord’s supper we’ll sing only the first two verses of this hundred year old spiritual song. One day the angels sang of Christ’s birth as Jesus was born into this world. But just as we are born and die, so Christ was born and died. One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain to nail Him on the tree, bearing our sins. And yet we find hope in knowing He didn’t stay in the tomb. Unlike this earthly body, Jesus was raised from the dead. So we sing, “Rising, He justified (freed us from sin) freely forever…” And then, wait for it, we sing “…One day He’s coming! Oh glorious day!”

“Bethlehem…Galilee…Gethsemane” – 357

“Bethlehem, Christ was born there. I believe, I believe! Galilee, He walked there. I believe, I believe! Gethsemane, my Savior prayed there. On Calvary, He died alone. But the tomb, He left there. I believe, I believe!” Believing is important and obeying is vital, but how many of us are willing to go each day, faithfully waiting for our Savior? We do when we confess that, “…Now He lives and reigns forever. I believe, I believe!”

“Blessed Assurance” – 480

What’s your story? Do you tell a story of assurance in Christ through the life you live? Will your song declare that you are an heir of salvation, and that you’ve been purchased by God? If so, and if you’ve read this far I believe you are, then you can’t help but sing praises to our Savior in song…all day long! What better thing to do while you’re waiting then to sing praises!Blessed Assurance

“When Jesus Comes” – no book

Our invitation song is one from years gone by. As a matter of fact it’s no longer in the book, Faith & Praise. But it’s message is one confirming our resolve as we wait for Christ’s return. Perhaps the chorus says it best, “O can we say we are ready, brother? Ready for the soul’s bright home? Say, will He find you and me still watching, waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come?

“When He Comes in Glory By and By” – 854

As we are waiting, we are longing for His return. And you and I know, “How sweet it will be…when He comes in the sky!” So be patient, don’t loss faith and always remember the goal is heaven. “When He comes in glory by and by…” it will be sweet, for those who are in the waiting room!

Questions of the Season…Do you see what I see?

With so much activity in our lives, it’s rare that at this time of the year, we would take time to stop and look up into the night sky. Our commercialized life style is too focused on office parties, secret Santa’s, last-minute shopping and the ‘hustle and bustle’ of this wonderful season. Nothing wrong with any of these activities, there is a lot of excitement around gifts and decorations. But are we missing the point when our life becomes so focused on things christmas joythat we fail to look heavenward? It’s true, in America, Christmas time is an intense and busy time of year. And our economy seems to depend upon the retail sales from all the shopping. Toys for children as well as adults are displayed and marketed as ‘must have items’ for Christmas morning.

But if you’re ever alone, all alone at this time of year, you may be able to hear some simple questions of the season. Questions like, “Do you see what I see?” Not the lights on the tree or the decorations on the mantle, but the beauty of the stars in the night sky. Or perhaps the question will be, “Do you hear what I hear?” Not the merriment of a Christmas party or the crunching of snow under foot, but the carols of praise and adoration that wafts on the airwaves. The scriptures tell us the magi saw a star in the east (Matthew 2:2), and yet the leaders of Israel and the king of Judea apparently didn’t see it. (At least they didn’t recognize it’s importance.) And certainly the shepherds heard the proclamation of Christ’s birth (Luke 2:14) as the heavenly choir echoed across the fields, “Glory to God in the highest…” Perhaps those shepherds asked their friends, “Did you hear the singing last night?” And reading the scripture we know that Mary took in all that was being said and done around her newborn baby (Luke 2:19), “…Mary treasured all these things, (what the shepherds had said) pondering them in her heart.” She might have asked another question for those who would stop long enough to listen. “Do you know what I know?”starry night

I remember a cold, Christmas Eve in 1975. It was a Wednesday night as my family drove back to the farm house from our mid-week Bible study. We had gone into town that evening, and as we drove home I recall the crystal, clear sky. The stars were shining in the night sky, and as I stood in the drive way looking up I thought of the words to a classic Christmas carol. “Do you see what I see, way up in the sky little lamb? A star, a star, high above the trees with a tail as big as a kite.”

Though it was almost 30 years ago, I still remember the stillness and solitude of the moment. Recalling the words of the song is one thing, but the memories from that night on Christmas Eve in 1975 continually echo through my mind.

Said the night wind to the little lamb, “Do you see what I see?
Way up in the sky, little lamb, do you see what I see?
A star, a star, dancing in the night with a tail as big as a kite.
With a tail as big as a kite.”

Said the little lamb to the shepherd boy, “Do you hear what I hear?
Ringing through the sky, shepherd boy, do you hear what I hear?
A song, a song, high above the trees with a voice as big as the sea.
With a voice as big as the sea.”

Said the shepherd boy to the mighty king, “Do you know what I know?
In your palace warm, mighty king, do you know what I know?
A Child, a Child shivers in the cold let us bring Him silver and gold
Let us bring Him silver and gold

Said the king to the people everywhere, “Listen to what I say,
Pray for peace, people everywhere! Listen to what I say,
The Child, the Child, sleeping in the night,
He will bring us goodness and light!
He will bring us goodness and light!

Questions About Prayer…Dec. 14th

man prayingHow important is prayer in your life? Do you consider it something to ‘get you through,’ or is it a daily part of your life? Maybe your prayer consist of ‘thank You!’ or ‘please help me…’ But should there be more to my prayers? As we read God’s word, we find time and time again the emphasis that is put on prayer. “…He hears the prayer of the righteous.” Proverbs 15:29 or as Christ said, “ask in prayer, believing…” Matthew 21:22. And certainly you’ll remember the words of Paul as he wrote to the Thessalonian church, “…pray without ceasing.” (I Thess. 5:17)

Prayer is the conduit of communication with our Creator, Philippians 4:6 “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God.” And you might remember the old hymn (2nd verse), “The Father speaketh in His Word, He talks no other way! And to converse with Him, our Lord, we must take time to pray!” But what is prayer? How do I do it? Is there a certain manner in which I should pray? Some have many questions and can’t seem to know ‘how to do it,’ so they simply don’t pray. That should never be an option. Sunday morning we’ll consider praying and how we pray as we look at some “Questions about Prayer.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, December 14, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“We Praise Thee, O God” – 2

A favorite among many as we begin our worship together. Perhaps it’s the resounding chorus as we sing “Hallelujah! Thine the glory!” or maybe it’s the way the music builds up within each verse. Whatever you find that encourages you, either with this song or another, be sure you give God the glory and open your hearts to give Him praise!

“Lead Me to Calvary” – 332

As we think about the Lord’s Supper we remember Calvary and Christ’s death on the cross. Verses that recall the ‘thorn-crowned brow,’ and the tomb guarded by the angels while Christ slept, rather than soldiers thinking He was dead. Even the reference to Mary coming to the ’empty tomb’ is found in this song. But notice how the chorus begins with a plea for each of us to remember the gospel, that is Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. “Lest I forget Gethsemane; Lest I forget Thine agony; lest I forget Thy love for me…” Why do we partake of the Lord’s Supper on the first day of every week? For many…lest I forget!

“On  Bended Knee” – 791man praying

How do you come before God? Are you humbled and repentant, or boastful and proud? If you have any question as to your pretense or pose, maybe you should consider singing this with us… “On bended knee I come, with a humble heart I come, bowing down before Your holy throne…”

“Father, Hear the Prayer We Offer” – 777

Written more than 150 years ago, this timeless, classical hymn is a prayer asking for God to hear our prayer. But what exactly are we saying while we sing? “Father, hear the prayer we offer: Nor for ease that prayer shall be, (I’m not looking for an easy life) but for strength that we may ever live our lives courageously. (Do we really believe that?) vs. 2 Not forever by still waters would we idly, quiet stay; but would smite the living fountains (a reference from Exodus 17:6 when God commanded Moses to strike the rock and bring forth water) from the rocks along our way.” Now notice our ‘prayer’ in the last verse … are you prepared to sing this one? “Let our path be dark or dreary, storm or sunshine be our share; may our souls in hope unweary make Thy work our ceaseless prayer. AMEN!”

“Did You Think to Pray?” – 848

Before you did anything else this morning, did you pray? Is it important enough to you that you start each day with prayer? We have questions about prayer and perhaps that’s why we don’t pray as often as we should. But if we would just remember the words of this spiritual song it might help us in our prayer life; “O how praying rest the weary! Prayer will change the night to day. So when life seems dark and dreary…don’t forget to pray.”

“God is the Fountain Whence” – 117

Before the lesson we’re reminded of the power in prayer. God is the fountain from where (whence) we receive our blessings. Ten-thousand blessings (a poetic gesture) flow from our God. As you sing this song you’ll be reminded that your life, your health, your friends and everything good that you have is in direct correlation to God. Since He has given us what we have…do we pray?

“Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us” – 391

Our invitation song is one that calls us to seek Jesus’ favor and to do His will. We sing of our blessed Jesus and how we are to be ready to turn to Him, but will we let Him lead us like a shepherd? Will we allow Him to be the Guardian of our way? “Blessed Jesus, Blessed Jesus, hear, O hear us when we pray.”

“I Will Pray” – 840

A wonderful progression is found in this old hymn; “Father, in the morning unto Thee I pray…At the busy noon-tide, pressed with work and care…When the evening shadows chase away the light (throughout my day)…I will pray!” We might have questions about prayer, how it works, what to say, is God listening; but, let each of us resolve that from life’s glad morning till the shadowy evening, I will pray!