Singing with the Spirit

If it wasn’t for the Lighthouse…

How dark does the night have to be…
before you realize you can’t see where you’re going?

We wander through the darkness hoping that eventually we’ll find our way.  But add to the black of the night some wind and rain.  Feel the sting from the rain and the power of the storm…all in total darkness.  Now the dynamics are more intense.  Not only am I blinded by the night, whatever sense of ‘stability’ I once had is now in question.  We need someone to ‘shed some light’ on the subject.  A flashlight would be helpful, but a flood lamp would be great.  Better yet, if only the sun would shine and drive away the storm and night.

The storm may be ravaging your world today, and the darkness of sin may have blinded  your sight.  Do you need someone to shine the light into your day?  You can rest assured, the Son is shining!  Even after our physical sun has set and the day is done, God’s Light shines on.  He illuminates our lives and gives us hope in a dark and stormy world.  But are we willing to look for the light, be receptive to this glow and follow the light to the safety of the shore.  Robbie Hinson wrote the following country gospel song that stands to remind us that there is a lighthouse on the hillside.  [LINK]


There’s a lighthouse on the hillside that overlooks life’s sea.
When I’m tossed it sends out a light, a light that I might see.
And the light that shines in darkness now will safely lead me home,
If it wasn’t for the lighthouse, my ship would be no more.

And I thank God for The Lighthouse, I owe my life to Him.
For Jesus is The Lighthouse and from the rocks of sin,
He has shown the light around me, so that I might clearly see.
If it wasn’t for The Lighthouse, Where would this ship be?

Everyone that lives around us, they say ‘Tear that lighthouse down;
You know the big ships don’t sail this way anymore, there’s no use in it standing round.’
Then my mind goes back to that stormy night, when just in time I saw the light
Yes, the light from that old lighthouse, that stands up there on the hill.

And I thank God for The Lighthouse, I owe my life to Him.
For Jesus is The Lighthouse and from the rocks of sin,
He has shown the light around me, so that I might clearly see.
If it wasn’t for The Lighthouse, Where would this ship be?

2 thoughts on “If it wasn’t for the Lighthouse…”

  1. Thanks…the song is a strong reminder of how desperately we need God’s light to make it through ‘the night’.

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