Singing with the Spirit

Growing Up…in the Lord!

Daddys-shoesPerhaps you’ve been asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?”  Little children are often asked this question and the response can be interesting…if not a little comical.

Some little boys might reply with, “When I grow up I want to be a fireman.”  In the 70’s it was not uncommon to hear younger boys say they wanted to be an astronaut or a policeman or maybe even president.  Actually, growing up in my ‘neck of the woods’, we all wanted to be cowboys when we grew up.  If you were to ask the ladies, their response might not be much different.  They too have dream of tomorrow with aspirations of what their life will be like.  One little girl once told her parents, “When I grow up I want to be a mommy.”  We consider our future and wonder what we’ll do tomorrow.  As we plan for the unknown, most truly wonder what they will do as they reach that level of accountability.  Where will I work, where will I live, what will I become when… ‘I grow up.’

As a junior in college (many years ago), I had my mind set on teaching.  I loved every aspect of working with younger minds and imparting some obscure nugget of reason.  The responsibility of molding and directing the hearts and minds of children was a challenge I eagerly embraced.  However, almost 30 years later, time and circumstances have had a way of altering my path.  Though I’m no longer an ‘educator’ by trade, my profession remains the same.  I love working with people as they mature and grow stronger.  Only today, it’s more of a spiritual growth that I seek to inspire in those who come into my ‘classroom’ of life.

But what about you?  As you read this you may be a long time business man (or woman) who has been in the work force for years.  Or you might be a young college student still trying to settle your mind on a degree.  Some reading this might be retired and still wondering, “What will I be when I grow up?”  What ever your station in life, however far you have gone or still have to go, think about making your life more than just a career, a ‘job’, that you do.  The apostle Paul wrote an admonition to the young preacher Timothy, “…be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.” II Tim. 4:5  Could you really be an evangelist?  Is ministry really your calling? Let me encourage you to do more than just consider it…make that your priority.  Know that I am not promoting that you quit your job or drop out of school, but I do think we all need to change our thinking when it comes to what is most important in life.  You work to make a living, so you can pay the bills, so you can live your life.  But life won’t be worth the living if you don’t live it for God.  Where does He fit into your career and your future plans? Does God figure into life at all?

Regardless your degree (college students) or your career I hope we will all realize that in the Lord’s church, we are all called to ‘minister’ to a lost and dying world (Matthew 28).  Everything else is temporary.  Classes, projects, responsibilities to your employer are important, but God’s desire for you to work in the fold should supersede all that.  Work hard and fulfill your obligations for the task at hand, but ask yourself…what will I really be when I grow up?

A Cappella, directed by Keith Lancaster, sings a song about this every issue.  Would that we make God our number one objective and teach that to our children.  Does the world know who you are or are they still waiting to see what you’ll be ‘when you grow up.’ Trusting like a Child

“Growing up in the Lord” [LINK]

I’m growin’ up in the Lord.
Oh I’m gettin’ stronger; turnin’ back no longer:

I’m growin’ up in the Lord…I’m growin’ up in the Lord.

I make mistakes but that’s part of growin’ up.
Part of growin’ up in the Lord.
His understanding is what I need the most,
I am staying close to His word.

Sheltered from harm when I am safe in his arms
And I am learning to do His will.
Hearing his call although I stumble and fall. I can get up and keep growing still.

Repeat Chorus

Now as I’m growin’ I’m learning what to say, Learning how to walk in the light.
I’m made aware of the devil every day Learning how to handle the fight.

Tempted by wrong, He keeps me ready and strong So I can handle the Tempter’s snare.
Jesus is mine and since he’s there all the time I am protected within His care

Repeat Chorus