Singing with the Spirit

The Battle Belongs to the Lord…Nov. 10th

“Lift up your heads, O gates, and be lifted up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in!  Who is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle…He is the King of glory.”
Psalm 24:7, 8, 9  David penned this psalm thousands of years ago, and yet the soldier still today finds comfort in knowing who is mighty in battle.

As soldier’s of the cross we must hold fast to the knowledge that the war has soldier prayingbeen won.  Though skirmishes come into our lives constantly, and daily battles must be fought as we stand for truth, we know Jesus is Lord.  Join us Sunday morning as we honor our veterans and admonish all of the soldiers in the Lord’s army!

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, November 10, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord” 560

We begin our worship services this morning as we encourage each other to give glory and honor to the King.  It’s interesting to consider the first verse; how are we entering the land (this world)?  Are we equipped for battle or do we ‘just throw something on?’  A football player would be clobbered if he walked onto the gridiron minus his shoulder pad or helmet.  And yet how often does the Christian walk into the world without His armor?

soldiers marching“Am I a Soldier of the Cross?” – no book

This old song has several different arrangements, but we’ll sing this one to the tune of “The Gospel is for All.”  Simply enough we sing (ask) the question, “Am I a soldier of the cross; a follower of the Lamb…?”  Today we should be asking ourselves, am I afraid to stand up for Him…or am I embarrassed to be known as a soldier of Christ?  This world opposes God…are you willing to be a soldier in His army?


“Come Share the Lord” – 364

As we turn our minds toward the Lord’s Supper, we commemorate our Lord’s death, burial and resurrection.  We join each other in breaking the bread, drinking the fruit of the vine and sharing (communing) with our Lord.  Each Christian understands the importance of this memorial and that’s why we anticipate the feast each Sunday morning.  That’s why ‘we gather here in Jesus’ name…’ and that’s why ‘…His love is burning in our hearts like living flame…’

“Why Did My Savior Come to Earth” – 382

An other simple question which all honest believers have asked…’why?’  Why did my Savior come to earth and go to the humble (lowly)…?  The answer is heard as the little children sing “Jesus loves me, this I know.”  Why did He drink the bitter cup (death) and endure sorrow, pain and woe…?”  He did it, because He love me so!

“It Is Finished” – 369It-is-finished

A majestic song of Christ’s resurrection and our victory in Him.  The first three verses are sung together while we consider the old rugged cross as it stands on a line drawn through the ages.  The forces of evil have been amassed on one side and the angels of glory on the other.  The earth shakes with the force of the conflict, even noting that the sun refuses to shine (Luke 23:44).  But then, as Christ breathes His last, a cry echoes across all time…“It is finished!”  Though we may still struggle with our won individual battles we can praise His name knowing that there will be no more war…it is finished and Jesus is Lord!

“Soldier’s of Christ, Arise” – 647

Before our lesson this morning it seems only fitting to sing about being a soldier of Christ.  It has always struck me with fascination as we implore the soldier’s of Christ to ARISE (get up)!  Notice the call to put on your armor (helmet, shoes, breastplate, sword, belt) and be ready to fight a foe who opposes God.  Reading Ephesians 6 you’ll get a clearer understanding of what the ‘panoply of God’ really is.  Just be sure that you, leave no place unguarded, and that there be no weakness in your soul.  Take virtue and grace and fortify (secure) the whole of your responsibility in serving Christ.

“Take My Life, and Let It Be” – 669

The ‘invitation’ is a simple to call to clarify your present walk in life.  The Christian’s desire should be to draw closer to God each and every day. The non-Christian has a call to come and take Christ on in baptism, that they too may be a child of the King.  After knowing who Jesus is and what He did we should all be saying, “Take my life and let it be consecrate Lord to Thee…”  It’s not what I want, but what God calls me to be.  We sing, “take my life, my hands, my will, my heart, my life, myself…to be honest, that doesn’t leave much behind.  Give to God your all.

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord” 560

We’ll conclude our worship together with the same song that we began with.  But we’ll start this time with the chorus, “And we’ll sing glory, honor, power and strength to the Lord…”  As soldier’s in the Lord’s army, let’s be ready to praise our King and serve Him faithfully.  Never fear the battle, but remember, the Battle Belongs to the Lord!