Singing with the Spirit

When Do You Pray?

What comes to mind when you hear the word “Jonah?”  A man who ran from God?  Or perhaps you envision a giant fish (a whale) that swallowed and sustained him for 3 days and 3 nights (Jonah 1:17).  Or maybe you’ll remember a city destined for destruction, only to be spared because of this reluctant preacher.  Some may even conjure up the image of a wonderful vine that grew within a matter of hours and then withered just as quickly (Jonah 4:10).  Whatever you think about when you hear about this reluctant, soaked to the bone, disgruntled (yet effective) praying inside a fishpreacher there is an image that we must consider and hold in our hearts.

In the 2nd chapter of the book of Jonah, as he sits in the clammy, dark stomach of this monstrous sea creature (without a match) Jonah does something we all seem to do when we’re in trouble.  Verse one states, “Then Jonah prayed to the Lord…”  This prophet of God prayed a prayer of repentance.  In complete and utter darkness he saw the err of his ways and knew the only hope of salvation would come from the God he so desperately tried to hid from.  We when are faced with death, we eagerly pray for God’s help.  As terror strikes at the heart, we cry out for God’s comforting hand.  Like Jonah, when the world swallows us, we turn to God and ask for His deliverance.

There will be times in life when you feel ‘tossed over-board’ and swallowed by the storms of life.  Is that when you pray?  I realize we need to bow before God’s throne when we make mistakes (miss the mark…SIN) and when life is crushing in, but don’t let that be the only time you pray.  Jonah’s problem seemed to come in his failure to totally comprehend God’s providence and saving power.  Look again at the book of Jonah and then ask yourself…”when DO I pray?”


Mary Kidder penned the words to an old spiritual song that, in essence, asks this same question; “Ere (Before) you left your room this morning, did you think to pray?  In the name of Christ our Savior, did you sue (request/plea) for loving favor, as a shield today?  O how praying rest the weary!  Prayer will change the night to day; so when life seems dark and dreary, don’t forget to pray.”