Singing with the Spirit

What If…You Make the Choice?

Have you ever ask yourself, “What if…”?

What if I oversleep?
What if I lose my wallet?
What if I miss my flight?
What if I have to sell my house?

The world is full of questions, and not just the ‘what if’ kind.  We could spend a lot of time talking and thinking about our answers to these questions, but take a moment to dig deeper into the ‘what if’ scenario.  During the early 1990, almost 20 years ago, many of us learned and began to echo a personal motto, a phrase that was used as a reminder of our belief.  A moral imperative that guided our thoughts concerning how we should act.  A phrase that not only directed our thoughts, but became a public display of our love for Jesus.  The motto could be found on bracelets and banners.  Do you remember WWJD, What Would Jesus Do?  This simple phrase was meant to motivate us to think about our actions.

So, what would you do if you overslept, or lost your wallet, or missed your flight?  Your heart will determine your actions and how you’ll react to your circumstances.  It’s important to keep this thought in mind as you live your life.  There’s a song that you will appreciate, and most certainly will help you consider a new dimension to the ‘what if’ question.  Click on the picture (or the title of the song below) and listen to the McCoy Family Singers as you read the words to this song.  What you would do if you had walked with Jesus?  How would that have changed you?

Song Title: “If I Could Have Walked with Jesus”

“If I could have walked the streets with Jesus.
If I could have washed my Savior’s feet,
if I could have seen His acts of mercy and love,
My joy would have been so complete!

If I could have seen Him in the garden,
if I could have waited while He prayed!
If I could have been there when my Lord was betrayed
I hope that I would not have strayed!

If I could have wiped the brow of Jesus
as He carried His cross to Calvary.
If I could have seen the open tomb where He rose
my faith would have transformed me!

O God, let me walk the streets for Jesus.
Let me wash Your people’s weary feet!
May I carry out His acts of mercy and love,
may faith in Him transform me!
May my faith in Christ transform me!”

Over two thousand years ago there were hundreds who really did walk with Jesus.  What if you had been one of them, what would you have done?  Would that experience have ‘transformed’ you?  Today we encounter people at every turn.  Within those encounters there are opportunities that will define who we are.  As we walk through life consider how you’ll treat people because ultimately that will determine your attitude toward God.  Carry out acts of mercy and love and see how you will change.  What if TODAY you decided to walk with Jesus?

How would that change you?