Singing with the Spirit

How Can We Redeem a Moment of Time?…Jan. 5th

With the beginning of a new year you might find yourself asking the question, “Where did the time go?”  Each day we spend on this earth is a gift.  Each minute we live out is a reflection of our heart at that moment in time.  But what if we say something or do something but we ‘didn’t mean it.’  We know that our behavior/words at that moment don’t reflect who we really are or what we want to be.  How do I get that ‘minute’ back?

moving time backNew Year’s resolutions are a common practice during the next few weeks.  We ‘resolve’ to do better, make some changes and demonstrate a new practice for this new year.  And each day we’ll make decisions (just like last year) to eat better and work-out more.  But when the day is over and our resolve has ‘dissolved,’ how do you get it back?  Can you get it back?  Is there any hope we might be able to ‘redeem a moment of time?’  Join us Sunday morning as we welcome in a new year and consider how we spend our time… 

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also. I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, January 5, 2014

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“We Praise Thee, O God” – 2

This song is filled to the brim with thankfulness and praise coming from our hearts as we sing to our Father. The first four verses echo with our gratefulness and thankfulness to Him and in verse five, the writer, William MacKay helps us to turn our attitude in a way of humbly asking God for His favor. In verse five we sing, asking our Father to “revive us again” and to let each of our souls be,“rekindled with fire from above.” How powerful the words that we sing. It only begins to help us to recognize how small and powerless we are compared to the, “God of all grace”.  Let us allow Him to ‘rekindle our spirits’ this morning as we begin our time of praise and adoration.

“In Christ Alone” -no book

This song is not in most hymn books, but what a powerful message it has we sing.  With each verse of this song we hear, “In Christ Alone”, and it helps us to realize that we can only do our best things through Christ alone. He is our “cornerstone” and our “solid ground” and as we prepare our minds for the Lord’s supper let us reflect on how we should rely on him more. 

“Fairest Lord Jesus” – 288

After the Lords supper we will sing of our beautiful Savior.  We will sing a verse that is not in the book but is still as powerful reminder of our Savior’s love.  “Beautiful Savior, Lord of all nations! Son of God and Son of Man. Glory and honor, praise, adoration, Now and forever more be thine!” What a beautiful verse as we praise Him in saying, “Fairest Lord Jesus!”

“Remind Me, Dear Lord” – 606 We recognize in singing this song that the earthly things that we have are “just borrowed, they’re aren’t mine at all.” curtainIn the chorus of this song we ask our Father to open our minds, help us search our memories and to remember where we have come from. What a touching scene this would be, if humbly we come to him and ask for His patience with us.  We, as His children plead with him and I can imagine myself in a small and quiet voice saying, “Roll back the curtain of memory now and then.  Show me where You brought me from and where I could have been….”

“Take Time to Be Holy” – 731

As your new year is underway, consider how often you will take time to stop and strive to be holy?  Honestly, I’m afraid we make time for Him and therefore fail to get the nourishment that we need to grow as Christians. This song is merely encouraging us to as the “world rushes on” to seek Him in His guidance and council.  And as we do let us consider each of our thoughts, deeds and motives and be sure they are, “beneath His control”.

“A New Creature” – 619

This song is a song that is meant to be sung to one another as encouragement. In the third verse T. O. Chisholm pinned some very inspiring words, “Sin hath no more its cruel dominion, walking ‘in newness of life’ I am free, glorious life of Christ, my Redeemer, which He so richly shareth with me.” As we walk in our “newness of life” with Christ let us be reminded of what He sacrificed so we could share heaven with Him.

“Why Do You Wait?” – no book Serving as our invitation song this morning, we sing/ask the simple question of; “Why do you wait, dear brother?” Very simple and yet very to the point. Many times in life we may reach the time when we’re asked this question. “Why are you delaying?  What do you hope to gain by stalling?” The questions that we are asking are so simplistic, and yet many times the answer escapes us.  I don’t have a good reason for putting off what needs to be done.  When it comes to accepting Christ as your Savior just remember…“There is no one to save you but Jesus, there is no other way but His way.”

“Hold To God’s Unchanging Hand” – 613hold to His hand

A song of encouragement that is meant to be sung as reassurance.  Even though our lives are “filled with swift transition…” (lots of changes) and even, “if by earthly friends forsaken” we find comfort in the consistency of God’s strong hands.  Serving as a constant theme throughout the song, we encourage each other to hold to Gods Unchanging Hand.  It’s hard to redeem time once it’s passed, but holding tight to the Father’s hand will be a decision you’ll never regret.