Singing with the Spirit

After God’s Own Heart…September 15th

In an age when we see microscopic details, it’s important to remember that microscope God sees more clearly than we ever can; He sees into our hearts.  Consider these passages;
I Samuel 16:7 ‘…man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.’
Psalm 26:2 ‘Test me, O Lord, and try me, examine my heart and my mind.’ and
Romans 8:27 ‘…and He who searches our heart knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God’s will.’

Luke records in Acts 13:22 that God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart…’  Perhaps we should be seeking to know more about why David received such accolades.  What could we be doing in this life to receive this kind of recognition?  Join us Sunday morning as we consider how we can become closer to living ‘after God’s own heart.’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, September 15, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“Living By Faith” 560

“I care not today what the morrow may bring, if shadow or sunshine or rain…I’m living by faith and feel no alarm.”  Do you have a heart of patience and contentment that you can say, I don’t care what happens in this life.  We’ll open our worship time together with this song of encouragement as we proclaim that we’re living by faith.

“In His Presence” – 99

A simple contemporary song that claims comfort, peace and blessed assurance are found in the presence of the Lord.  What a blessed station in life to be covered in His presence.  This song is basic in musical arrangement and basic in message.  But still  you have to ask yourself, “Do I come to seek His presence?”  You will, you have, if you seek the Father’s heart?

“The Lord’s My Shepherd” – 134

One of the greatest ‘psalms’ that we can sing (almost verbatim) is found in the 23rd Psalm.  You’ll notice the first verse of this hymn recites the 1st & 2nd verses of the Psalm David penned centuries ago.  Open your Old Testament to the book of Psalms, turn to chapter 23 and then sing a song of praise with the saints of old.

“There is a Place of Quiet Rest” – 477

Do you try, in your daily life, to be near to God?  Would that we understand the quiet rest, sweet comfort and full release (complete release) from our bondage of sin comes as we draw near to the heart of God!  The refrain is so powerful as we sing, “O Jesus, blessed Redeemer, sent from the heart of God, Hold us who wait before Thee, near to the heart of God.”  Notice where we must be if we hope to be near God?  We can only come to God the Father through His Son, and our Savior, Jesus Christ!beneath the cross

“Beneath the Cross of Jesus” – 314

Before we commemorate the Lord’s death, burial and resurrection, we meet together ‘beneath the cross of Jesus’.  Focus for a moment on the 3rd verse of this spiritual song; “Upon that cross of Jesus, mine eye at times can see the very dying form of One who suffered there for me; And from my smitten (laid low) heart with tears two wonders I confess: The wonder of (1) His glorious love, (2) my own worthlessness.”  Come to the cross, remember His sacrifice, and consider what you have done to deserve this measure of unconditional love.

“Oh, To Be Like Thee” – 429

“Stamp Thine Own Image, deep on my heart.”  Who do you want to be like?  Growing up, you no doubt said, ‘when I grow up I want to be like…’  Have we instilled a desire in our children that they would sing (say), “I want to be like Jesus!”  We might not say it, but the Christian believes it.  But again…is that our ‘constant longing and prayer?’  Would that we wear His perfect likeness and have Him stamped on our heart, in our lives.  O to be like Thee!

“Jesus is Tenderly Calling” – 947

The ‘invitation’ is a simple call, not so much from man, but from the Savior.  “Jesus is tenderly calling…”  If your phone rang wouldn’t you pick it up and answer the call; especially if it was the Messiah?  Unfortunately, all too many would check the caller ID first and the determine if they had the time to take His call.  You know there’s another song that goes…“Today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late!”  Answer the call today!

“The Love of God” – 122

A great, upbeat song of encouragement as we close our services this Sunday morning.  Men, we’ll echo the ladies in the chorus as we sing about the love of God.  But let me direct you first to the words of the 2nd verse; “Since the love of God came down with His love our lives to crown, He with us would remain; greater love there could not be, Jesus died for you and me, in our hearts, He would reign…”   So maybe, if we truly want to be a man ‘after God’s own heart’, we ought to live with Jesus in our hearts.