What a great feeling we have when we finally fulfill our civic duty and
file our annual income taxes. Is this a great time of year or what? Maybe not so much, but don’t forget Romans 13:7; “Render to all what is due them: tax to whom tax is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honor to whom honor.” Even God commanded His people to, “Levy a tax for the Lord from the men of war who went out to battle…” Numbers 31:28 (read that in it’s entirety, you’ll find it interesting.)
So surely each of us have taken care of this little chore and have not put it off until the last minute (which, by the way, is tomorrow, April 15th). But to be honest, this is a tough reality to face. Even as we understand the expectation from God’s word, and even if we anticipate a return, we still have to go through the process of filing our taxes. In the last several years different sources (software) have helped us step through each question. Still we have to pull together the information, log in the data and keep accurate records. Let’s face it; tax season can bring about stress. It would be so much easier to turn that burden over to someone else who has the expertise to answer each question. Someone to worry about the details, the stress of “getting it right.” Just to have someone take the ‘stress’ and sort it all out. What a relief to have that burden, that time intensive focus, taken off our shoulders. To give the trouble of filing taxes to an expert who is qualified and capable of taking care of the future.
The parallel for Christians is obvious. What would you do to have someone carry the burden of life and sort out all your ‘messy details.’ We all have lives that are fraught (filled) with questions like, “Am I doing it right?” “Did I leave something out?” “I know there are mistakes, but how do I figure this out?” For the child of God we have someone who is capable and qualified to handle our needs. He answers our questions and (if you will) files our taxes. Paying our debts and giving us an
unparalleled return. Jesus is our ‘accountant’ who can take the details of life and sort them out. Though we don’t know in life when ‘taxes are due,’ our April 15th will be when Christ returns…judgment day. It can’t be found on any calendar but we know it is near. James 5:8 states, “You too be patient; strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near.”We focus our life on being ready to “file,” but it’s refreshing to know that we have someone who can take care of all the paper work. We don’t live under stress or frustration. We follow God’s word and let Christ rule in our hearts. God has given us His only Son to take the burden, and to pay the price. But to understand this, we must live as children of God. Rest assured, He is keeping accurate records of our life and knows what is due. But He also has given us hope so that when “Tax Day” comes, we will be ready to file.