It’s been some time since an article has graced this website, so without further delay (and thanks to my daughter), here is a look at the old hymn “Be Thou My Vision”. Notice the prayer this song offers and consider the thoughts that go into making sense of the message…
“Be Thou my vision…O Lord of my heart. Naught be all else to me, save that Thou art…Thou my best thought by day or by night. Waking or sleeping Thy presence my light.”
We should see everyone and everything through God’s eyes. By that, we see how inter-woven He must be within our whole being. Each day we have thousands of thoughts, but He ought to be our focus every day. Better yet, He should be the BEST thought we have. Just thinking of Him should be the epitome of our day, no matter the time of day (Deuteronomy 11:18-23)! Making Christ the center of our lives will cast His light in the darkest of places. He is how we see.
“Be Thou my wisdom…and Thou my true word. I ever with Thee and Thou with me Lord. Thou my great Father, I Thy true son. Thou in me dwelling and I in Thee one.”
My wisdom and my true words. If His Word becomes our understanding, our wisdom, then the words we speak will flow with the Truth of His Word. I have never felt more longing & desire to be with, or closer to, my Father than I have in the past few months. It’s like an ache I have never experienced. My desire to be near Him and immersed into Him. To feel and know I will never be alone is an unimaginable comfort. A great Father, always faithful and true to His sons and daughters. Like the Father, Son & Holy Spirit are 3 in 1 (John 17:20-23), so we ought to dwell in Him.
Two more verse to this old hymn will be posted later in the week. Come back as Singing with the Spirit is on the verge of some exciting news!