Singing with the Spirit

Face Time…Feb 10th

Sunday, February 10th at Waterview church of Christ, our sermon title is “Face Time”.

face time

In today’s terminology, when you hear the term ‘face time’, you most likely think about talking on the phone or computer and seeing the face of the one you’ve called.  But Sunday morning at Waterview, as we listen to Robert’s sermon, the meaning will be a bit different.  Join us as we consider “Face Time”.  The following ‘order of worship’ will serve as our song service for Sunday morning, February 10th.  As always, let me encourage you to think about the songs you sing in praise to God.

Remember I Corinthians…”I will sing with the spirit and I will sing with the mind also.”


Sunday morning, February 10, 2013

You’ll notice the following songs come from the hymnal, Songs of Faith & Praise.


“O Worship the King” and “All Things Praise Thee” – 144 & 43

As we sing this medley let’s consider the message.  We sing to bring glory to God as we worship the King.  Notice the last line in our first song in conjunction with the first line of the next song; “…pavilion in splendor and girded with praise.” “All things praise Thee, Lord most high…”  Though we see the connection with the words (and the key), what does it mean ‘pavilion in splendor’; how can something be ‘girded with praise’?  The fact is, our God is our shield and defender.  He is the ancient of days and He is our pavilion in splendor (which mean’s He is ‘covered with splendor’) and He is girded (surrounded) with praise!

“We’ll Work Till Jesus Comes” – 634

An old spiritual song that admonishes the singer to keep working.  Have you ever sighed for something?  We sing, “O land of rest…for thee I sigh, when will the moment come when I shall lay my armor by and dwell in peace at home?”  You know, I think I can understand what Elizabeth Mills must have been thinking we she wrote this song; our life is full of work (at least it should be) and after a long day’s work our thoughts go to resting…”when will the moment come?”

“Come, Share the Lord” – 364

A contemporary song by Bryan Leech encourages us to come together as we remember the Lord’s Supper.  Perhaps we should keep in mind the third verse as we draw this song to a close and sing, “…now we anticipate the feast for which we wait.  Come take the bread, come drink the wine (drink from the cup) come share the Lord.”

“Gentle Shepherd” – 845

“Gentle Shepherd, come and lead us, for we need you to help us find our way…”  As sheep we are often lost and in need of direction, protection and guidance from our Shepherd.  The good news, our Shepherd not only guides us and leads us, He is also gentle.  This beautiful hymn (because it is sung to HIM) reminds us that we are a blessed people…

“Face to Face” – no book

A song that speaks toward the end of life as we anticipate coming face to face with our God.  As we pass the collection plate on Sunday morning we’ll sing this song.  Let’s think about our life when we see Him “…by and by.”  HINT: This is a good lead in for our lesson… 

“I Am Resolved” – 948

This familiar hymn serves as our song before the lesson.  Listen to what you say in the chorus, “I will hasten to Him, hasten so glad and free.  Jesus, greatest, highest, I will come to Thee.”  How about singing it this way… “I will hurry to Him…”  Are we eager to see Jesus, eager enough to hurry?

mother daughter walking

“Only a Step” – 940

As we sing this song of encouragement on Sunday, take a look at the message found in the second verse, “Casting your heavy burden down, come to the cross, the world may frown: Yet you shall wear a glorious crown, when He makes up His own.”  How often do we hold on to the things that hinder us and keep us back?  We could better our health, but poor eating habits hold us back.  We could grow in our education, but laziness has a tendency to hold us back.  We struggle with our spiritual walk, but our sins hold us back.  Today’s a good day to cast your heavy burden down and come to the cross.  It’s only a step…

“Faithful Love” – no book

Faithful Love came to earth to show the Father’s love.  And I never be the same…do you know why?  Because I have seen Faithful Love (Jesus) all around me.  Can you see the majesty, the love of Jesus in this world?  Have you read the Word of God?  Jesus came to this earth, lived as a man, died on the cross and reconciles us to God.  When we are looking for Faithful Love, we need to look no further than our Bibles…then we’ll see Him face to face!