Singing with the Spirit

Die Empty…May 4th

What a helpless feeling as your car sputters to a stop, leaving you to look down and see the gas gauge on EMPTY. With nothing left, your gas tank is empty fuel gaugedried up. It’s one thing to accidentally ‘run out of gas,’ but it is something entirely different to purposely drain your tank. So the question is, who would do such a thing? Why would you empty your tank? Could this be something we aspire for…to die on empty?

Robert Taylor, associate minister with Waterview church of Christ, will bring our Sunday morning lesson. Let’s join him as we look at Christ’s life (and death) to see if we can understand why Jesus, would ’empty Himself.’ Philippians 2:5-8

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”
I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, May 4, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“I Stand in Awe” 96

“You are beautiful beyond description. Too marvelous for words. Too wonderful for comprehension, like nothing ever seen or heard. Who can grasp Your infinite wisdom, who can awe childfathom the depth of Your love? You are beautiful beyond description, majesty enthroned above…And I stand in awe of You!” A beautiful, contemporary song (hymn) of praise. But I encourage you to do more than physically stand in awe of Him. In your life live so that others know He is awesome in power and might. Live so that nothing else compares to His majesty. Sing this song to God, but honor Him with your life.

“I Am Thine, O Lord” – 666

This hymn (we sing to the Lord) is one that dates back to 1875 as Fanny J. Crosby penned these timeless words. Notice the last phrase in the second verse; “…Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope, and my will be lost in Thine.” How blessed would we be if our will was one with God’s will? The Christian knows it should be, but is it? Let Him ‘draw you nearer’ to His precious bleeding side…

“Beneath the Cross of Jesus” – 314

As we prepare our minds for this moment of remembering the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection let’s poetically (and gladly) take our stand beneath His cross. Notice the third verse, ‘Upon that cross of Jesus mine eye at times can see the very dying form of One who suffered there for me…’ As you look upon the cross, through tears of the heart, realize His death was for you. Now, will you confess His glorious love, and your own worthlessness? You can see more clearly from beneath the cross of Jesus.

“I Gave My Life for Thee” – 354

As we give back during the time of collection let’s sing about how He gave to us first. Each verse focuses on what Christ did for us. He gave His life; He left heaven’s glory; He suffered agony and He brings us the free gift of eternal life. What have you given for the cause of Christ? What have you abandoned to follow Him? Do you suffer for His name? Will you bring any gift to Christ? Just remember…He gave His life for thee!

“Poured Out Like Wine” – 655

Paul wrote to the church in Philippi and said, “…even if I am being poured out as a drink offering upon the sacrifice and service of your faith, I rejoice and share my joy with you all.” Philippians 2:17 This gives us the basis for this spiritual song. Paul was willing to be poured out (emptied). Will we do the same?

“Our God, He Is Alive” – 23

Before our lesson this morning we’ll sing an old favorite. But don’t be drawn into singing it by rote. This spiritual song calls us to praise our God with every voice. The men take the lead in the refrain while the ladies echo. Notice what the ladies sing “…From dust, our God created man…” God created Adam from dust, but the woman from Adam’s side. She sings about the man’s creation. Nice poetic touch. He is indeed, “the Great I Am!”

“All to Jesus I Surrender” – 662

Not under compulsion, but willingly do we sing this invitation song? “I surrender all!” Really? Can you sing that with a clear conscience? Do you (will you) give everything over to God? Whether this is poetic or if you truly aspire it personally, one day we will all bow at His feet and surrender to Him. Might as well strive for that now. “All to Jesus I surrender, all to Him I freely give. I will ever love and trust Him, in His presence daily live…”

“Days of Elijah” – no bookdays of elijah...salvation comes

Will you sing, have you sung this contemporary, spiritual song? Notice the Biblical references that are woven throughout; “These are the days of Elijah…” as he stood up for God against the prophets of Baal. The days of Moses striving to restore God’s people to righteousness. The days of Ezekiel as God raised an army from dry bones and David as we rebuild our bodies (temples) to praise God. All the while we see trials, famine, darkness and the ‘sword.’ But take courage, salvation comes through Jesus. We sing Revelation 1:7 as we join in the chorus, “Behold, He is coming with the clouds…”