In reading Matthew chapter 5 we see Jesus is giving us some very specific directions
on how we are to live. This coming Sunday morning (3.17) we’ll look at the directive we are given in that we are ‘the salt of the earth.’ However, Jesus adds an interesting twist when he say, ‘…but if the salt becomes tasteless…”. Perhaps you’ll join us as we look at the line of thinking considering our responsibilities.
My prayer is that this ‘order of worship’ will help you focus on our songs as we come together to worship our God. Thinking about our songs we should say;
“…I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.” I Corinthians 14:15
Sunday morning, March 17, 2013
The following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.
“We Praise Thee O God” & “Restore My Soul” – 2 & no book
This medley combines the old with the new! We conclude the chorus of We Praise Thee, O God with “Hallelujah! Thine the glory; revive us, again.” and begin with “Restore my spirit, Lord, I need restored…” A marriage of two beautiful songs separated by more than 10 years, but blending the same thought of praise and restoration.
“Living for Jesus” – 676
We’ll begin with the chorus of this spiritual song by T. O. Chisholm, and then transition into the 2nd verse. Notice what we’ll be singing; “Living for Jesus who died in my stead (my place), bearing to Calvary MY sin and disgrace (not His); Such love (this kind of love) constrains me to answer His call (does it ‘compel’ you?), follow His leading and give Him my all…” Keep your heart on Him and give Him your life every day!
“Lord, Take Control” – 790
How much do you consider to be yours and how much do you consider to be God’s? When we sing this new song we’re asking God to take control of our lives. But how much of your life are you willing to let go of? Read the words we’ll be singing on Sunday; “My heart, my mind, my body, my soul…” How much do you have left if you give God your emotions, your thoughts, your physical being and your spiritual being?
“Remind Me, Dear Lord” – 606
Following the Lord’s Supper I like for the congregation to remember once more how lost we would be without our Savior’s sacrifice. There is nothing that we have done to deserve God’s own Son. If we can remember that we’re not worthy of the scares in His hands perhaps we understand better that the things we value in life are just borrowed. We all need to have the curtain of memory rolled back every now and then so we can see where Jesus has brought us from and where we could have been…
“Jesus is All the World to Me” & “I’m Not Ashamed to Own My Lord” – 590 & 609
Before the lesson we’ll sing this short medley as we recognize how important Jesus is to our lives, but also that we are not ashamed to tell the world. In the same key but with a bit more energy we’ll transition from “…He’s my friend.” to “I’m not ashamed to own my Lord nor to defend His cause…”
“Have Thine Own Way Lord” – 552
Though this might not appear to be a typical invitation song, we are called to give our lives over to God. Let Him has His way in our lives. Easy to say, not often done! Can you say that you want God to “…hold over your being absolute sway”? Do you know what that even means? By definition ‘sway’ can mean to control or rule over. Are you OK with God having absolute control of your life? But only by YOUR choice…
“Home of the Soul” -875
A song of Heaven…we’ve been singing this song since 1912. Some of our older members remember when this song was a new, ‘contemporary’ song. (Think about it…this is a hundred year old song. Those who are in their 70’s and 80’s sang this song when it was only 20 or 30 years old.) Perhaps they best understand how comforting it is to sing of the rest that… ‘will be given on the eternal shore.’