Singing with the Spirit

A Golden Opportunity

Have you ever wished you had known about something that was coming up so you could have been a part of it?  A presentation or special program that you would have promoted, supported or at least attended if someone had ‘clued you in’ on the opportunity.  Sometimes we find out about things after the fact and, to be honest, at that time, it’s a little too late.  The chance to participate and grow would have been tantrum girla welcome part of your schedule, but instead…you missed a golden opportunity.

The young mother would have benefited from the seminar on parenting and child raising, but no invitation was offered to her.  The old coach would like to have seen and heard the athlete who was scheduled to speak at the fund raiser; but no one thought to send the old man an invitation.  Granted, they might not have gone to the event, but you’ll never know unless you invite them.  We miss some great opportunities to enrich the lives of others simply because we don’t say anything.  We know some great gem of interest, but hold it to ourselves and miss a golden opportunity.  Why do we pass up those moments to encourage and reach out?  Are we just too busy taking care of our wants that we don’t give thought to what someone else might enjoy, or need?

Maybe the answer lies in our attitude or perhaps in our lack of courage and conviction.  Either way, if you have some good news to share and an invitation to offer but instead hold it back you are, for all practical purposes, taking away an opportunity.

The same can be said about our faith in Christ.  Certainly you’ve read Matthew 28 as our Savior exhorts us to, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit…”  But how will ‘the nations’ become disciples (be baptized) if they have never hear about the Son?  Romans 10:14 states it best;How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?”  There must be someone who will teach (preach) about the Savior.  Someone must be ready to offer an invitation to ‘come’ and know about Jesus.  Who will tell your friends about heaven?  Will you share with them the golden opportunity for salvation?

In the early 1900’s, James Rowe penned a song that some classify as sad and ‘depressing.’  A song that reminds us of the responsibility we have to teach (even show) our faith in Christ to our friends.  Have you taken the time to tell someone about Jesus?  They can never believe unless they hear and they’ll never hear unless they are told.  Don’t wait for someone else to ‘offer the invitation’, that opportunity of a life time is yours and yours alone.

When in the better land, before the bar we stand
how deeply grieved our souls will be
If any lost one there should cry in deep despair;
‘You never mentioned Him to me.’

Refrain:confused man
You never mentioned Him to me.
Nor help me not the light to see,
You met me day by day and knew I was astray
Yet never mentioned Him to me.

O let us spread the word, where ‘er it may be heard
Help groping souls the light to see.
That yonder none may say, ‘You showed me not the way.’
You never mentioned Him to me.


A few sweet words may guide a lost one to His side
or turn sad eyes to Calvary.
So work as days go by, that yonder none may cry,
‘You never mentioned Him to me.’


The old athlete might enjoy hearing some motivational talk from his younger counterpart, and the young mother might need help raising her child in the nurture and admonition of the Lord (Ephesians 6:4).  But will anyone invite them to come, learn and grown.  Without an invitation or a word of encouragement we miss a golden opportunity to provide that support.  But more over, without sharing Jesus to our friends and family we miss an even greater opportunity to ‘turn sad eyes to Calvary.’

2 thoughts on “A Golden Opportunity”

  1. Thank you for these words of encouragement. I needed this reminder today and will act on inviting ladies to something I was wavering on …. it might just be a ladies’ day we could learn and grow from.

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