Singing with the Spirit

The Shadow that Never Fades Away…May 10th

When someone has successfully served in a position for years as a teacher, a coach, a shadowpreacher or politician, you might hear the phrase, ‘it will be hard to fill their shoes.’ Still others might say that they, ‘cast a long shadow.’ For either phrase the interpretation is the same, they will be hard to replace. But as time passes by, and the dust of time begins to settle, the world begins to forget who was wearing what shoes and who is casting the shadows.

And as you think about it, shoes eventually wear out and shadows soon fade away. Some serve for years sacrificing and giving their all, only to be forgotten. Could there possibly be someone whose shoes can’t be filled? Can we look long enough and far enough to find a shadow that is seen for generations yet to come? Join us Sunday morning as we consider the shadow a mother casts. Could this be ‘the shadow that never fades away?’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, May 10, 2015

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah!” – 3

Few of our songs (psalms) are so true to the text as this one written in the late 1800’s. Taken from the 148th Psalm, ‘Hallelujah, Praise Jehovah,’ is a beautiful, musical arrangement of scripture. And as you sing about ‘dragons’ in the third verse, you’ll recall the 7th verse, “Praise the Lord from the earth, ye dragons, and all deeps.” (KJV) Interestingly enough, other versions refer to the ‘dragons’ as sea monsters or sea creatures. Either way…EVERYTHING will praise it’s creator!

“Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross” – 383

Before the Lord’s Supper, we’ll sing about the cross. Staying near the cross of Christ we remember His cruel death. Would that we all strive to be near the cross throughout our lives. Unfortunately, some only draw near to the cross when it’s convenient. But if we’re true to our Lord, we’ll watch and wait until this life ends. Or as Fanny Crosby wrote, “…till I reach the golden strand, just beyond the river.” Faithful moms teach their children the importance of staying near the cross.

“Christ Above Me” – no book

During the passing of the collection plate we’ll sing this ‘contemporary song’ about the all encompassing role Christ plays in our life. “Christ above me, Christ beside me, Christ within me, ever guiding. Christ behind me (not in a subordinate manner, but as my daily supportive), Christ before, Christ my love, my life, my Lord.”

“Holy, Holy, Holy” – 47

How beautifully this hymn combines all four voices (parts) as we focus on the holiness of our God. Perhaps the best message from this old hymn (because we are singing to HIM), comes in the third verse. “Holy, holy, holy, though the darkness hide Thee (even though the sin of this life), though the eye of sinful man Thy glory can not see. (God sees everything, but the eyes of men who refuse to see God, won’t. Even still…) Only Thou art holy, there is none beside Thee, perfect in power, in love and purity.” Amen!

“Living By Faith” – 560

Do you really believe the message you sing in the first verse of this song? Read it before you sing it, “I care not today what the morrow may bring, (it doesn’t matter to me what will happen tomorrow) if shadow, sunshine or rain…” Will you, do you live by faith? If you have a mother who taught you to live a faithful life following God’s word, be thankful. You have a mother who casts a long shadow.

“Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen in Me” – 722mother and child

Serving as our invitation song, we’ll proffer yet another opportunity to draw closer to God. We should daily draw near to Him, but it seems we do so more often when life is difficult. With that in mind, consider the third verse. “When your burden is heavy and hard to bear, when your neighbors refuse all your load to share. When you’re feeling so blue, don’t know just what to do, (that’s when you) let the beauty of Jesus be seen in you.” And surely a godly mother knows the importance of letting the beauty of Jesus been in her life.

“Faithful Love” – no book

God’s love is faithful, and has been manifested in Christ on Calvary. “Faithful love flowing down from the thorn-covered crown…” When you see a mother who brings her children to love, honor and serve God, you still see faithful love. “Faithful love from above came to earth to show the Father’s love.”