Singing with the Spirit

In the Waiting Room…Dec. 21st

For many of us, the image is clear in our minds. Daddy is nervously pacing (or sitting) in the waiting room while the doctor and nurses tend to the Waiting Roomexpecting mother. At the same time, others can be found in this same room waiting ‘on pins and needles’ for the news that their loved one made it through. Most of us have been in the waiting room anticipating the ‘good news.’ But as we look deeper into our own lives, we find we are spending our life waiting for more than just the doctor.

For hundreds of years the Jewish nation was waiting and longing for the coming of the Messiah. And now, some two thousand years later, we find ourselves waiting and longing for His return! During the Christmas season, our world remembers Christ’s arrival on this earth, and welcomes the newborn baby…the Messiah. But after the tree is taken down and the Christmas music stops, will this world anticipate His return? David wrote in the 25th Psalm, “…You are the God of my salvation; For You I will wait all the day.” Yet today many of us don’t want to wait. We fail to see that, like it or not, we are still waiting. Not for the newborn baby, but for our Savior’s return. Perhaps you could say we’re still…”In the Waiting Room.”

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, Dec. 21, 2014joy to the world

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Joy to the World” – 1018

Not to be reserved for December alone … this song of ‘welcome’ is one we’ll sing to open our assembly this morning. Written in the late 1700’s, this spiritual song was not intended as a Christmas hymn. Instead, Isaac Watts penned these words as a reminder of Christ’s birth. Look back at last December to read more about the joy that came into this world. (click on…December, 2013)

“Savior, Thy Dying Love” – 667

Before we open our wallets and give back as God has given to us, consider the three lines of each verse in this song, “…Something for Thee.” And each of these verses reflect on what we will give to Him; some offering…some song…some wanderer won…my soul in eternity. When we reflect on His giving to us, His dying love, what is it that we are willing to give back to Him? While you’re waiting, consider what you’re giving.

“Restore My Soul” – no book

And now consider the state of your soul; how are you doing spiritually? This song calls for God to restore my spirit, revive the fire in my soul, and renew my courage. At times we all become weary and feel ‘burned out,’ but this is when we need God’s guiding hand all the more to have the courage to stand up and replace our doubts with a stronger, bolder faith in His return. Renew your love for Him, rebuild your faith in Him and seek to have Him restore your soul!

“One Day!” – 353

Before we partake in the Lord’s supper we’ll sing only the first two verses of this hundred year old spiritual song. One day the angels sang of Christ’s birth as Jesus was born into this world. But just as we are born and die, so Christ was born and died. One day they led Him up Calvary’s mountain to nail Him on the tree, bearing our sins. And yet we find hope in knowing He didn’t stay in the tomb. Unlike this earthly body, Jesus was raised from the dead. So we sing, “Rising, He justified (freed us from sin) freely forever…” And then, wait for it, we sing “…One day He’s coming! Oh glorious day!”

“Bethlehem…Galilee…Gethsemane” – 357

“Bethlehem, Christ was born there. I believe, I believe! Galilee, He walked there. I believe, I believe! Gethsemane, my Savior prayed there. On Calvary, He died alone. But the tomb, He left there. I believe, I believe!” Believing is important and obeying is vital, but how many of us are willing to go each day, faithfully waiting for our Savior? We do when we confess that, “…Now He lives and reigns forever. I believe, I believe!”

“Blessed Assurance” – 480

What’s your story? Do you tell a story of assurance in Christ through the life you live? Will your song declare that you are an heir of salvation, and that you’ve been purchased by God? If so, and if you’ve read this far I believe you are, then you can’t help but sing praises to our Savior in song…all day long! What better thing to do while you’re waiting then to sing praises!Blessed Assurance

“When Jesus Comes” – no book

Our invitation song is one from years gone by. As a matter of fact it’s no longer in the book, Faith & Praise. But it’s message is one confirming our resolve as we wait for Christ’s return. Perhaps the chorus says it best, “O can we say we are ready, brother? Ready for the soul’s bright home? Say, will He find you and me still watching, waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come?

“When He Comes in Glory By and By” – 854

As we are waiting, we are longing for His return. And you and I know, “How sweet it will be…when He comes in the sky!” So be patient, don’t loss faith and always remember the goal is heaven. “When He comes in glory by and by…” it will be sweet, for those who are in the waiting room!