Singing with the Spirit

A Lifetime Preparing for the First Time…

Can you remember the first time you road your bike without training wheels, or without having your dad run along beside you?  As a parent you might remember your child’s first day of grade school as he/she stood on the front porch with books in hand.  Or perhaps you’ll remember your first time to crawl in behind the wheel of the car and drive down the road…by yourself.  Our life if full of first!  We look at our lives and can remember the times when we did things for the first time.

This morning my family and I loaded up the suburban and drove to Tennessee.  Though this isn’t the first time we’ve taken this trip, it is the first time we’ll leave the house with five (5) in the car and return with only (4) four.  Our oldest son is going to Freed-Hardeman  University for his freshman year.  Having worked with college age students for years, I’ve seen anxiety in the eyes of the new college student.  And now, as his dad, I feel the tears in the eyes of the parents.  It’s never been more real to me as it is now.  For the first time, I sit here realizing my oldest, will be striking out on his own.  He won’t be getting up in the morning to make his mom and I a cup a coffee.  We won’t be riding out to the baseball field to officiate a baseball game together, and this evening, I won’t be walking into his room to tell him good night.   For the first time our oldest will be ‘riding on his own.’

Some times we have a ‘first’ that is a great experience and the beginning of a new, exciting direction for our life.  At other times, those ‘first’ are hard to face.  With every life changing ‘first’, and every new path we take, the Christian realizes he can’t go along.  When our young men and women graduate high school, that’s a big first.  When they leave home and go to college, that’s a big first.  Parents, we need to ask our children with whom do they plan to walk down the pathway.  What will they take along with them.

During the last few days my son has been busy packing his bags and last night he loaded the car.  He was determined to make sure he had what he would need in college.  But the one thing we have tried to impress upon our children is the importance of staying close to God.  Will their life bring honor to His name?  Will the friends they choose and words they use bring glory to God?  We show them a Christian example, discipline them in Christ and pray they’ll walk with God.  Parents (Grandparents), as our children take these first steps, pray for them, that they will ‘walk with God’.

Written in 1959, this spiritual song serves as an encouragement to those listening as well as those who are singing.  We know that our life will be continually filled with ‘first’.  With each first time opportunity we remember that we must take these steps with God.  The world will hurl lies at us, but you and I know that the only hope we have comes through Christ.  So Logan, this is my daily prayer that you will ‘Go with God!’

“This is my daily prayer; God Bless you, go with God.
Hold fast His mighty hand, thru out the day;
His grace your heart sustain, His pow’r relieve your pain,
Your prayer be not in vain, as you travel His way.

In spite of all the lies that some may hurl,
Christ is the only hope of all the world;
God bless you, go with God,
Thru out eternity, my prayer will always be,
May you go with God.

In spite of all the lies that some may hurl,
Christ is the only hope of all the world;
God bless you, go with God,
Thru out eternity, my prayer will always be,
May you go with God.  May you go with God!

3 thoughts on “A Lifetime Preparing for the First Time…”

  1. I know first hand the feelings and emotions that you are experiencing. It wasn’t long ago that we experienced the same ‘first’. Along with the anxious feelings comes a sense of loss because, you not only raised a child, you helped someone grow in Christ and develop his own faith. Therefore, when children of God separate physically (especially our own physical family), we have a greater feeling of emptiness or loss.

    But, as we and our family members “Go with God” we won’t be separated spiritually and this is the greatest joy we can have as a parent, knowing that even when we are worshiping hundreds of miles apart, we are giving praise to Jehovah with the same spirit and in the same truth.

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

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