Singing with the Spirit


“By December 1914, the Great War had raged for almost five months and claimed nearly one million lives. Letters and diaries from the Western Front describe how the guns fell silent on Christmas Eve.”

There are moments in our life when we are impacted by a message spoken not by words, but by the actions of others. You’ve heard, a picture is worth a thousand words and the professional knows how to capture the message within the image. So it should not come as a surprise that in a commercialized society, we value times when the unspoken message is powerfully displayed with scenes of hope. A message that promotes not just a product, but an idea.

A company in the UK dedicated to selling grocery products is responsible for such an advertisement. For years, Sainsbury has produced professional quality commercials that not only ‘sell their products,’ but promote a message. Perhaps after seeing this commercial, you’ll be inspired to greater acts of compassion. How powerful would it be to hear ‘Silent Night’ being sung from a cold and dark fox hole. In a time of war would you have had the strength to step out and walk toward your enemy? There is power in song, and thanks to a grocery store for giving us a message from World War I