Singing with the Spirit

Taking a Look at Sunday Morning

I am thankful for my church family…

Having just returned from a trip the evening before, we were late getting to church service and decided not to interrupt class 20 minutes late. After getting some work done in the office, we sat down early in the auditorium.

Though we left on vacation following the morning services last week, it seemed like a long time since we’d been with our church family.

At first, it was dark in the auditorium, then a few people started to arrive.  One sweet lady, dressed in high heels and using a walking cane, was escorted to her seat by her grown son who then returned pushing her husband in a wheelchair.  They sat on the second seat from the front, settled in their pew while the son figured out where to store the folded wheel chair. He sat with them.

A few others, mostly folks walking slowly due to age, came in the auditorium finding their pews and settling in for worship before class was dismissed and the masses arrived.

One man came walking down our aisle and suddenly the lights came on.  Smiling he told us they automatically come on when he enters!  We shared small talk and he settled in his pew awaiting the rest of his family.

For 15 minutes people strolled in the auditorium, some stopped to chat before sitting down, others hurriedly walked past looking towards ‘their’ pew.  Some, knowing we’d been out of town, asked about our trip.  Another was excited to show me she too had recently gotten an iPhone, she asked if I would like to go to classes with her. Another brother shared with me a picture of a fancy faucet he had just installed in their renovated bathroom.  And yet another dear brother, short on time, asked me a question about his LOA group (our church’s small group).  One of our young men, on his first visit home from college, stopped to give me a hug and chat briefly before others wanted his attention too. A sweet lady in the pew in front of me wanted to chat about her LOA plans that were scheduled for the evening.

I glanced around the auditorium and saw a sister across the way that hadn’t been to worship in quite some time…I said a prayer of thanksgiving.  Families are all in place now, some with guests from out of town.  The college students came in close to the starting time and sat in a row together in their normal spot.

Now it’s time for the welcome and announcements and our weekly ‘meet and greet’.  Then worship begins.  It’s a joy to begin worship in prayer and then song.  A brother in front of us realizes contribution is early in the service so he pulls out a couple bills from his wallet and tries to throw them down the row for his daughter & friend to put in the plate…except neither girl saw the money and his wife sat on one of the bills.  Oh well, at least, he tried.

Before I know it, worship is over and it’s time to visit on our way out the door.  As I walk through the north end a new grandma is busy visiting with her LOA friends about her wonderful new grandson!  I lose track of time visiting and can’t find my husband; I’m assuming he went to the van to wait for me…not so this time.  In the van I do some more waiting and observe several families leaving from the parking lot.  One couple has a wedding gift and they see the person in the parking lot they need to give it to!  A college student and his younger brother come out and drive the suburban closer to the exit waiting for the rest of the family – I’m guessing it felt good to him to be back in that role, and the family certainly loved the familiarity of it too.

The sun was shining but there’s coolness in the air.  Today is our LOA Sunday and there is of buzz in the family as many have plans with their small group.

It’s such a blessing to be a part of God’s family, sharing and caring for each other in every way!  I look forward to any opportunity I have to be with my family, but it seemed especially sweet yesterday after being gone for a week.

I thank God that he gives us everything we need, each other, our church family.


“Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.  The one who does not love does not know God, for God is love.” I John 4:8

In the family of God we are a blessed people! 

Thanks Donna for reminding us of the joy we have in the Kingdom of God.