Singing with the Spirit

I Believe, I Believe

Bending down to pick up the bell that had fallen from the reigns of the sleigh, the young boy christmas bellholds it to his ear and gently shakes it.  No sound can be heard, the bell is silent, just a faint whisper of doubt.  But the boy knows better, others have heard it clearly ringing and the evidence is before him.  This bell should be ringing but he hears nothing…why?  Carefully he holds the bell in his hands and, closing his eyes, he whispers, “I believe, I believe, I believe!”  Slowly he again, brings the bell to his ear and gently shakes it.  A crisp, clear tone resonates from the bell.  It rings!  An old, white-bearded man approaches the boy and asks, “What was that you said?”  The answer is as natural as the sound that rings from the bell, “I believe!”

If you have seen The Polar Express you’ll remember this scene from the popular Christmas movie.  Standing between acceptance and rejection a young boy is magically transported to the North Pole where he meets a train conductor, several new friends and the man dressed in red.  But shortly before midnight on Christmas Eve our ‘main character’ still hasn’t decided if he truly believes there is a Santa Claus.  Not until he faces the fact he’ll never hear the Christmas bells until he believes…until he believes there is a Santa Claus.

So the question comes to you, do you believe?  A question asked not in regard to Santa, but in regard to the Christ.  Have you, will you, publicly proclaim that you believe Jesus is the Son of God?  That’s important, but don’t stop at believing.  The scriptures tell us ‘anyone’ can believe.  In James 2:19, regarding belief in God and Jesus as one, James states, “You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder.”  The demons aren’t shaking a bell, they know who God is.  The intimate foes of Jesus Christ believe He is Who He says He is.  But they don’t accept Him nor will they ever follow Him.  I can say, “I believe, I believe, I believe!”, but what does my life say?  How do I live each day?

As this year ends and a new one begins many of us will write down our New Year’s Resolutions.  Our resolve to do some things better.  We’ll start acting differently, we’ll begin rearranging our priorities.  If you have never come to “believe” who Christ is, and what He has faith from Jamesdone for you, God’s word will give you direction.  But if you are already following God’s word, and have obeyed His calling, take a good long look at your life.  Remember, it takes more than just saying “I believe!”