Singing with the Spirit

Do You Believe in the Church?…April 26th

Have you heard the phrase, ‘Talk is cheap?’ Simply translated, ‘actions speak louder than words.’ On a personal level, if I tell you to call whenever you need something, but refuse to answer your call when it’s not convenient (like say around 3:00 in the morning) isn’t that just cheap talk?  In the same manner, if we proudly claim our church family on Sunday morning, but don’t associate with our brothers and sisters on Friday night, our actions are speaking loud and clear? Or, do we believe enough in the church that we’ll sacrifice our time for them? We might say (and sing) all the right words, but how would our life look if we really ‘believed’ in the church Christ died for?Believe

The true test of how much you believe in something can’t be found in your words alone. What we believe in (value) can be seen in how much time, energy and interest we give to its success. In short, how much you trust in something is determined by how much you are willing to sacrifice for it. How much did God ‘believe’ in the church? Enough to have His Son die for her! Each of us would do well to take a look at how much time and energy (yes, even money) we are willing to give to this same church. Then ask the question, ‘How much do I believe in the church?’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, April 26, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“For the Beauty of the Earth” – 67

What a great opening for Sunday morning’s service. As you consider the glory of God, what reasons can you find to praise Him? In 1864, Folliot Pierpoint offered these ideas. For the beauty of the earth, the sky, and each hour of the day or night; for the church that continually ‘lifteth holy hands.’ (See I Timothy 2:8) If for no praise Godother reason, these things call on us to say, “Lord of all, to Thee we raise this our sacrifice of praise.”

“Doxology” – 66

“Praise God from Whom all blessing flow!” The Old Hundreth dates back to the mid 1500’s with words that were penned in the early 1700’s. How could something so ancient still be sung and recognized here in the 21st Century? Possibly because some things never change. Things like…God will always be praised!


“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” – 315

Let’s sing this song before the Lord’s Supper and break it up into three different sections. Verse 1 & 3, verse 2 & 4 and conclude with verse 5. Notice the power of the message. “When I survey the wondrous cross on which the Prince of glory died, my riches gain I count but loss and pour contempt on all my pride. See, from His head, His hands, His feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down. Did e’er (ever) such love and sorrow meet, or thorns compose so rich a crown?” Then verses 2 and 4, “Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, save in the death of Christ, my Lord. All the vain things that charm me most I sacrifice them to His blood. His dying crimson, like a robe, spreads o’er (over) His body on the tree. Then am I dead to all the globe, and all the globe is dead to me.” Thanks to Isaac Watts we can survey the cross of Christ more vividly as we consider our Savior’s sacrifice for the church.

“I Believe in Jesus” – 356

Do you believe in the church Jesus died for? If you don’t believe His word, you’ll never be able to believe in Him. This spiritual song has one scriptural reference after another. From the day He stilled the storm on the Sea of Galilee to the morning He woke Lazarus from His deathly slumber. Do you believe the blind could see and the deaf could hear? Do you believe He died on Mount Calvary only to leave behind an empty tomb? Do you believe He’s the answer…do you believe in His church?

“The Church’s One Foundation” – no book

Blending the words from Samuel Stone in 1886 with the musically arrangement of George Webb in 1837, we have an all-time favorite when it comes to describing the Bride of Christ, the Lord’s church. “The church’s one foundation is Jesus Christ her Lord. She (the church) is His new creation, by water (baptism) and the word (the gospel of salvation). From heaven He came and sought her to be His holy bride, with His own blood He bought her and for her life He died.”cornerstone

“Live for Jesus” – 594

Perhaps this isn’t your typical invitation song, but what a great call for the church to live a life for Christ. To be His disciple and stop wandering in sin. Living for Jesus means following His example and giving Him all you have.

“How Firm a Foundation” – 457

It’s been said if you really mean it, repeat it. And if you really want to get your point across, say it a third time. I’ve heard it said if you want to have someone over for supper and they turn you down, ask them again. If they still say no, ask them a third time. Perhaps three is a charm. Whether or not that was on the mind of the one who penned this hymn, repetition is utilized in the last verse of this song. But have you noticed Who is speaking? “The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose (rest), I will not, I will not desert to his foes. That soul, tho all hell should endeavor (try) to shake, I’ll never, no never, no never forsake.” God believes in the church and He will not turn us out. But what about you, do you believe in the church?