Singing with the Spirit

Joy’s Toolbox…March 22nd

busninessman and his toolsDuring my career as an educator, a phrase became popular in K-12 schools across the country. Each teacher was encouraged to develop some ideas and ‘tricks of the trade’ that would help them in their day to day activities. Ideas that would help with classroom discipline, curriculum development, daily activities, and weekly assessments. Ideas and tips that could help a student find success. In a word, we were all encouraged to build a ‘teacher’s toolbox.’ Like the toolbox in your garage, the teacher’s toolbox was designed to accomplish a specific task.

Whatever the job, whether in the classroom or the garage, the proper tools are essential. But what if my task, my job, my hope, is to find happiness in this life? Are there ‘tools’ I should be using to have a life filled with joy? Sunday morning at Waterview we’ll consider the contents of… “Joy’s Toolbox.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, March 22, 2015

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.



“Faith is the Victory” – 469

Are you ‘encamped’ on the hills of lights or in the valley of shadows? God’s children stay close to the Light, but know there’s a battle to be fought against the forces of darkness. Remembering our struggle is not against flesh and blood, we ‘press the battle’ against the spiritual forces of darkness.

“In Christ Alone” – no book

“In Christ alone my hope is found…” When you consider a ‘tool’ in joy’s toolbox you must start at the begin, with Christ! Without Him as our hope, we’ll never find joy.

“I’ll Live for Him” – 553

Between the Bread and the Fruit of the Vine we pause and sing the chorus…“I’ll live for Him, who died for me how happy then my life shall be. I’ll live for Him, who died for me…my Savior and my God.” Accepting this sacrifice of love is another essential tool in your toolbox of joy.

“Glory to His Name” – 475

We find glory in the name of Jesus, and we find Jesus ‘down at the cross.’ Let the Lord’s Supper serve as a reminder that we have salvation in the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. Truly in His death, we find joy in our salvation.toolbox 2

“Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” – 202

“…God of glory, Lord of love! Hearts unfold like flowers before Thee opening to the sun above.” The words where written over 100 years ago to express the simple, common sentiments of the Christian. Perhaps the third verse gives us a basic tool for finding joy in this life. “Thou art Father, Christ, our Brother, all who live in love are Thine. Teach us how to love each other, lift us to the joy divine.”  When was the last time you used this tool (loving one another) in joy’s toolbox?

“There is Sunshine in My Soul Today” – 549

With so much rain here in Texas these past few weeks, this song might seem a little untimely. But when we us the proper tools for living a life of joy, we can rest assured we’ll see the sun (Son) on even the cloudiest of days.

“Jesus Is Tenderly Calling” – 947

The title of our invitation song says it best…Jesus is calling us home. Not in a physical sense, just like the sunshine in my soul is anything but physical, so the call is for us to come home, to repentance, to heaven. In that sense…we find the ultimate joy!

“No Tears in Heaven” – 882

Can we have tears and still have joy? Certainly many have shed tears of joy and know that tears aren’t reserved for sorrow alone. But if there are tears in heaven, they won’t be tears of sorrow. Maybe the question we should ask what kind of tears can be found in the toolbox of joy?