I Don’t Want to Experience That Again…Jan. 27th

The sermon title on Sunday morning (Jan. 27th) at Waterview church of Christ is entitled…“I Don’t Want to Experience That Again”.  Any thoughts on what Robert might have in mind?  Take a minute and look through the songs selection and maybe you can pull together the theme.  As the scripture says, “I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”


Sunday morning, January 27, 2013

Robert Oglesby has been the pulpit preacher at Waterview church of Christ since February, 1963.  You’re reading it correctly, Waterview is on the threshold of celebrating 50 years with him as our preacher.  May this congregation of God’s people continue to be strong in the Kingdom of God.  The following is a listing of our order of worship, and all song numbers are from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Awesome God” – 38

Our opening song on Sunday morning could be classified as a contemporary song (properly referred to as a ‘hymn’).  Do we truly realize the fact our God is awesome?  Not like your favorite movie or some famous person…only God should hold the title “Awesome”.

“We Praise Thee, O God” – 2

What reasons can you list as to why YOU praise God?  This old hymn, written during the time of our countries Civil War, provides 4 strong examples of why we should be praising God.  Look at the verses (all five)…is it really 4 reasons we praise God, or actually is there just one?

“In Christ Alone” – no book

Another contemporary song that has captured the hearts (and voices) of young and old alike.  As the song is sung, a story is woven that draws the Christian heart closer to God.  Where do you find your strength…your hope.  We sing with a sincere heart, “In Christ Alone”.  But don’t forget each verse and the power you’ll find as you sing the reassurance, “…til He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.”

“In Memory of the Savior’s Love” – to the tune of “Majestic Sweetness”

Two songs with the same meter… (also referred to as Common Meter or CM).  Read the words on page 335, but add the music from page 530.  This is a great way to refresh the message of the song by adding the notes from another.  Keep things fresh and avoid stagnation of the mind.  Singing by rote is a good way to learn, but a poor way to worship (in my opinion).

“Freely, Freely” – 635

What do you think it means to ‘freely give?’  As Christians we have been give so much…more than we could ever repay.  So with the gifts we so richly enjoy, do we think about how freely we are at giving back.  With this song being sung before we pass of the collection plate one would certainly assume we’re talking in monetary terms.  But what about your life?  Do you give not only money, but your actions, and your thoughts, and your words to God?

“My Only Hope is You” – no book

Another contemporary song (hymn) speaking toward the only One who can give us hope in this dark world.  Sin and despair are all around, and to many this life seems to be a hopeless journey.  But God’s people know that from early in the morning and until late at night we have hope…in Jesus!

“A New Creature” – 619

Penned by T.O. Chisholm and musically supported by L.O. Sanderson (members of the Lord’s church) this song clearly explains the new life we can have in Christ.  “Buried with Christ (baptism)…I am dead to the world.”  So examine your life and see if indeed “…Christ lives in me.”

“God Is Calling the Prodigal” -no book

An old invitation song that we no longer find in the hymnal “Song of Faith & Praise”.  But just because an editor doesn’t include a song that is Biblical and scriptural doesn’t mean we toss it out of our repertoire.  We all have wandered away (some intentionally others haphazardly), and all the while God is calling us to return; “…weary prodigal come!”

“The Way of the Cross Leads Home” -616

As we close our worship service on Sunday morning we’ll sing to remind each other and encourage those who are lost to ‘bid farewell’ to the world and seek your home with God.  The way home is easy; follow the cross.

So what’s uncomfortable about all this?  What would you not want to ‘experience again?’  See you Sunday morning!

That’s All I Want…Jan 20th

A friend of mine shared a GREAT idea about posting the order of worship for members of the congregation and prospective worship leaders.  This simple use of the world wide web will allow those interested to get a glimpse of what’s coming up for Sunday morning.  Nice idea, and one I think will benefit those who what to learn about the songs we’ll be singing on Sunday.  This post will reflect this past Sunday morning (January 20th).  Be looking for the next few weeks as we’ll be posting the order of worship by Friday or Saturday before Sunday…

Sunday morning, January 20, 2013

Robert Oglesby has been the pulpit preacher at Waterview church of Christ since February, 1963.  Yes, in a few short days he and his family will be celebrating 50 years as the preacher for this solid congregation in the Kingdom of God.  Our sermon topic on Sunday was titled, “That’s All I Want”.  Our scripture basis was the 23rd Psalm, so our hymn selection was almost a given.  The following is an account of our order of worship and all song numbers are from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“We Will Glorify” – 578

A great song that praises our God and King; beautiful way to set our minds on worship.

“The Lord’s My Shepherd” – 134

The music for this popular arrangement dates back to 1854.  All six verse of the 23rd Psalm can be sung in this song.  This is a perfect example of Ephesians 5:19 “…speaking to one another in PSALMS and hymns and spiritual songs”

“Hear Me When I Call” – no book

This has become perhaps my favorite of all Tillit S. Teddlie songs.  Certainly one that asks for our God to hear our call and ‘attend unto my prayer.’  What better way to describe my weakness than to request that our Lord, ‘…hold my trembling hand, lest helpless I should fall.”

“We Have an Anchor” – 467

The question is asked by those who sing, “Will your anchor hold in the storms of life?”  In other words, how are you doing in your relationship with God?  We echo in response…”We HAVE AN ANCHOR!”

“I Need Thee Every Hour” – 837

This song of prayer serves as our invitation on Sunday morning.  Would that we all come to understand and truly say, “I need Thee, O I need Thee…”

“I’d Rather Have Jesus” – 581

Singing the first verse this song you are stating that you prefer (would rather have) Jesus over the riches of this world.  More than houses or lands…do you really?  Would your wallet agree?  Take a look at your bank statement if you want to see if you really believe this song.

“I Love the Lord” – 359

Penned in my life time (1970), this song by Tommy Wheeler makes the statement that proclaims our love for God.  We sing “I love the Lord”, but why?  You know and you sing, “…on Calvary His dear life He freely gave…that I might live some day with Him on high.”

“The Lord My Shepherd Is” -126

Like song #134, the music for this arrangement was in the mid 1800’s, but when Isaac Watt’s penned this psalm, he followed the poetry in the message from the shepherd/king David. An affirmation of who my Shepherd is…the Lord.  And knowing that…what else could I want?

At Waterview church of Christ we use a screen to project all our songs.  This allows faces to be up (out of the book) and voices to be projected forward.  All songs on the screen are accompanied with the sheet music for those who will sing 4-part harmony.  In a world that seems to be getting faster and faster, and schedules that we tend to pack to over flow, let me admonish you to be careful and not push Jesus out of your life.  You and I both know that with Him in our life and when Christ is first, we can honestly say…That’s all I need!

Using Your God-Given Talents…Part 3

As we conclude this three part series let’s discuss the use of our talents.  Being involved is more than just doing a little here or there.  It’s a life style of giving God my ALL.  Jesus gave His life for me, should I give Him anything less than my life?

Christ tells the parable of the three men who were each given talents “according to his ability.”  As we read Matthew 25 we see that two of the men labored in such a way as to double their talents, and in the end they were praised for their work.  This serves as a clear example of what we should be doing with what God has entrusted to us.  The third man, however, buried his head in the sand and did nothing with the talent his lord had given him.  Consider the consequences for this action: “You wicked, lazy slave…Throw out the worthless slave into the outer darkness…”  (Matthew 25:26, 30)  Folks, we all have talents!  God has blessed you with talents that He might not have blessed me with.  Perhaps I have talents that you don’t have…how will we use what God has given us?

Recently, one of our senior members here at Waterview encouraged some of her friends to come together each week and take a hot meal to one of our elderly shut-ins.  An elderly, aging senior is blessed by the compassion of her friends, and these friends in their golden years are still serving.  It would be easy to sit back and say, “Somebody should do that,” but these senior sisters are serving the Lord’s church!  Another member here serves the younger people with letters of encouragement, hugs of sincerity and has an attendance record that models faithfulness.  Others within our Prime Timer’s Ministry meet monthly to encourage each other and reach out to those in declining health.  Perhaps Mr. Spencer was right when he wrote, “There is much to do, there’s work on every hand.  Hark!  The cry for help comes ringing through the land; Jesus calls for reapers, I must active be.  What wilt Thou (what do you want me to do), O Master?  Here am I, send me.”

So what does your schedule look like today?  What will you be doing when it comes to the kingdom?  Christians young and old will be faced with new opportunities today.  We must ask ourselves if we are willing to work and labor for our Lord only while it’s convenient, or if we’ll work till Jesus comes.  Many of our older brothers and sisters are weary and have spent their lives working in the service of the King.  THANK YOU for your example, but let me encourage you to keep on serving and remember your goal.

“O land of rest, for thee I sigh!  When will the moment come, when I shall lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home?  We’ll work till Jesus comes…and we’ll be gathered home.”

My life is much more than just getting up and going to work.  The student studies hard to ‘make the grade’, but how much time do we give in preparing ourselves for the FINAL?  Sitting back and expecting others to do the work God calls us to do is a dangerous option at best.
Would that each of us use our God-Given Talents…

Using Your God-Given Talents…Part 2

As we remember Isaiah’s vision before the throne of God, let’s continue our direction of ‘working in the kingdom’ and being involved in the church.  Like Isaiah, we too can (should) answer, “Here am I, send me!”

There is an old hymn that was written and composed by M. W. Spencer.  The words sound remarkably familiar to the words from Isaiah.  The first verse makes a clear statement that, “There is much to do, there’s work on every hand…” As the song continues we see the call for each of us to be evangelistic, to reach out and carry the Bread of Life to “hungering souls.  But the chorus rings out the words from Isaiah as we sing, “Here am I, Lord, send me…ready at Thy bidding, Lord send me.” Christians, you know that we are called to be servants (I Timothy 4:6, “…you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus…”).  We are called to work, to serve and give of our talents and time.  But is there a statute of limitations?  Can I call it quits after X number of years?  Many will say, “I’ve done my share of the lifting, it’s time for someone else to carry the load.”  And yes, we all need to be working, but nowhere in the scripture do we read of taking a sabbatical from our Christian walk.  One of our more contemporary songs, “In Christ Alone,” ends with the line, “…till He returns or calls me home, here in the power of Christ I’ll stand.”  We have an obligation; a job to do that never comes to an end.  Young people, parents, grandparents…children of God: let’s be ready to work and work with our whole heart.

A story is told about working and who was doing the work. I’m sure you’ve read it before, but reading it again might be appropriate here: “There is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized Everybody wouldn’t do it. So Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.”
Anonymous (wouldn’t you know!)

It is a fact that in most organizations 20% of the members do most of the work and carry the load of the remaining 80%. Unfortunately our churches sometimes fall into this dilemma.  Imagine what would happen if these figures were reversed and the majority of members came to find the excitement of who we are and Whom we are called to serve.  From the young Christian to the senior saint, each of us has been called for “the work of service…”  (Ephesians 4:11-13).

So how do I get involved in the work of the Lord’s church?  I’m a babe in Christ; what is there for me to do?  Or…I’m an older Christian; can’t I step back and let someone else take up the slack?  It’s my belief that if you’ve stayed with me this far, you have the qualities it takes to be active in Lord’s church.  Most likely you are part of the 20%, so please…don’t quit!  My encouragement to you is simple: if you’ll answer these two questions you’ll know what and where to be involved.  First, what do you enjoy doing?  What do you find interesting and engaging?  Then secondly, what are your talents?  What are you (humbly) good at doing?  When you answer these two basic questions you’ll begin to know where you might be of service in the church.

Next time we’ll look at Christ’s thought’s when it comes working or putting things off.  There is work to be done and it will be done by someone…will it be you?

Using Your God-Given Talents…Part 1

What does your schedule look like today?  Are you busy with your work or will you just be taking it easy?  Each day we have the responsibility and opportunity to face new challenges.  What work will you be doing?

In 1982 I worked in the local hardware store.  My tasks were pretty basic as they included restocking shelves, loading lumber for a ‘do it yourself’ customer, or ringing up the sale on 2 lbs of 16 penny nails.  Life was predictable in the hardware business, and this summer job was no exception.  One memory from this summer was when I was told my job for the day was to drive the old company truck to Amarillo to pick up a shipment for a costumer.  As a 17 year old driving from Dumas to Amarillo (100 miles round trip) in an old Ford pick-up, it not only rattled my nerves, but also add to the stress a load of glass windows.  The event in and of itself was a great learning opportunity and for the most part was (thankfully) uneventful.  But aside from this one unforgettable task, much of my work at the hardware store/lumber yard was basically day by day and task by task.

Throughout life we move from one job to another, fulfilling the responsibilities that we face within that task.  Some of us are energetic in our work, never content to wait for the next assignment, but constantly staying busy.  With earnest ambition we do our work swiftly and then move on to the next chore.  Workers like this never let the “grass grow under their feet.”  Any void in their day is quickly filled with some sort of labor.  We affectionately refer to this folks as “the movers and shakers” in our world, ever ready to keep on working.


On the other hand, there are some who, when faced with a task, do the work and get the job done in a satisfactory manner.  The work completed may even be above reproach and admirably done.  But the difference comes in the next step.  Rather than searching out new opportunities, they tend to sit back with folded hands and say, “I’m done!”  Or worse yet, they get the work done par-satisfactory and then slink away hoping not to be found when the next need arises.  (By the way, workers like that usually find a pink slip at the close of the week…or at least they should.)

Workers in the Lord’s church might very well be classified as one of the two workers listed above.  Some are go getters who see the job, roll up their sleeves and “Get ‘er done.”  Others, however, will do the work when asked, but ‘What…you want me to do something else?’  We know there is work to do, and many of us will be the first to step up to get that work done.  But the fact of the matter remains, with the work that needs to be done, who will do it?  Unfortunately it’s usually left up to the 20%.  Be careful that you don’t fall into the 80% who are work-less (no, I didn’t say worthless).  Notice this passage from the book of Isaiah.

In Isaiah 6, we read the words of Isaiah as he recalls a vision from the throne room of God; “…I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, lofty and exalted, with the train of His robe filling the temple.”  The song Isaiah hears echoes in our hearts, “Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord of hosts…” But notice Isaiah’s response when he hears a call to action in verse 8; “Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?”  The Lord is calling for a worker and some undoubted would look around and say, ‘Are you talking to me?’  But Isaiah, having just received forgiveness by a burning coal placed on his lips (vs. 6, 7), speaks up and utters the words of a faithful servant: “Here am I.  Send me!”

Come back and let’s continue this discussion again…

Taking a Look at Sunday Morning

I am thankful for my church family…

Having just returned from a trip the evening before, we were late getting to church service and decided not to interrupt class 20 minutes late. After getting some work done in the office, we sat down early in the auditorium.

Though we left on vacation following the morning services last week, it seemed like a long time since we’d been with our church family.

At first, it was dark in the auditorium, then a few people started to arrive.  One sweet lady, dressed in high heels and using a walking cane, was escorted to her seat by her grown son who then returned pushing her husband in a wheelchair.  They sat on the second seat from the front, settled in their pew while the son figured out where to store the folded wheel chair. He sat with them.

A few others, mostly folks walking slowly due to age, came in the auditorium finding their pews and settling in for worship before class was dismissed and the masses arrived.

One man came walking down our aisle and suddenly the lights came on.  Smiling he told us they automatically come on when he enters!  We shared small talk and he settled in his pew awaiting the rest of his family.

For 15 minutes people strolled in the auditorium, some stopped to chat before sitting down, others hurriedly walked past looking towards ‘their’ pew.  Some, knowing we’d been out of town, asked about our trip.  Another was excited to show me she too had recently gotten an iPhone, she asked if I would like to go to classes with her. Another brother shared with me a picture of a fancy faucet he had just installed in their renovated bathroom.  And yet another dear brother, short on time, asked me a question about his LOA group (our church’s small group).  One of our young men, on his first visit home from college, stopped to give me a hug and chat briefly before others wanted his attention too. A sweet lady in the pew in front of me wanted to chat about her LOA plans that were scheduled for the evening.

I glanced around the auditorium and saw a sister across the way that hadn’t been to worship in quite some time…I said a prayer of thanksgiving.  Families are all in place now, some with guests from out of town.  The college students came in close to the starting time and sat in a row together in their normal spot.

Now it’s time for the welcome and announcements and our weekly ‘meet and greet’.  Then worship begins.  It’s a joy to begin worship in prayer and then song.  A brother in front of us realizes contribution is early in the service so he pulls out a couple bills from his wallet and tries to throw them down the row for his daughter & friend to put in the plate…except neither girl saw the money and his wife sat on one of the bills.  Oh well, at least, he tried.

Before I know it, worship is over and it’s time to visit on our way out the door.  As I walk through the north end a new grandma is busy visiting with her LOA friends about her wonderful new grandson!  I lose track of time visiting and can’t find my husband; I’m assuming he went to the van to wait for me…not so this time.  In the van I do some more waiting and observe several families leaving from the parking lot.  One couple has a wedding gift and they see the person in the parking lot they need to give it to!  A college student and his younger brother come out and drive the suburban closer to the exit waiting for the rest of the family – I’m guessing it felt good to him to be back in that role, and the family certainly loved the familiarity of it too.

The sun was shining but there’s coolness in the air.  Today is our LOA Sunday and there is of buzz in the family as many have plans with their small group.

It’s such a blessing to be a part of God’s family, sharing and caring for each other in every way!  I look forward to any opportunity I have to be with my family, but it seemed especially sweet yesterday after being gone for a week.

I thank God that he gives us everything we need, each other, our church family.


“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” I John 4:8

In the family of God we are a blessed people! 

Thanks Donna for reminding us of the joy we have in the Kingdom of God.



The Day After VBS…

Do you remember your days in Vacation Bible School? 

In my youth, and for years, our congregation hosted a full week (Monday-Friday) of VBS beginning at 9:00 in the morning and wrapping up around noon.  (Just after breakfast and before lunch…smart!)  One of my favorite memories from VBS, a highlight, was the opening and closing service, when everyone came together to sing.

Perhaps you’ll remember, “Roll the Gospel Chariot”“Deep and Wide”, or an all time favorite, “This Little Light of Mine”.  Could you ever forget “Jesus Loves the Little Children”.  Personally one of my favorites was “Booster, Booster” (more on that in a minute).  What about this one; do you remember…

“Stand up and shout it if you love my Jesus!
Stand up and shout it if you love my Lord!
I want to know, Oh I want to know…Do you love my Lord?”

There’s more to the song and verses are included, but the general idea is for the singer, even the listener, to proclaim their love for Jesus Christ as Lord.  This is certainly an exciting song and one that many song leaders encouraged us to STAND UP while we sang.

But you know we can’t stay in ‘VBS mode’ our entire lives.  There’s a reason we call it Vacation Bible School; it’s held during the summer months while we’re on ‘vacation’.  This wonderful time of our life will eventually come to an end, we’ll grow up and go to work.  We love the ‘mountaintop’ experiences, but we have to come down off the mountain and get back to the grind.  Jesus modeled that behavior to us over and over.  Remember Luke 9:28 and 37, “…He took Peter and John and James, and went up on the mountain to pray.  … On the next day, when they came down from the mountain, a large crowd met Him.” In like manner, when our ‘vacation’ is over, we ‘grow up’ and go to work.

So we stand up and shout that we love Jesus, and yes, in our lives and in our hearts we should be telling the world (showing the world) that we love Jesus.  But as we grow and mature into men, we need to do more than just stand up and shout it.  Notice what Paul, through inspirations, tells the church in Corinth, “When I was a child, I talked like a child; I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”  I Corinthians 13:11

Perhaps William Merrill had the right idea when he encouraged the singer, the ‘men of God’, to rise up!  In 1911 Mr. Merrill penned the words to a song that has been sung by godly men across the globe; a message that calls for men of God to do more than just stand up and shout.  It’s a message to rise up and serve, to rise up and give your heart, soul and strength.  It’s a message to rise up and serve the King of kings.  We sing that men of God are to bring in the day of brotherhood and end what is wrong.  As we sing this song we are reminded that the church Christ built is waiting for us to ‘come down off the mountain’ and go to work.  As we sing we remember that we are called to follow Christ walking in His footsteps.  Notice these verses…

Rise Up, O men of God!  Have done with lesser things;
Give heart and mind and soul and strength to serve the King of kings.

Rise Up, O men of God!  His kingdom tarries long;
Bring in the day of brotherhood and end the night of wrong.

Rise Up, O men of God!  The church for you doth wait,
Her strength unequaled to her task.  Rise up and make her great!

Lift up the cross of Christ!  Tread where His feet have trod;
As brothers of the Son of Man, Rise up, O men of God!

In the days of my youth, during the closing session of VBS, we would sing, “Booster, Booster be a Booster!  Don’t be grouchy like a rooster (growing up on a farm, take it from me, roosters can be grouchy).  Booster, Booster be a Booster and Boost our Bible School!”  We left excited and ready for the next day.

Gentlemen, dads, husbands; VBS is over and today is that NEXT DAY.  It’s time we do more than just stand up and shout it; let’s rise up and be…Men of God!


Everything Changes, Except…

Change isn’t easy!  As a matter of fact, Sydney Harris, an American journalist for the Chicago Daily News once said, “Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better.”

Change can be hard to face at times and yet if we want to grow, we have to change.  For things to sincerely ‘get better’, they can’t stay the same.  This week my daughter (a senior in HS) went with me to the office.  As we talked about the changes in our family, big brother is now in college, I reminder her that we ALL change.  She wasn’t going to always be my little blonde, curly haired 5 year old.  She was growing into adulthood and, if the Lord wills, would one day have a family of her own.  If we remain the same, that would be nice, but how could things hope to improve.  As a matter of fact, in our spiritual lives we sing the song, “Change My Heart of God”.  If we want our lives to ‘get better’, we have to go through a metamorphosis (a change).  But why do we ‘hate change?’  Perhaps it’s because of the uncertainty that lies ahead.

How often I would like for things to ‘just stay the same’.  Actually some folks take great strides to make sure things never change.  We are comfortable with the tried and true.  Not needing to ‘wonder what will happen next’ is a good thing…isn’t it?  Let me direct you to another hymn that actually talks about the changes in our lives.  The transitions that we face in life.

Over 100 years ago Jennie Wilson penned a song that tells me what to do when uncertainty comes into my life.  I need to remember the words…

Time is filled with swift transition – naught of earth unmoved can stand (Nothing on earth can change this fact)
Build your hopes on things eternal, hold to God’s unchanging hand. (The earth changes…God, eternal, does not)

Trust in Him who will not leave you, whatsoever years may bring, (God is constant, even with the changes in life)
If by earthly friends forsaken, still more closely to Him cling. (People let us down, God won’t)

When your journey is completed, if to God you have been true (When life is over, and if you have been faithful)
Fair and bright the home in glory your enraptured soul (delight without measure) will view (Heaven’s really good!)

Hold to His hand…to God’s unchanging hand!
Hold to His hand…to God’s unchanging hand!
Build your hopes on things eternal,
Hold to God’s unchanging hand.

We will face changes in life and some of them will make us ‘wish for the good ole days’.  But change will come and often it will come swiftly.  In a world that is created to ‘change’, hold fast to Him who created this world…He does NOT change.  James 1:17 “Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom THERE IS NO VARIATION or shifting shadow.”  To put it simply…God doesn’t change.

Children hold the hands of their parents because there is comfort in knowing someone is beside them.  We hold hands as couples to show our spouse (and others who might be watching) that we find comfort and security in our loved ones presence.  In a world that is ‘swiftly transitioning’, perhaps we should be looking to reach out and take hold of our Father’s hand.  Changes will come into your life, but with God we will always find consistency.  Perhaps Mr. Harris was right, we do have a dilemma when it comes to change, but remember what he said, want we really want is for things ‘to get better.’

A Lifetime Preparing for the First Time…

Can you remember the first time you road your bike without training wheels, or without having your dad run along beside you?  As a parent you might remember your child’s first day of grade school as he/she stood on the front porch with books in hand.  Or perhaps you’ll remember your first time to crawl in behind the wheel of the car and drive down the road…by yourself.  Our life if full of first!  We look at our lives and can remember the times when we did things for the first time.

This morning my family and I loaded up the suburban and drove to Tennessee.  Though this isn’t the first time we’ve taken this trip, it is the first time we’ll leave the house with five (5) in the car and return with only (4) four.  Our oldest son is going to Freed-Hardeman  University for his freshman year.  Having worked with college age students for years, I’ve seen anxiety in the eyes of the new college student.  And now, as his dad, I feel the tears in the eyes of the parents.  It’s never been more real to me as it is now.  For the first time, I sit here realizing my oldest, will be striking out on his own.  He won’t be getting up in the morning to make his mom and I a cup a coffee.  We won’t be riding out to the baseball field to officiate a baseball game together, and this evening, I won’t be walking into his room to tell him good night.   For the first time our oldest will be ‘riding on his own.’

Some times we have a ‘first’ that is a great experience and the beginning of a new, exciting direction for our life.  At other times, those ‘first’ are hard to face.  With every life changing ‘first’, and every new path we take, the Christian realizes he can’t go along.  When our young men and women graduate high school, that’s a big first.  When they leave home and go to college, that’s a big first.  Parents, we need to ask our children with whom do they plan to walk down the pathway.  What will they take along with them.

During the last few days my son has been busy packing his bags and last night he loaded the car.  He was determined to make sure he had what he would need in college.  But the one thing we have tried to impress upon our children is the importance of staying close to God.  Will their life bring honor to His name?  Will the friends they choose and words they use bring glory to God?  We show them a Christian example, discipline them in Christ and pray they’ll walk with God.  Parents (Grandparents), as our children take these first steps, pray for them, that they will ‘walk with God’.

Written in 1959, this spiritual song serves as an encouragement to those listening as well as those who are singing.  We know that our life will be continually filled with ‘first’.  With each first time opportunity we remember that we must take these steps with God.  The world will hurl lies at us, but you and I know that the only hope we have comes through Christ.  So Logan, this is my daily prayer that you will ‘Go with God!’

“This is my daily prayer; God Bless you, go with God.
Hold fast His mighty hand, thru out the day;
His grace your heart sustain, His pow’r relieve your pain,
Your prayer be not in vain, as you travel His way.

In spite of all the lies that some may hurl,
Christ is the only hope of all the world;
God bless you, go with God,
Thru out eternity, my prayer will always be,
May you go with God.

In spite of all the lies that some may hurl,
Christ is the only hope of all the world;
God bless you, go with God,
Thru out eternity, my prayer will always be,
May you go with God.  May you go with God!

What Does ‘A Capella’ Mean?

“Suppose they asked you if you could sing A Capella, would you know what to do?”

Barney Fife tries to explain to Rafe Hollister what it means to ‘sing A Capella’ and though he doesn’t get the definition right, he says what many may be thinking. [LINK]  To defend his thoughts about A Capella singing, Barney comes up with a song that he sings about ‘A Capella’.  Watch the short video, enjoy a laugh and then we’ll talk about ‘A Capella’…

By definition, a cap·pel·la means:

1. without instrumental accompaniment…or
2. in the style of church or chapel music.
Notice the FIRST definition; when we sing A Capella, we’re singing with our voices…only.  Read Ephesians 5: 19 “…speaking to one another with psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord…”  Speak to one another…sing and make music in your heart… God’s word explains (better yet) commands, that we are to sing.  And if you look closely, this singing is done with our voices and not with an instrument.  Therefore we are to sing A Capella.  Our culture doesn’t know much about this type of singing.  Listening to music on the radio is almost exclusively with instrumental accompaniment.  That would mean we aren’t much of an A Capella culture.  But is it easy to sing ‘without instrumental accompaniment’?  It takes work and that work takes practice.  We need to be more focused on singing without instrumental assistance.  Turn the radio off and start singing A Capella.
But you might be wondering, where do I start?  Begin with a search for A Capella singing groups.  Consider these as a few: His Harmony, Legacy, The McCoy Family Singers, Hallal, Acappella, Zoe, GLAD and many more.  [LINK]  But let me encourage you to consider this…why would we try to sing A Capella songs and still make ‘instrumental’ noises with our voices?  Doesn’t make sense to me…but that’s just me.  in my opinion, let’s support all of the true A Capella Groups (songs) who sing without any ‘instrupella’ or vocal band (using your voice to sound like a snare drum).  Singing without any instruments or trying to act like an instrument is true A Capella.


The SECOND definition for A Capella states; “…in the style of church or chapel music.”  A Capella singing, choral singing performed without instruments is done in the manner in which the early church, or chapel did their singing.  The expression means “in chapel style” in Italian.  Hundreds of years ago, religious music was composed for use in the chapels, which, unlike large churches today, had no bands, organs or instruments.  Singing and music in the early church, via historical documentation was exclusively designed to be sung using the human voice only!  A Capella singing is described in God’s word and was practiced in the early church.  Even early on within the denominational world, instruments were universally rejected.

So…”Suppose they asked you if you could sing A Capella, would you know what to do?”