Singing with the Spirit

Walking With Royalty

This simple song could be classified as ‘contemporary,’ though it sings and sounds like many of our traditional hymns. Written and arranged by Alton Howard in 1971, I Walk with the King has a strong message of how we should live (walk) in this life. Each verse begins with the confirmation of WHO we spend our days with…“I walk with the King.” And the chorus provides us with a reference to the 23rd Psalm; “pastures so greenquiet (still) waters.” But notice how the third verse reminds us of the difficulties in life. Though life may have hours of darkness, for our struggle is against the forces of father son walkingdarkness, we take confidence in knowing that ‘…He is the true Light, the Kingdom of day!’

Musically, there is an echo for the men throughout the verses and the chorus of the song, but lest we forget what we’re singing, take a few minutes to read the words and listen to the message.

I walk with the King to heavenly land,
The Kingdom of light, the Pathway of right;
Eternal His throne forever ’twill be (it will be),
To mansions on high a crown there for me.

I walk with the King thru pastures so green,
By quiet waters still to do His good will;
He lighteth the way from darkness to day,
I’ll hold to His hand, I walk with the King.

I walk with the King His child ever be,
Glad tidings to bring, His blessings to see;
His love floods my soul with glory divine,
‘Tis riches and wealth His treasures are mine.


I walk with the King tho dark be the way,
He is the true light, the Kingdom of day;
Someday on yon (yonder) shore I’ll hear His voice say,
“Come home, you’re My child; ’tis (it is) evening, past day.”


Can you confidently say what you sing; are you walking with God in this life or are you ‘going it alone?’ Our goal must be for something greater than this life, and Christ came to give us the hope of heaven. Would that we, each day, walk with the King. But how does that ‘walk’ look? The simple answer is found in the second verse. To walk with the King, to be His child, we need to 1) bear glad tidings to those we meet (teach the word), 2) see (recognize) that our blessings are from His hand, and 3) be flooded with (give obedience to) the love of Christ. Careful to remember that while we’re walking with the King, we should be holding His hand. Be faithful to God and see the opportunity we have each day…to walk with Royalty.