Singing with the Spirit

Sermons from an Empty Pew…July 28th

empty pew

You might be familiar with the adage, “Actions speak louder than words.”  A smile
might tell you someone is happy while a frown expresses disappointment or frustration.  But honestly, what sermon could we possible hear from an empty seat?  Is anything to be learned when someone is missing from church services.  Is it that big of a deal when someone is ‘MIA’ from the assembly?

Each Sunday morning God’s people come together to worship, edify, study and commemorate Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary.  But what are the consequences when a Christian doesn’t come? What is the lesson we can learn from ‘an empty pew?’

“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, July 28, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“O Worship the King” -144

A great song of praise and that many are familiar with.  But with familiarity comes an opportunity for laziness.sun in the clouds  We know some songs so well we sing them without given them much thought, a dangerous maneuver.  For example; we sing the third verse with energy, “O worship the King, all glorious above, And gratefully  sing His wonderful love;  (no problem so far, we understand what we’re saying) Our Shield and Defender, the Ancient of Days, pavilion-ed in splendor and girded with praise.”  When you sing this song recognize that as God is covered with brilliancy (magnificence), He is also surrounded (enthroned) with praise!”

“I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord” – 609

Are there things you are ashamed of?  Things you’d rather not have ‘in the open?’  Is your faith in Jesus one of those things?  Without hesitation we would say “NO”, but how many of your peers on the job or in your circle of influence know how important Jesus is to you?  Some might say they are not ashamed of Christ, but the question comes in the next line…will you defend His cause?

“Til My Faith Becomes Sight” – 836

“Tho they slay me, tho I fall; in darkness You are light, Jesus.  I will keep my eyes on You till my faith becomes sight.”   Dennis Jernigan writes this song and some may wonder, who would slay me; I know there’s times I fall, but how can I keep my eyes on Jesus when it’s dark?  Remember the battle and keep in mind, our falling and the darkness of this world is not physical, but spiritual.  Keep your eyes on Christ as your faith is strengthened in Him.

“Take Time to Be Holy” – 731

The message of this song is simple, but extremely thorough.  Notice what happens when we take the time to be holy.  We will speak often with our Lord.  We will feed on His word (read the Bible).  We’ll make friends of God’s children, the family of God, and we’ll help those who are weak.  Then above everything else (in all that we do), we will seek His blessings.  And to think, that’s just the first verse!Thanksgiving

“We Gather Together” – no book

Some might remember this old hymn (spiritual song) as one we sang in November, around Thanksgiving time.  It does lean toward being thankful for all God has given us, but my intention is for us to consider this first line; “We gather together to ask the Lord’s blessing…”  As a congregation of God’s people we need to be ready, willing and eager to gather together.

“How Firm a Foundation” – 457

Ask any engineer and you’ll hear that your structure is only a solid as the foundation it’s built upon.  In Christ we have a firm foundation, one that won’t crack, shift or crumble throughout the years.  A foundation with a guarantee, a seal as Paul says when writing to Timothy, “…the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, ‘The Lord knows those who are His,’ and “Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness.’ “  So, how is your foundation?  Or maybe you should ask, how’s your seal? 

“Great Are You, Lord” – no book

Before our lesson this morning we’ll praise God with this hymn of praise.  ‘Holy Lord, most holy Lord! You alone are worth of our praise!’  He is great and He is worthy.  Lift up your voice and give God the praise.  This morning, tomorrow morning, every morning we should be ready to proclaim, “GREAT ARE YOU LORD!”

“I Am Resolved” – 948

Every January 1st you find people making their ‘new year’s resolutions.’  A time when you say you fix your mind toward accomplishing your goals.  A time when you promise yourself personal achievement.  A new year, a new start, a new goal.  But this invitation song is more than just a first of the year promise.  As we sing, we sing to confirm a promise.  We are resolved no longer to linger, to go to the Savior, to follow the Savior, and ultimately, to enter the kingdom.  In your resolution do you hasten to Him or just take your time?

“Will Jesus Find Us Watching” – no book

When Jesus comes back to receive His own where will you be?  What will you be doing?  This spiritual song is one I remember from my child-hood.  Standing in the auditorium at 1st Street church of Christ in Dumas, Texas I remember standing beside my brother and singing the chorus of this song, “O can we say we are ready, brother?  Ready for the souls bright home?  Say, will He find you and me still watching, waiting, waiting when the Lord shall come?”  So…how about it; are you ready, are you watching?