Singing with the Spirit

Parents and Children…Aug. 24th

The responsibilities of parenthood can be, at times, overwhelming. When our children are babies we worry about their health, strive to keep them clean and always well fed. As they grow we focus on keeping them ‘well balanced’ in life. Opportunities for sports, the arts and growing and maturing. But still we worry about their health, keeping them clean and well fed. As our children grow into young adults we determine to give them the best direction, guidance and support. All along parents with childconcerned about their health, are they ‘keeping themselves clean’ and are they well fed.

Parents want what’s best for their children. Whether we’re talking about their health or their social well-being, we feel responsibility for our children. But with that responsibility we must ask ourselves; how are we doing when it comes to monitoring our children spiritually? Do we ignore the signs (Do we know the signs) of spiritual sickness in our children? Are we keeping them clean (from the world) or do we let them experience life? How cautious are we about the spiritual food our children are being fed? Do we care if they are getting filled up on spiritual ‘junk food?’ God’s commandments are to be taught to our children early and often. Deuteronomy 6:7 tells us how often; “…when you sit in your house and when you walk by the way and when you lie down and when you rise up.” The Parent and Child relationship is all about teaching them the commands of God.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, August 24, 2014

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“O Worship the King” – 303

Singing the first verse of this classic hymn we set the stage for our praise to God. You’ve sung it for years but notice how this verse concludes; “…Our Shield and Defender the Ancient of Days, Pavilioned in splendor and girded with praise.” Obviously this is a description of God as our Shield, our Defender, One who has been with us for a long time ‘Ancient of Days.’ But what do those last words mean? A pavilion is something that offers cover or protection, and to gird something is to encircle it or wrap around it. Is this song saying God is my cover and protector? Without a doubt He is! But here we sing, ‘Our Shield and Defender is surrounded and covered over with heavenly praise!’

“We Praise Thee, O God” – 4

And so we continue our worship together offering our praise to God. “Hallelujah! Thine the glory, Hallelujah! Amen!” Would that we praise our God just as the heavenly host praise Him. “All glory and praise to the God of all grace, Who has bought us and sought us and guided our ways…”

“I Love Thy Kingdom, Lord” – no book

This older hymn is a strong example of ‘singing to Him.’ Perhaps the signature piece of this hymn comes in the second staff as only the ladies sing, “…I love Thy church, O God! Her walls before Thee stand…” How much do we love the commandments of our God? How much do we love the church Christ died for? Enough to tell our children about it? Enough to make it our top priority when we sit down, walk around, lie down or rise up? Honestly…how much?

“When I Survey the Wondrous Cross” – 315

All five verses will be sung this morning, though we’ll sing the first 4 before the Lord’s Supper and the last verse after. Notice what we ‘survey’ in the third and fourth verses; “See from His head, His hands, His feet, sorrow and love flow mingled down…”, and “His dying crimson, like a robe, spreads over His body on the tree…” When we truly survey the cross of Christ we see His amazing love. Now are you prepared to sing the last seven words of The Shemathis song? As you do, remember His love, “…demands my soul, my life, my all.”

“Hear, O Israel” – 446

Before our lesson we’ll sing the ‘Jewish confession of faith,’ the Shema. In Hebrew it is defined as ‘Hear.’ And though it is recorded here in Deuteronomy, Jesus repeats it in the gospels. “Hear, O Israel. The Lord thy God, is one God. And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all of thy heart…with all thy soul…with all thy mind (added by Jesus in Mark 12:30)…and with all thy strength.” We sing it and the Jews proclaimed it, but are we teaching it to our children? Maybe we should ask what it means to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength. EVERYTHING in our life should be focused on loving, serving, and pleasing our God.

“On Bended Knee” – 791

A humble, penitent heart comes before God on bended knee. Perhaps the second verse helps me understand why I come before my God on ‘bended knee.’ With a broken heart I come… Asking for a change in life, and to be made fresh and new is only part of it. Being a holy sacrifice and teaching that sacrifice to our children is where we must start.

“Let Me Live Close to Thee” – 831

Living close to God in life is paramount. Serving Him with ‘sickles brave and true’ is essential, but are we working or shirking our responsibilities in teaching our children. The parent can best care for their child when they walk and talk each day with God.