Singing with the Spirit

Jesus Loves Me…May 5th

With a lesson entitled “Jesus Loves Me”, you might think it’s too under-developed for a Sunday morning sermon in the presence of mature adults.  Then again, how much more basic is the message of God…John 3:16!

jesus loves meOften when life is filled with worry and doubt our hearts can become dispirited and distressed.  Anxiety and fear can cause not only emotional problems but physical struggles as well.   But you know someone cares about you!  When you’re happy or sad, there is someone who notices.  This morning our scripture reference is Matthew 9:35, 36.  Jesus felt compassion when He saw the people who were, “…like sheep without a shepherd.”  Singing Jesus Loves Me is more than just singing a child’s song; it’s an encouraging, God-given fact!


“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”  I Corinthians 14:15

Sunday morning, May 5, 2013

The following songs are found in the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.

“The Battle Belongs to the Lord” – 749

Written in the 1980’s, this song of victory is the modern version of “Soldier’s of Christ, Arise”.  We sing of heavenly armor and the power of darkness, and we know He’s raised up a standard.  We can take courage because the battle has already been won.  I John 5:4, “…And this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith.”

“Holy, Holy, Holy” – 47

As this ‘hymn’ echoes from Isaiah 6, we will sing each verse adding separate parts.  The soprano voices will sing verse one then we’ll add the altos with verse two, tenors to verse three and finally the bass voice will join in verse four.  But apart from the musical emphasis listen to (and read) this message of praise to our God.

“Til My Faith Becomes Sight” – 836

As we read the scriptures we find numerous titles given to our Lord and Savior.  This hymn, to God, identifies four ‘titles’ for Jesus…1) Bread of Life, 2) Living Water, 3) Lamb of God and 4) Savior crucified.  As we honor our Lord and King we proclaim that we will keep our eyes on Him; though we live or though we die.

“My Jesus I Love Thee” – 701

Written in the late 1800’s by W. R. Featherston, this song (again…a hymn) speaks to Jesus saying, I love You and I know You are mine.  The song continues as we proclaim our decision to walk away from our sinful life (“…all the follies of sin I resign.”)  The refrain concludes with the simple statement, “If ever I loved Thee, my Jesus, ’tis (it is) now.”

“Jesus Loves Me” – 1014

A child’s song of praise that has been sung for years by young and old, our sermon bears the title of this song.  Anna Warner is credited for penning these simple, yet profound words in 1860; ironically, the year before the start of our Civil War.  Perhaps we can understand the meaning behind such a simple tune when we consider the words of Jesus in Matthew 18, “…unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven.”

“He Loves Me” – 386

This morning we’ll use this ‘communion’ song as the song before our lesson.  With an upbeat tempo and a message fit for our lesson we’ll turn from singing of Jesus love for us to our love for Him.  Why did Jesus leave Heaven and come to earth, where He knew men would reject Him?  Why would He endure the garden’s ‘dreadful dross’ and allow wicked men to sentence Him to death?  Why suffer death on a cross?  Though we sing with simplisty we sing with the scripture… “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son…” John 3:16 “…Because He loved Me so.”

“Love Lifted Me” – 453Peter walking on the water

Not a typical invitation song, but the words are indeed a call to repentance.  Notice verse 3, “Souls in danger, look above, Jesus completely saves…He your Savior wants to be (translated: He wants to be your Savior) Be saved today.”  With shades of Matthew 14 when Peter walked on the water, in this song we sing of the angry waves. Certainly we can understand how Peter might have felt; sinking to rise no more.  The question; are you crying for Him to lift you?  Remember, He’s the Master of the sea…

“I Love My Savior Too” – 610

Those familiar with this spiritual song will remember the refrain.  As the lead voices sing “I love my Savior; He loves me too…”  The supporting parts (alto, tenor and bass) echo, “Yes, I truly love my blessed Savior, blessed Savior; and He ever loves me, yes He loves me too…”  But as always, don’t get lost in the music…stay focused on the message.  Are you honestly trying to do His will always and never complain?  My prayer is that you will sincerely strive to, “…seek His grace and favor in everything I (you) do?