Singing with the Spirit

What Will You Will?…Jan 12th

grandma and grandsonAs a young boy I was blessed with a grandmother who showered me with gifts, money and meals. Two hundred pounds later I can say it was much more than I ever needed or deserved. She didn’t do it out of compulsion or guilt, she gave because she wanted to. She ‘willed’ that I would be comfortable with earthly gifts, but she (and my parents) knew life was more than things.

Parents and grandparents give to their children much more than meets the eye. But all too often we focus on the tangible, the here and now. What did you get me for Christmas? How long until I get to trade in for a new phone? How much allowance will I get this year? Is this the extent of what we will leave for our children?  Is our ‘will’ of monetary value only, or is there something more we’ll give them. Christ left for us an inheritance far more valuable then silver or gold. Join us Sunday morning when we’ll hear a stirring lesson about…our wills.

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”
I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, January 12, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Higher Ground” no book

A great traditional hymn with a newer twist.  We’ve sung this great song for years, but in recent years we’ve learned a new version (listen to it below).  But as always, don’t miss the message.  We have trials in this life that get us down and depress our spirits.  This morning we’ll open this time of worship with a hymn of encouragement.  “I’m pressing on the upward way, new heights I’m gaining every day; still praying as I onward bound, ‘Lord plant my feet on higher ground…”

“Breathe on Me, Breath of God” – 418

This hymn has a contemporary feel, but it was penned more than 130 years ago.  A call for God to ‘breathe’ upon His children with a blessing!  Notice the second verse, “Breathe on me, breath of God, until my heart is pure, until my will is one with Thine, to do and to endure.”  

“The Old Rugged Cross” – 313Old rugged cross

We’ll take this old spiritual song and break it up into three parts.  Verse one will be sung before the bread, verse two before the fruit of the vine and the third verse after the cup.  You’ll want to remember this second verse,  “O that old rugged cross, so despised by the world, has a wondrous attraction for me; For the dear Lamb of God left His glory above to bear it to dark Calvary…’  How much do you cherish the cross of Christ?  Where would we be without it?

“God Give Us Christian Homes” – 843

As we think about new resolutions for the year how many of us will make a priority of making our “…homes where the Bible is loved and taught?”  Let this song be a reminder that everyone has a responsibility in a Christian home.  Fathers are to be true and strong, mothers strive to show others God’s way is best and children are led.  Are our children willing to be led?  We need to make sure that in our homes ‘the Master’s will is sought.’  Parents, we need to be sure we prepare to leave a heavenly legacy for our families.

“My Hope is Built on Nothing Less” – 538

Where is your hope?  In what do you trust?  David wrote in Psalm 20:7, “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”  This song before our lesson is a great reminder of what is most important.  What should we pass on to our children?  Nothing less than a hope that is built on Jesus’ blood.  We shouldn’t trust in the ‘sweetest frame’ (our physical well-being), but in the name above all other names…Jesus!  

“My Jesus As Thou Wilt” – 698

Words that date back 310 years (1704) but resonate with Christ’s own words in the garden, “Not My will but Thine.”  Considering what we ‘will’, it only makes sense that this song serve as our invitation song.  “O may Thy will be mine.”

“A Wonderful Savior” – 503

What a song of rejoicing as we sing to encourage each other that God is in control.  He takes care of us, comforts us and hides us.  Interesting to think that God hides us in His hand, but considering the trials of this world we do fine peace in knowing that God covers His people.  This old spiritual song reflects Exodus 33:22 as God spoke to Moses. “and it will come about, while My glory is passing by, that I will put you in the cleft of the rock and cover you with My hand…”  Indeed, a wonderful Savior is Jesus my Lord.