Singing with the Spirit

“…In the Light of His Word.”

How often do we focus on the unbearable heat of the sun (that we dread encountering… especially in the summer time) as opposed to its soft, soothing warmth? As I was driving to class one morning, I got a bit of a chill and then happened to drive past a portion of sunshine that had broken through the trees and immediately I felt its warmth. This feeling, which to me is an indescribable feeling, brings a sense of comfort and ease, and in that moment, I felt peaceful. If you take a moment to think about it, are you at peace? Are you focused on what is happening within the ‘darkness’ of our current events, or are you focused on a more positive ‘light’? Just by watching and observing the people around me and even tuning into the focusnews for 5 minutes, I can tell that our focus has been diverted. Our comfort, has been ‘disrupted’. I would also go so far as to say, that our way or pattern of how we do things has been absolutely shredded to pieces. All because our main goal has been lost (in the eyes of the Almighty God) in the minutest and most miniscule of things. Feelings have been hurt and many are taking those actions performed by others, personally. How long has it been since you felt at peace? Peace, comfort, and ease are things that are very much lacking within our country right now.

So, I’ll ask this. Where is YOUR focus? Has it been diverted, upon hearing all about the lack of trust and ease within the government and among people around you? As unsettling as it is, do not let the overwhelmingly (and at times unbearable) place that we often find ourselves in, affect how we trust God. Will you focus on the dreaded and unbearable ‘heat’ that is being demonstrated so prevalently today, or will you be the gentle and soothing ‘warmth’ (example) of the trust and peace we can find in God? Re-direct your focus to God and you’ll find it is muchIMG_2363 easier to walk, “in the light of His word…”. You are the light of the world.” Matt. 5:14

“When we walk with the Lord, in the light of His word; what a glory He sheds on our way. While we do His good will, He abides with us still, and with all who will trust and obey.”

A big thank you to my dad, Myron Bruce, for giving me the opportunity to write for his website!