The starting pistol is aimed toward the sky and with a BANG the race is on! While some will run
with earnest, there are others who will quit before they get out of the blocks. But if the truth be known, there are some who have been running their race for quite a while. It’s been difficult with hurdles at every turn, but they run on. And then there are some who began their race years ago and can clearly see the finish line up ahead. The Hebrew writer admonishes the reader to “…run with endurance the race that is set before us…” In this race for Christ, where are you?
Sunday morning at Waterview church of Christ we’ll have an opportunity to hear a message from David Friesen, one of our missionaries in Camrose, Alberta, Canada. Consider your race and reach deep for endurance as you strive for the finish line.
“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15
Sunday morning, April 13, 2014
You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.
“Praise the Lord” – 74
Taken from the 148th Psalm, this psalm is a hymn! From the heavens and it’s angels to the earth and all creation, we come together and sing “Praise the Lord!…” Let’s begin our worship time focused on God and His majesty.
“I Will Sing the Wondrous Story” – 509
A song with strength and energy as we open each verse, but softer and more melancholy as we draw the chorus to a close. But think about it…what is the wondrous story? Why do we sing about it, and how important is it? Maybe you should ask yourself, what it is? Simply stated, the wondrous story is THE HISTORY of the Christ who died for me. It’s the history of how He left heaven’s glory for the cross of Calvary. The wondrous story is the historical fact that I was lost in sin, but Jesus saves me. It’s about how he drew me back into His way. And I will sing this wondrous story until my life is over. Knowing that will you “sing the wondrous story?”
“How Beautiful” – 365
The first verse of this song mentions hands that served and the feet that walked. Reading (singing) you realize we’re remembering Christ. In the next verse we sing about His bride, the church, and how we are to give from a humble heart. But the last verse focuses on our reason for coming together, “How beautiful the feet that bring the sound of good news and the love of the King. How beautiful the hands that serve the wine and the bread and the sons of the earth…” We remember how He ‘laid down His life’ as we partake of the Lord’s Supper. Then notice the reference to Isaiah 52:7, “How lovely on the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news…” We’ll also hear the word of God proclaimed. Listening and keeping our mind on the race.
“Savior, Thy Dying Love” – 667
“Savior, Thy dying love Thou gavest me…” Consider that alone, we have a gift from Christ so we must ask ourselves, is there some ‘offering’ we should/could give to Him? Is there a song or a prayer we could raise to His name? Perhaps there is some wanderer who is lost and looking for a Savior? Do you have something you will give to the Savior?
“Restore My Soul” – no book
A call from God’s people asking for His restoration, revival and renewal. If you’re feeling weak and need strength from God’s word, seek His restoring power. If your zeal has grown cold, seek to be revived by the fire of His desire. And if you long for faith that is bold, have the courage to seek His renewal. “Renew my love, rebuild my faith, oh restore my soul.”
“Each Step of the Way” – 572
Perhaps this song doesn’t come to mind as an invitation song we would sing, but considering our race and the second leg of that race we must take each step with the Savior. With perseverance and endurance ‘we shall enter the city up there…’ Do you struggle in this race (walk) with Christ? Does it seem like a long road ahead? Don’t dread tomorrow, face it with a trust that He will guide you ‘each step of the way.’
“A Beautiful Life” – 570
“Each day I’ll do a golden deed by helping those who are in need…” Though this song is familiar and easy to sing, don’t forget what you’re saying. Live a life that brings glory to God. A life that will endure through time. A life that includes taking a stand for God. That’s how we should be running the second leg of our race…living a beautiful life.